But I was weak. How could I fight this...man on my own?

Fox had said he wanted to protect me...

I didn"t know what to do. Everything was too hard.

Even my thoughts.

"Ivy, I need to know how to fix it, precious, please." He got nothing back from me. "f.u.c.k," he hissed. "f.u.c.k," he yelled.

"Brother," someone snapped, "let me try."

Fox moved out of the way and Stoke came to his knees in front of me. He smiled. "Woman, you need to come out of this. You need to tell us what the f.u.c.k happened, because if you don"t, my brother, your old man, will tear everything and everyone apart to find out what it is. He"ll go f.u.c.kin" crazy doin" it too. Don"t let that happen, Ivy. For him, get the f.u.c.k up and tell us what we need to know."

Oh, my G.o.d. He was right. I couldn"t do that to Fox. Not after I"d only found out his brothers just got him back. I was hurting him by trying to keep him out of this. I was hurting my man by what I was doing. I blinked long and hard and then stood on shaky legs.

"That"a girl," Stoke said.

"Fox," I uttered. He turned from holding onto the door frame to me. I was in his arms in the next second. He even shoved Stoke out of the way to get to me.

"Precious, Jesus, cupcake. What the h.e.l.l?" He leaned back to look at me. I placed a hand on his cheek and said, "I"m sorry for worrying you. All of you," I added as I looked at Justine.

Stoke cleared his throat and told Justine, "Give me a minute, sweetheart."

"I ain"t your sweetheart," she glared, "but I"ll give you a minute. Someone has to keep an eye on Manny," she said and left the office, closing the door behind her.

"Ivy?" Fox said and my eyes went straight to him. "What happened? I left you all sweet this mornin", but then I get a phone call from the dude out front sayin" you"re in a d.a.m.n state. I need to know why, cupcake?"

Licking my lips, I nodded. I looked into his hard, intense gaze. He was panicked and worried about me. He wanted to help and I knew then that I really needed it. Not only that, I needed him. I couldn"t let this step between Fox and me.

I raised my hand, and with one finger, I pointed to my computer. The screen had gone blank, in rest mode, but Stoke shook the mouse. He paused to read the message and whispered, "Fuuuck. Brother, you need to see this." Fox let go of me. I wrapped my arms around my waist trying to keep his heat on my body, but it fled.

"What the f.u.c.k?" Fox hissed. "What the f.u.c.k?" he yelled. "s.h.i.t," he said, shaking his head. He hit the deck with his fist before he turned back to me and I was pulled into his arms. "Whatever he means, it ain"t gonna happen. He won"t touch you. f.u.c.k, he should never have threatened you." He looked over my shoulder to Stoke. "Make a meet with Talon. This guy is gonna go down. You get me, brother?"

"I get you. f.u.c.k, do I get you."

"Make the call then," Fox growled. Stoke gave a stiff nod and disappeared out of the office. "No one will touch you. I will not lose you too, cupcake." His voice held a softer emotion and it had me thinking that his thoughts were lying in the past...only, I wish I knew how he lost his first girlfriend.

It also made me think that I needed to be stronger. Not only for my sanity but also for the man with his arms around me.

"Fox..." I started.

He took a deep breath and said, "I heard Stoke telling you I had a s.h.i.t past. I did. Some of it was my own fault. I don"t give a s.h.i.t about losing my parents. They"re dead and they"re better off dead. But I had a woman once. Yeah, we were young, but I knew I loved her. We"d surrounded ourselves with the wrong people and it caught up with us. f.u.c.k...promise me you will not hate me for this?" He pulled me away from his chest to meet my stare. I nodded. I doubted anything could make me hate this man. "I need words, Ivy."

"Fox," I said softly, "I promise I won"t hate you."

He nodded and led me over to sit in my office chair again. Kneeling in front of me, he took my hands in his. He didn"t look at me. Instead, his eyes were on our hands.

"We"d partied hard, like most nights, but one night...I lost sight of her. In the end, she got raped and stabbed by two, what I f.u.c.kin" thought at the time, friends." I gasped and gripped his hands tighter. "It was my fault. I trusted the people around us, but I should have known better. My last name is Kilpatrick, but I got my nickname Killer for how I dealt the payback. I hunted them and killed them both," he uttered.

If the tables were turned...if anything happened to Fox like that, I would have done the same. I would have found the people responsible and exacted justice. It may be crazy talk since I"d only known the man for a couple of days. Although, by the way he made my heart shimmer with love, I knew I would go beyond anything to help him. At least I wasn"t crazy enough to voice it. That could scare my man away. I wasn"t ready to risk that.

I pulled my hands from his and watched him nod his head. He thought I was rejecting him. That caused my body to react in sadness. My eyes filled with tears, my stomach tightened and a pain in my chest appeared.

I pushed my chair back and knelt in front of him. His head came up, his eyes wide. I took his face in my hands and smiled at him. "You"re a wonderful man, Fox Kilpatrick. Nothing you just told me could ever have me hating you, so get that thought out of your head. I"m scared, worried and...really, really scared. But I know, I know you will protect me with everything you have, from whatever this psycho will do, as long as you know I will do the same for you. I"ll do anything to keep you safe, Fox. We"ve only just started this. There is no way I am willing to lose this or you."

I took a deep breath. On a roll, I kept going, and felt Fox"s warm eyes sink into my soul, suffusing me in heat and warmth. "Be that, I"m not ready to move in with each other or anything. We"re still testing the waters. You never know, one day you could get sick of my jibber jabbering. Until then, we"ll take each day as it comes...that is, after we deal with this weirdo." I stood and started pacing. "Which I don"t get. Why take a fascination in me...and how dare he call me a s.l.u.t. s.l.u.t, Fox. I"m no s.l.u.t. You"re the first man I"ve slept with in...G.o.d, two years I think." Spinning toward him, I finally felt it. Anger. "This guy will ruin everything. Finally, freaking finally, I find a man, you, who will put up with me and my word spewing." I stomped my foot. "No. That guy, that loser, idiot, c.o.c.ksucker will not, and I mean, will NOT ruin this. Right?" I asked with my hands on my hips, glaring down at Fox, who was smiling up at me with an amused expression.

Standing, he swooped me up into his arms and placed me on my desk. "f.u.c.k me. How did I get so lucky? One second you"re breaking, the next you"re consoling me, and then you"re as angry as a crazy woman. Christ, you"re mental, cute and feisty."

I glared at him as he stepped closer between my legs. "You"re b.l.o.o.d.y lucky I like you, Fox...like a lot or you"d be kicked out for that mental comment. And yes, so I"m a little highly strung and my moods can change from one to another in seconds. Are you still willing to put up with that?"

"h.e.l.l yes." He grinned. Even though I saw a glimmer of worry within his eyes, he still made sure I"d see the warmer emotions he had for me, right before he kissed me. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and kissed him back with just as much gusto.

A knock on the office door interrupted us.

"In," Fox barked.

The door opened and Stoke walked in with a smile upon his face. "d.a.m.n, I thought you"d have her naked by now," he complained and then chuckled when Fox picked up my stapler and threw it at him. He dodged, and with his hands in front of him, he added, "I come bearing news. Talon said no meeting required. You want protection from the brothers for your woman, it"s there. Anything you need will be there if you want it. Just call and organise it."

I witnessed Fox bow his head. It was clear the loyalty of his club really meant something to him. His brothers were willing to fight at his side for me...for his woman. It also meant something to me, which was why I shouted, "Free coffee and cupcakes all round."

Later that afternoon, I dragged Fox back into my office and told him about the notes I had received. I"d completely forgotten about them after the more recent, scarier events. I explained that I had thought it was my cousin playing pranks on me. I mentioned that we should call the police. He pulled me close and gripped me tightly. As he rested his forehead against mine, he whispered, "Do you trust me, Ivy?" I nodded. "No cops just yet. If something doesn"t happen soon, we"ll call them. Until then, let me and my brothers deal with it. Can you do that for me?"

Everything, but my heart, told me that this was wrong. That the police should have been called as soon as it happened. But, and that but had a huge capital b, my man, the man I wanted in my life for a very long time, he followed a path of what someone could call, different laws. The question was, now that I was with this man, was I prepared to live my life like his when it came to something like this?

Licking my dry lips, I answered, "Yes, but, Fox...if it doesn"t work out, if you and your brothers can"t find him, we will call the police, right?"

"Yeah, cupcake. Two weeks, that"s all I"m asking for."

I smiled. "I can do that."



As the week pa.s.sed, my mood and days were similar to a vomit-inducing roller coaster. One second I"d be smiling, and that, of course, was because I was thinking of Fox and my new found friends. That was until I"d remember that I was being followed by some weirdo, and then my mood would fall into the despair. Not only because I was worried for my safety, but because of everything Fox was doing to keep me safe, not only him either, but his biker brothers and also their women. If Fox couldn"t be with me, one of his brothers were, even overnight. Though, I noticed it was either a brother who was married or in a relationship.

Fox arranged for his brothers to install a security system in my house and workplace. He told me there was no way in h.e.l.l this f.u.c.khead would drive me off from the places I called home. Relief had filled me when he"d made that statement. Glad didn"t even begin to cover it, so instead, I showed him by giving him the best head-job I had ever given.

Despite my week of anxiety, time didn"t stand still and Friday soon arrived, the day before the wedding. Fox had pretty much demanded that we shouldn"t attend it. I told him that I had to or h.e.l.l would rain down upon us. He said he could take it, but I highly doubted it, not when the h.e.l.l would come from my mother. In the end he gave in...okay it was only after I got him all sweet when I jumped his bones and he came hard.

I learnt that s.e.x did wonders for my biker man and helped me get what I wanted. Even though I was more than happy to please him in bed, the getting my own way made it that much sweeter. Plus the multiple o.r.g.a.s.ms from both parties helped. The funny thing was, he knew exactly what my motive was, and he played along with it, smirking at me. I was also learning that I couldn"t fool my man.

Helen came in Monday afternoon and yelled at me, asking why I hadn"t called her to inform her of everything. I told her I was a little distracted and occupied, but that my man and his men were dealing with it all. She sighed and mumbled with a blush to her cheeks that she knew. Stoke had taken it upon himself to go to her work and introduce himself. He"d then filled her in on everything that happened. Yes, even the part that Fox and I have had s.e.x. Then he asked her out. She agreed. I laughed. She glared. We cried, yelled and then we got over it together. From then on, she also called in everyday and rang every night. I never felt more suffocated in my life, but I didn"t mind. In fact, it all warmed my heart.

My cafe had gained more customers over the week. Apparently, Stoke had spread the word that one of their brothers" misses owned a cafe that they"d get discounted food and drinks. I did try to give it to them free, but none of them accepted that. They paid.

My lunch times were always busy. Not only from the biker brothers but also from my new friends. Deanna, Zara, Julian, Mattie, even Zara"s parents and all the children came in. It could have been a ruse to keep my mind busy; most of the time it worked. No matter what though, I loved having them come in.

The only strange thing that happened for the week-well, besides when I blundered through conversations with the good-looking bikers-was that I hadn"t heard from Stupid Jim. No other email, phone call, visit or anything. Fox told me not to let my guard down. Just because he hadn"t made more contact didn"t mean he wasn"t out there watching. I was happy that he hadn"t made another move, but it also annoyed me. I wanted him out of my life for good so I could move on with it and finally stop the daily worry.

Friday lunchtime, I was sitting at a table in my cafe across from a large built man. He was similar to a lumberjack wearing his blue jeans and checked shirt. His name was Butch and he worked for a PI agency. Zara had called his company and asked for help since Fox and the bikers were unable to find Jim. He had asked questions and I answered them, even showing him the dating site and Jim"s profile. After he took notes, smiling, laughing and making me comfortable through it all, he laid his hand over mine and his sobered, hard gaze met mine. Then he said, "We"ll find the b.a.s.t.a.r.d." His was so sincere, the way he switched from a sweet man to a gruff looking, scary one told me that he was ready to do anything to find Jim. It also had me wondering from his sever change of moods that something could have happened in his past, something that made him aggressive to any type of abuse on woman, a little like Fox. To give Butch rea.s.surance, I smiled and nodded.

Hearing hard footfalls heading our way, we both turned. Fox, with a killer look upon his face, stalked toward us.

Ignoring Butch, he asked me, "Who"s this f.u.c.ker?"

I gasped and glared. "Fox, that is no way to talk. And this is Butch. He works for a PI place."

Fox turned to Butch and glared. "Talon"s sister"s?"

Butch glared back and said, "Yeah."

Oh, wow, bad-a.r.s.e, biker boss Talon had a sister in the PI business. I felt like giggling for some reason.

Fox"s eyes moved from Butch to his hand that, I then noticed, still covered mine. "So I shouldn"t kill him for touchin" what"s mine?" he asked as he looked from our hands to me.

I moved my hand from under Butch"s and stood, curling my arms around his waist. "No, handsome, but we could talk about your possessive ways."

He smirked down at me. "Not up for discussion."

Rolling my eyes, I uttered, "Thought so." I looked down at Butch, who now seemed amused by the interaction between Fox and myself. Ignoring Butch"s smirk, I added, "Sorry about him. He gets a little carried away."

Butch shook his head, stood and said, "You bikers have all the f.u.c.kin" luck. Ivy, you rest easy. We"ll find him."

"If you do, you hand him over to Hawks," Fox ordered.

Butch clenched his jaw. "Vi"s already told me."

Fox smiled. "Good."

Butch gave a chin lift to both of us and left.

Fox turned me so my front pressed against his chest. He leaned his head down so our foreheads touched and he growled, "Go to your office, Ivy. I need to f.u.c.k you. No one touches you but me. I need to f.u.c.k the thought of his touch outta my system."

My body hummed. His possessiveness was a pain sometimes, though, most of the time, it got me all hot and bothered. That was why I whispered, "Um...okay."

He took my hand and walked my dazed-self to my office. Justine gave me a knowing wink and I watched her laugh, I smiled shyly and shrugged, though I didn"t stop. Once we reached the office, Fox threw the door open. He pulled me inside, slammed the door shut and pushed me up against it as his mouth a.s.saulted mine. His hands went to my jeans and he popped the b.u.t.ton. Just as I was running my hands under his tee and Fox was slowly unzipping my jeans, someone cleared their throat from behind us.

I squeaked. Fox spun fast, had a gun drawn from somewhere and pointed it at his friend"s head.

Stoke laughed and said, "I guess you worked out what that dude was doing here and touching her for. Did you forget you sent me in here to wait?"

"f.u.c.k," Fox hissed. Which told me he had forgotten.

I couldn"t help but laugh. I never thought I"d see the day that Fox forgot something as his pa.s.sion took over. Fox shook his head and turned back to me. "Don"t you f.u.c.kin" laugh," he said with a smile, which made me giggle even more. "G.o.dd.a.m.n, you keep up the cuteness I"ll just f.u.c.k you in front of him."

My eyes widened and my lips clamped shut. But what surprised me was the tingle of l.u.s.t, from the thought of someone watching us, sent me to my core. I rubbed my legs together and Fox, being so close, noticed my reaction.

"Hey, be my guest. I wouldn"t mind the show," Stoke teased.

He leaned closer and whispered so Stoke wouldn"t hear, "You want him to watch me take you, cupcake? Does that turn you on?"

"M-maybe..." I said and bit my bottom lip.

"Christ, it does. I don"t mind having my brother watch. You"re f.u.c.kin" perfect when you come. But he will not touch you. Hear me?"

"Yes," I whispered. "As long as you"re sure?" I asked.

"Jesus, yes." Fox pulled my hips forward and slanted his lips across mine. He kissed me fiercely as my hands groped anywhere they could on his body.

"Ah...do you want me to leave?" Stoke asked from behind Fox. He sounded confused.

Instead of answering, Fox turned and pulled me over to the front of the desk. As I breathed heavily, he placed my hands on the desk where Stoke sat on the other side in my office chair.

Stoke licked his lips. His eyes were hooded. I gasped when my jeans were pulled roughly down my legs. "f.u.c.k me," Stoke hissed.

"Step outta them, cupcake." I did as I was told and I was rewarded with Fox"s hands running up my legs to my b.u.t.t. I felt his chin on my shoulder. I just knew he was looking at Stoke because as I watched, Stoke turned to look back at Fox. "You look. You watch, but you never f.u.c.kin" touch. She"s mine. You get me?" Fox asked.

Stoke licked his lips again, and for once, he refrained from any wise cracks. His eyes were serious and held desire as he nodded slowly.

My heart rate took off. Oh, my G.o.d, this was thrilling, s.e.xy and hot all at the same time. Never in my life had I thought it would be that wild to have someone watch as another man, who I adored, take me.

"You wet already, precious?" Fox asked. He didn"t wait for an answer. Instead, he slid two fingers inside of me. "f.u.c.k, you"re drenched. You like to be watched, cupcake. That"s d.a.m.n hot." He got in closer to me so his body leaned over mine as his fingers pushed in and out of me. "Stoke, her p.u.s.s.y is so ready for me. Should I take her?"

Stoke cleared his throat and uttered, "Yes."

Fox removed his fingers. I felt his hand working to undo his jeans. I moaned, my head thrusting back, as he slid his erection inside me slowly.

"s.h.i.t," Stoke whispered. I looked back down at him; his chest was rising up and down fast. Fox gripped my hips and started to move faster, pounding into me, sounds of our flesh slapping against each other echoed around the room.

"Isn"t she f.u.c.kin" beautiful?" Fox asked. His arms came around my chest and he pulled me up more. Then one hand slid down to my waist, and glided over my bare stomach. My tee must have come up, Fox pushed it up further with his hand and cupped my breast, squeezing.

"d.a.m.n exquisite," Stoke answered. I opened my eyes and moved my head from Fox"s shoulder to look down at Stoke. The feel of his eyes on me and Fox"s c.o.c.k in me was wonderful. I watched as Stoke pushed back in the chair a bit and started to rub his d.i.c.k through his jeans. "Brother?" he asked.

What the question was I didn"t know, but when Fox barked, "Yes," Stoke then undid his jeans and pulled his c.o.c.k free of his boxers. He began to stroke himself in front of me.

"My Ivy likes that, Stoke. She just got wetter," Fox growled and he was right. Fox took his hand off my breast and ran it down my body to between my legs where he rubbed my c.l.i.t.

"Yes, G.o.d, yes," I moaned. I wanted to close my eyes, but I didn"t. Instead, I watched as Stoke moved his hand faster and faster over his d.i.c.k.

"Precious, come for me while he watches you," Fox ordered. His finger on my c.l.i.t rubbed that little bit harder, driving me closer and closer to my o.r.g.a.s.m.

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