Paladin's Woman

Chapter 3.

"And you"re afraid this kidnap scare will somehow turn back the clock to the way things used to be?"

"I won"t let that happen."

Nick didn"t doubt her. There was more to Addy McConnell than met the eye. Was that why he felt so attracted to her? He couldn"t figure it out. She was far from his type. h.e.l.l, she wasn"t much to look at. Too flat-chested, too plain, too tall and too hostile toward men. He liked women who liked men. Soft, fluttery females. Sultry, s.e.xy ladies who enjoyed flirtation and seduction. Experienced women who knew the rules and played the game to perfection.

Addy McConnell didn"t fit the description. But there was something about her, something lonely and vulnerable, and something filled with raging hunger. She hid it well, but Addy was a woman in need. And Nick wanted to be the man to fill that need.

Addy opened her eyes. Dawn light filtered through the sheer panels that covered her bedroom windows. She"d forgotten to draw the yellow drapes last night. An early morning hush enveloped the room. Stillness. Quiet. Then she heard the woman"s voice coming from the room next to hers, the room her father had a.s.signed to Nick Romero.

Addy scooted to the edge of the bed, slipping into her blue house slippers. Feeling around at the foot of her rumpled bed, she found the blue robe that matched the lace-trimmed cotton gown she wore. When she"d moved out of her father"s mansion nearly seven years ago, she"d left everything behind. She wanted nothing that reminded her of the three years she"d spent with Gerald or the two heartbreaking miscarriages she"d suffered. But her father had kept not only her room unchanged, he"d kept every one of her possessions, including her clothes.

Walking softly, Addy made her way to the door, cracking it slightly open. When she heard Nick"s door opening, she closed her own, leaving just enough s.p.a.ce so she could peep into the hallway. Dina slipped out of Nick"s room. He stopped in the open doorway. She stood close, her body grazing his. Dina wore a sheer black silk negligee. Addy gasped at the sight of Dina"s near nakedness. My G.o.d, had the woman no shame?

Dina ran her long nails down Nick"s cheek, then across his lips. Addy sucked in her breath.

"We"re in agreement, then," Dina said, breathlessly. "You won"t say a word to Rusty abouta"about what happened, will you? He might not understand."

"It"s none of my business." Nick looked down at the small blond woman who had once tempted him beyond reason. Strange how age and experience change a man. "But Rusty McConnell is n.o.body"s fool. My guess is that he already knows exactly what you"re all about and he wants you anyway. Why not be totally honest with him and see what happens?"

"Silly boy. You know better than that. You men are all such fools when it comes to women. You get so possessive and can"t bear to think that we might be as experienced as you are. We"re supposed to be thankful to all the women who taught you how to be studs in bed, but you"re jealous of the men who taught us how to be pleasing."

"h.e.l.l, Dina. Rusty knows you"ve been married five times, doesn"t he?"

"Yes, buta""

"Go back to bed before Rusty wakes up and finds you gone. It would be easier to explain everything about your past to him than it would to explain what you"ve been doing in my bedroom at five-thirty in the morning."

She ran her fingers down his throat, across his bare chest to the undone snap of his tuxedo trousers. "All we"ve done is talk."

Nick grabbed her hand, shoving it away. "And that"s all we"re going to do, now or ever. I"m not a s.e.x-hungry seventeen-year-old."

Addy didn"t want to listen. She wanted to close the door and forget what she"d seen and heard. But she couldn"t. She owed it to her father to find out what was going on between Dina and Nick, didn"t she? Of course she did. Liar, her conscience screamed at her. You"re jealous. How could this have happened? she wondered. How could she have allowed herself to become interested in a man like Nick Romero?

It was because he"d rescued her that she"d started thinking of him as a knight in shining armor. During the few hours of restless sleep she"d had, she"d dreamed of Nick. Black eyes. Bronze skin. Big and broad and strong. She didn"t want to think of him as her champion, as her own personal paladin, but she did. He had defended her from her ex-husband"s insults and then saved her from an attacker. Nick Romero, no matter what else he was, was quite a man.

Dina reached out, allowing her hand to hover over Nick"s bare chest. "If you"re entertaining any fanciful notions about Addy, I"d advise you to forget them. Rusty keeps a close watch on his little girl"s love life and he wouldn"t approve of you."

"Now that"s where you"re wrong," Nick said. "Rusty McConnell wholeheartedly approves of me. Just earlier this morning, after you and Brett went upstairs, he told Addy that he wouldn"t mind having me for a son-in-law."

"What?" Dina"s voice screeched loudly.

"Quieten down before you wake Addy." Nick glanced at Addy"s partially open door and smiled.

"You"re leaving in a few days. Goinga"going to El Paso to visit your grandmother."

"I might stay around a while longer."

"Are you doing this to make me jealous?" Dina asked.

"Go back to Rusty"s bed, Dina, and leave me alone."

"You can"t ever forgive me, can you?"

"Leave, Dina. Now."

Swirling the floor-length robe as she turned, Dina marched down the hall, her chin tilted high. Addy watched until her father"s fiance turned the corner leading to the west wing of the house. She started to close the door. Nick Romero stuck his foot inside the narrow crack. Addy tried to shove the door closed. Ramming his shoulder into the door, he pushed it open.

"Up awfully early aren"t you, Addy?"

"Something woke me."

"Something or someone?"

She glared at him, the corners of his mouth curving upward in a self-satisfied smile. He knew she"d seen Dina leaving his room in her see-through nightie and he didn"t know whether or not she"d tell her father.

"I think we should have a little talk," Nick said, his body pressing against hers. "In private."

He was warm, his thickly muscled bronze chest like a hot pad where it touched her. Even through her gown she could feel his heat. The tremors began in her stomach, radiating upward and outward until every nerve in her body tingled. The reaction was totally unexpected. Being near a man had never shaken her so badly.

When he grasped her elbow, maneuvering her backward into her room, she made no protest. But when he shut the door, she stepped away from him, wary of his intentions. She didn"t know this man, this brother-in-law of Dina"s, this former DEA agent. How did she know he was trustworthy, despite her father"s approval? Rusty had liked Gerald in the beginning, had been impressed with his knowledge of aeronautics and the day-to-day running of a company like M.A.C.

"Stop looking at me as if you"re afraid." Nick took a tentative step toward her, then stopped suddenly when he realized she was genuinely scared. "I don"t ravish unwilling women if that"s what"s worrying you."

"I want you to leave."

"Not until I explain what Dina was doing in my bedroom."

"I don"t care what she was doing, or what you were doing or if the two of you were doing something together."

"Adamant about it, aren"t you?" Nick grinned at her, taking in the way Addy McConnell looked first thing in the morning. With her long red hair hanging freely halfway down her back and her tall, slender body encased in a cute little blue cotton nightgown and matching robe, she looked about twelve years old. Her face, scrubbed clean of the light makeup she"d worn earlier, radiated with a healthy glow. Her skin was golden tinted, with only a smattering of freckles here and there. A few on her nose. A few more on her throat and arms. He wondered how many there were on the rest of her body.

"Daddy knows that Dina isn"t as pure as the driven snowa"

"But my guess is that Rusty wouldn"t be pleased to find out that his fiance, the woman he"s bedding, was in my room trying to seduce me." Nick watched Addy closely.

"Was that what she was doing, seducing you?" Addy maintained a calm control over her voice, praying that the quivering she felt inside wouldn"t manifest itself in her words.

"It"s an old game between Dina and me. Has been for years. She tries to seduce me. I reject her. She likes to think she"s tormenting me, that I have to call forth all my strength in order to resist her." Not since that once, twenty-five years ago, when he"d succ.u.mbed to his brother"s widow, had Nick ever given in to that specific temptation again. After he"d gone against his better judgment and made love to Dina, she"d told him she was going to marry another man. An older man. A more powerful man. A richer man. And he"d spent the rest of his life feeling guilty for bedding Miguel"s widow, feeling as if he"d betrayed his brother. Oh, he"d been hot for her then, so hot he"d thought he"d die. But that fire had burned itself out a long time ago and he and Dina had somehow come through it as friends. Friends of a sort, that is.

"My father is very possessive. He wouldn"t want to share her."

"He doesn"t have anything to worry about where I"m concerned, but he might want to do a nightly bed check in Windsor"s room." Nick didn"t know it for a fact, but he was reasonably sure that Dina and her stepson had been lovers for years, between her marriages and perhaps even during them. He"d bet his last dime that Rusty McConnell wasn"t aware of that little fact.

"What a hateful thing to imply!" Addy said. "You"re probably trying to place blame on Brett to save your own hide. After all, I didn"t see Dina coming out of Brett"s room, did I?"

"Jealous?" Nick moved toward her, slowly, deliberately, like an animal stalking his prey.

"Of you and Dina?" Addy laughed, the sound blatantly phony. "Don"t be ridiculous."

Nick reached out, slipping his hand beneath her hair, circling her neck. She gulped in huge swallows of air. Her eyes widened in a mixture of shock and excitement. He pulled her closer. In her bare feet, she stood five inches shorter than he did. The perfect height for him.

"You don"t like me very much, do you, Addy?" He touched the tip of his nose to hers, and smiled when he heard her indrawn breath.

"I a I don"t know you." Decently clothed in her gown and robe, Addy felt naked, bare to his gaze and touch. Vulnerable. Nick Romero made her feel vulnerable.

"I remind you of your daddy, don"t I?" His breath mingled with hers as he lowered his head just a fraction. "All the qualities you dislike in Rusty, you see in me."

"He was right, wasn"t he? The two of you are a lot alike."

"Probably." Nick watched her intently, amazed by his own desire for this tall, flat-chested redhead. "It"s obvious that you love your father, why is it that you don"t like him?"

"Ia"I do like him. It"s just thata"that he"s so d.a.m.ned macho and controlling. So overprotective because he loves me. He thinks because I"m his daughter, he should be able to protect me from everything and everyone. Hea"he smothers me, sometimes."

"A man tends to be that way with the people he loves. His woman, his children, his family." Nick tightened his hold on Addy"s neck, forcing her head upward toward his until only inches separated them. He touched her bottom lip with the tip of his finger.

She knew he was going to kiss her. What she didn"t know was whether or not she wanted him to. "Whya"why are you doing this?"

"d.a.m.ned if I know," he said, then took her mouth.

His kiss was gentle and seductive, a practiced perfection. Addy trembled, her own lips responding, surrendering to a power she"d never known, an enticement she was unable to resist. She sighed, longing for more. Placing his hand on her hip, he stroked her through her cotton gown as he deepened the kiss.

Addy eased her hands upward, twining them around his neck. The minute his tongue entered her mouth, he felt himself spiraling out of control. It had been a long time since he"d gotten aroused so quickly, so thoroughly. If he didn"t stop things immediately, he"d be flinging her down on her bed and ripping off that little-girl gown she wore. He"d be finding out how many freckles she had on her body and exactly where they were located.

He broke away from her, releasing her, gently pulling her arms from around his neck. "You"re wearing a disguise, Addy McConnell. You wrap yourself up in your Plain-Jane clothes and pretend you"re an iceberg, that you dislike s.e.x."

"Ita"it isn"t a disguise." Her words came out choppy, on quick, heated little breaths. Nick had kissed her more thoroughly than she"d ever been kissed in her life, and she was still reeling from the aftereffects. "I am a Plain Jane who dislikes chest-beating Neanderthal men. And I am an iceberg. Just ask my ex-husband."

Nick walked away from her, then turned when he reached the door. "Why should I ask that b.a.s.t.a.r.d anything, when I got all the proof I needed, first hand, that you"re hot as a firecracker?"

"I am not!"

Nick grinned. "That was a compliment, Red. I like my women hot."

"I am not one of your women."

Nick opened the door, paused briefly, then looked back at Addy. "But you will be." Before she could reply, be walked out and closed the door behind him.

She stood, speechless, her mouth agape, her gaze focused on the door. A riot of emotions exploded inside her. Desire. Anger. Pa.s.sion. Outrage. She wanted to hit something, preferably Nick Romero. "Of all the overconfident, strutting peac.o.c.ks! He"s insufferable! If he thinks for one minute thata"thata" Addy couldn"t finish her sentence. Visions of Nick Romero"s big body filled her mind. Nick, pressing down onto her, into her, his dark eyes devouring her as he took her. Addy shook her head, trying to erase her erotic thoughts.

In a few hours, after she"d pacified her father by having breakfast with him, she would go home. She had no intention of being around Nick Romero one minute longer than she had to. After today, she"d never have to see him again.

Chapter 3.

Addy had delayed going downstairs for breakfast as long as she possibly could. Her father had already sent Mrs. Hargett upstairs twice, the last time relaying a command that she join the others at once.

Glancing out the windows onto the front lawn of her father"s estate, located about ten miles outside of Huntsville, Addy thought again how much the rich green lawns and towering old trees reminded her of her mother"s ancestral estate where they"d lived until Madeline"s death. Wanting to escape all the agonizing memories of his son"s kidnapping and subsequent murder and his wife"s suicide four years later, Rusty McConnell had taken Addy away, moved her into a sparkling new mansion, pure and untainted by any reminders of a past too painful to remember. She had missed Elm Hill, the vast acres of rolling pastures and thickly wooded forests. Even now, she dreamed of someday returning and living out the rest of her life in the house where five generations of Delacourts had been born and raised. Someday a when she had laid all her fears to rest.

Her mother and Janice"s mother had been the last of the line, both women now dead, leaving only the two cousins as heirs to family pride and genteel breeding. And Elm Hill had stood vacant for twenty-five years, Janice having neither the desire nor the money to renovate the old place and Addy, with more than enough money, but not enough courage to fight the demons from her childhood.

Instead, she"d bought a house in Huntsville"s historic district, Twickenham.

A sharp, loud knock at her bedroom door snapped Addy out of her rambling thoughts. "Yes?"

The door opened. Mrs. Hargett stood outside in the hallway. "I"m terribly sorry to keep bothering you like this, buta""

"Is he threatening to come and drag me downstairs kicking and screaming?" Addy laughed, remembering how many times during her difficult adolescent years her father had issued similar warnings. Having a daughter with her mother"s old-fashioned breeding but none of her delicate blond beauty had often confused Rusty McConnell. But not nearly as much as the mixture of personality traits she had inherited from Madeline and himself. Cool, calm and ever the lady. Rusty liked that. What he didn"t like was her stubbornness, which was one of his own most prominent qualities.

"Yes, ma"am. That"s what he said." Mrs. Hargett, small and skinny, with round black eyes that were the only bright spot in her pale colorless face, smiled, crinkling the feathery wrinkles that lined her eyes and mouth. "He ordered me to give you that message, but then he told me to wait. He looked over at that Mr. Romero, you know, Mrs. Lunden"s brother-in-law."

Agitating circles formed in the pit of Addy"s stomach. "You don"t have to tell me. He said to let me know that if I didn"t come down, posthaste, he"d send Nia"Mr. Romero up to fetch me."

"Mr. McConnell can be outrageous sometimes, can"t he?" Mrs. Hargett shook her head, not disturbing one curl of her neatly permed short gray hair that was coated with a hair spray with the sealing powers of a good lacquer.

"There"ll be no need for a return message." Addy picked up her purse from the nightstand. "I might as well get this over with."

Together, she and Mrs. Hargett descended the staircase, but once in the foyer the housekeeper turned toward the kitchen while Addy squared her broad shoulders and marched into the dining room.

Rusty McConnell disliked antique furniture. Elm Hill had been filled with five generations of acquisition. Every stick of furniture in this mansion was expensive and new. Rusty sat at the head of the dark oak dining table, a traditional-style buffet at his back, an enormous matching china cabinet at the opposite end of the room, directly behind Dina, who turned and glared at Addy, a look of resentment in her cool blue eyes. Addy wondered what had prompted that look. Something was going on. More than she"d bargained for, she feared.

"About time you got down here." Rusty flicked the ashes from the tip of his cigar into a small bra.s.s tray. "We"ve all finished with breakfast."

"I"m not hungry." Addy, her steps quick and unfaltering, sailed past Dina, not even acknowledging her presence. She stopped briefly to touch Brett on the back. He turned his bright smile on her. "Good morning."

"Why the h.e.l.l did you put on that dirty, ripped dress you were wearing last night?" Rusty asked, scooting his chair backward, preparing to stand. "You"ve got a closet full of clothes in your room."

Standing by her father"s chair, Addy placed a restraining hand on his shoulder. "Don"t get up, Daddy." She bent down, kissing him on the cheek. "You really should have given those clothes to Goodwill or the Salvation Army years ago."

Rusty grunted, then gave his daughter a quick kiss on her forehead. "Sit down. We"ve got a lot to discuss."

"Make it quick." Addy didn"t sit down. Picking up a cup filled with hot, black coffee, she brought it to her lips. "I"m going home, so don"t try to stop me."

"I knew you wouldn"t want to stay here," Rusty said. "So I"ve made arrangements to keep you safe in your own home."

Addy sipped the strong, eye-opening coffee. Suspiciously glaring at her father, she tried to figure out why he was being so agreeable. She"d been sure she"d have a battle royal on her hands this morning, certain he"d insist she move back into the mansion and be kept under lock and key twenty-four hours a day. "What"s the catch?"

"I"ve hired protection for you." Rusty ran the tip of his big, meaty finger around his empty cup. Smiling, he glanced up at Addy, a mischievous twinkle in his green eyes.

"What did you do, call Sam Dundee this morning and have him fly in some of his men?" Addy hated the thought of someone following her every move, but it was an acceptable alternative to moving back to her father"s house.

"I talked to Sam. He"s arranging some extra security, but he suggested a private bodyguard for you, someone he thinks is the best my money could buy." Sticking his cigar back in his mouth, Rusty inhaled deeply, then released a cloud of smoke.

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