Paladin's Woman

Chapter 6.

"Like I told you earlier today, Red, don"t trust anyone except your father and me." Nick hated throwing suspicion on Addy"s cousin. It was obvious the two women were genuinely found of each other. But if Ron Glover did have Janice completely under his control, she could be dangerous to Addy.

"I can"t believea"" The jarring ring of the telephone cut off the rest of Addy"s comment.

Nick glanced at the white phone sitting atop the desk. "Want me to answer it?"

Addy jumped up, quickly making her way to the phone. "h.e.l.lo, M.A.C. Day Care. Addy McConnell speaking. May I help you?"

A m.u.f.fled masculine voice said, "If you know what"s good for you, you"ll tell your daddy to follow my instructions."

The color drained from Addy"s cheeks and her eyes widened. "What did you say? Who is this?"

"What"s wrong?" Nick asked.

"Unless I get what I want, accidents could start happening," the voice said.

"Accidents? What sort of accidents?" Addy"s fingers tightened around the receiver.

Standing, Nick retrieved his cane and walked around the desk to stand beside Addy. "Give me the phone."

"It would be terrible if something happened to you. You can"t be protected from everything. What if a bomb were planted at the day care? Not only would you get blown into a zillion pieces, but so would all those little kiddies. Tell your daddy that I"ll be in touch soon." The sinister voice on the phone snickered several times before hanging up.

Addy trembled, her heartbeat accelerating. When she tried to replace the receiver, her hand shook so badly she almost dropped the telephone. Nick grabbed her by the shoulder, turning her to face him. He could tell by the glazed look in her eyes and the deadly pallor of her normally golden complexion that the caller"s message had frightened her badly.

"Come on, Red, tell me what that was all about."

She stared at him, and for one split second she wanted to scream. "Ita"it was a man." Addy looked into Nick"s black eyes, eyes filled with genuine concern. "His voice was m.u.f.fled a like he was talking through cloth or something."

Nick tightened his hold on her shoulder. "What did he say?"

"He warned me that, if Daddy doesn"t follow his instructions, he"ll get to me somehow, even ifa" Oh, Nick, he said that something could happen here at the day-care center a that a bomb could explode, thata"" Addy choked back tears and blinked several times in an effort not to cry, but the thought of anything happening to her precious children played havoc with her emotions.

"My G.o.d!" Nick pulled her into his arms, stroking her back with one hand. Resting his cane against the desk, he cradled her head with the palm of his other hand. "If this was no idle threat, then we"re dealing with a madman."

Addy snuggled against Nick, knowing she was safe. The warm masculinity of his hairy chest sent a current of desire spiraling through her. She laid her head on his naked shoulder. She couldn"t explain her reaction to this man. He was practically a stranger, a man who made no secret of the fact that he was a ladies" man, and yet she trusted him. Held within the comforting security of his strong arms, she realized that Nick Romero would indeed protect her at all costs.

He was her paladin.

"Oh, Nick." She swallowed the tears, refusing to give in to the overwhelming urge to cry. "The voice said that he"d be in touch with Daddy and give him his instructions!"

"Whatever"s going on here is more complicated than any of us thought." He grabbed Addy"s chin in one big hand and tilted it upward, forcing her to face him directly. "I swear that we"ll catch this man, whoever he is."

Tears caught in her throat making it impossible for her to reply immediately. She simply stared at Nick, trying to convey what she felt in the expression on her face. Her eyes, moist with unshed tears, softened with tenderness, and she forced a weak smile.

"Trust me to take care of you, Red." Nothing had ever been so important to him. He wanted her trust. He wanted to make her feel safe and protected.

"I trust you, Nick. With my life if not with my heart." She reached up, placing her hand on his cheek.

He covered her hand with his own, brought it to his lips and kissed her palm. "I don"t want to break your heart, Addy, but I"m beginning to think that you just might break mine."

She clung to him unashamedly, absorbing his strength, his raw masculine power. "Oh, Nick, what are we going to do?"

It hurt him deeply to see her like this, so vulnerable and unsure. With a possessiveness he knew only with this woman, he lowered his lips to hers. "I won"t let anyone hurt you. No matter what I have to do, I"ll protect you." He covered her mouth with his, sealing his promise with a kiss that claimed ownership.

Chapter 6.

Addy slipped the navy blue dress over her head. Zipping it quickly, she turned face her image in the cheval mirror. She looked a presentable. Not strikingly beautiful, not s.e.xy and desirable, but neat and well-groomed. So what difference does it make? she asked herself. Over the past seven years since her divorce, she"d learned to appreciate her ordinary appearancea"her plain face and thin body. But in the five days since she"d known Nick Romero, he had undermined her contentment, making her long for the kind of beauty men appreciated.

Sitting down on the edge of her pencil-post bed, Addy picked up her sedate navy pumps off the Oriental carpet and slid her feet into them. She stretched one of her long legs out in front of her, scrutinizing the shape and length. Her legs weren"t bad; they just might be her best feature. Dammit! Stop doing this to yourself. She hadn"t felt so insecure about her looks since she"d been married to Gerald, who"d taken every available opportunity to remind her of how inadequate she was. But Nick had never once implied that he found her less than attractive. Indeed, his every word, his every action, had suggested the opposite.

Last night, when they"d known each other for only twenty-four hours, Nick had held her in front of the foyer mirror and practically made love to her, forcing her to face herself, to see herself as an aroused and sensuous woman. She had tried all week to erase that memory from her mind, but she couldn"t forget how she"d felt or the way she"d looked. She had been beautiful in those moments of pa.s.sion. Nick"s praise and adoration had made her beautiful.

But Nick Romero was a temporary fixture in her life, a man who, once the kidnapping threat ended, would leave her life as quickly as he had entered it. No matter how he made her feel, she couldn"t risk letting him break her heart. He"d made it perfectly clear that he wasn"t averse to having an affair with her, and she"d made it equally clear that she wasn"t interested. She could handle friendships with men; however, a s.e.xual relationship was taboo unless the man in question could prove his love for her. Only a man who loved her would be patient and understanding, helping her overcome her deficiencies as a woman. Only a man who truly loved her wouldn"t give a d.a.m.n about her daddy"s millions.

Addy glanced at the colorful flowered scarf lying on her dressing table. She"d bought the scarf in a moment of weakness, thinking it would brighten up some of her drab outfits. But she"d never worn it. It was too flashy.

Picking up her delicate gold watch out of her small jewelry case, Addy focused on the row of violets sitting atop the pine chest of drawers. She smiled, remembering how for the past three days the florist delivery boy had brought her a large container of violets, each with a small lavender and white ribbon. No card had been included, but she knew who"d sent them. Each day she"d brought the violets home with her, and Nick hadn"t said a word. But she knew they were from him. Laughing, Addy fingered the velvety softness of one tiny leaf. No wonder Nick was so popular with the ladies. He was a romantic. Most men sent red roses. Roses were pretty standard, but only a man who really understood women would take the time to choose a flower that matched a woman"s personality. She supposed Nick saw her as a shrinking violet. Or was there another meaning behind the flower he"d chosen for her?

She heard the rap of Nick"s cane as he walked down the hallway from his bedroom to hers. Without giving any more thought to the matter, Addy grabbed the large, colorful scarf and draped it across her right shoulder.

Nick stopped in the open doorway, surveying Addy from head to toe. d.a.m.n, he wished her outer garments were half as s.e.xy as her lingerie. At least the scarf added a touch of color to the plain navy dress. He wondered what had prompted her to act so impulsively. In the five days he"d known her, not once had Addy worn anything stylish, colorful or alluringa"except her lingerie. He hadn"t seen her sleeping attire every night, but on the nights that he had, she"d worn frothy concoctions that took his breath away.

"It"s almost seven-thirty." He stepped just inside her open doorway. "Time to leave."

Smiling, Addy turned to face Nick. "Try to be cordial to Jim if you see him today, and at least be civil to Ron when he picks up Janice."

"I"m having a more complete check done on Glover. From what my contacts have already found out, he"s more than capable of plotting your kidnapping, and he"s just the type to use threats."

"Do you think he"s capable of murder? After all, the person behind my kidnapping has already killed once." Addy walked over to Nick and the two stepped outside into the hallway. "If I thought Janice was in dangera"I mean, if Ron is reallya""

Nick put his arm around Addy"s waist, giving her a rea.s.suring hug. He couldn"t tell her that there was a possibility that Janice, so enamored of a hood like Glover, was actually his accomplice. Of course, both Ron and Janice could also be completely innocent. "I don"t think Janice is in any danger, whether or not Glover is the kidnapper. He"d have no reason to harm her."

Together they descended the stairs, Addy slowing her stride to accommodate Nick"s limp. His big hand stayed on her waist, warm and rea.s.suring. She liked it when Nick touched her, even casually, and he"d touched her often in the last few days, despite her coolness toward him. There had been no more kisses, and Addy knew she should be grateful. Nick"s kisses were lethal.

He escorted her outside to his Jag, opening the door and helping her into the seat. Before starting the car, he turned to her. "You look lovely."

Swallowing hard, Addy stared directly at Nick, wishing her heart would stop beating so rapidly. "It"s the shawl. It adds color toa""

"It"s not the d.a.m.ned shawl." Nick revved the motor, his big hands clutching the steering wheel. "It"s you, Addy. You"re lovely."

"Thaa"thank you." Nick wasn"t the first man who"d given her compliments, and, unfortunately, he wasn"t the first one she"d believed. Did she dare trust Nick Romero? Did she dare listen to her heart?

"You"ve got three men chasing you." Nick backed the silver sports car out of the driveway. "How the h.e.l.l can you consider yourself unattractive and undesirable?"

Addy sat up straight, looking away from Nick"s lean, hard face. Glancing out the window at the stately old homes and towering green trees as they drove past Jefferson Street, she remained silent, unsure how to answer Nick"s question.

Nick chose the route leading through downtown. He didn"t like Addy"s silence any more than he liked the way she"d turned all moody and distant the last few days. He"d done everything he could to rea.s.sure her, but the waitinga"the endless waitinga"for word from the threatening phone caller had played havoc with her nerves. It hadn"t helped any that Rusty McConnell had been growling like a papa lion, frightened for the safety of his only cub. Nick knew that Addy worried more about her father than she did about herself.

But Nick worried about Addy. In less than a week"s time, she had become important to him. Far too important.

Within ten minutes they turned into Research Park. green fields and majestic, tall trees lined the streets of the park, each street named after a s.p.a.ce shuttlea"Columbia, Discovery, Endeavor. Nick pulled the Jag into Addy"s private s.p.a.ce in the M.A.C. day-care center parking lot.

When she clasped the door handle, Nick reached across the console, taking her hand. "He"s bound to contact Rusty soon. Then we"ll know what we"re dealing with and how to handle the situation."

Looking down at Nick"s big hand grasping hers, she sighed. "I hope you"re right. I don"t know how much longer Daddy"s going to be able to endure the waiting."

Nick squeezed her hand. "Your father"s tough, Red. He can stand a lot more than you think he can."

"It"s not fair for him to have to go through this againa"living in fear of losing a child to a kidnapper."

"That"s not going to happen. I won"t let it."

Turning her head slightly, Addy glanced at Nick. A shiver of something akin to excitement raced through her. How had she allowed herself to become so dependent on this man? And why did his protectiveness make her feel safe and yet vulnerable all at the same time?

Nick met Addy in the hallway leading to her father"s office. Rusty had summoned them both on an urgent matter. Addy"s face was flushed, her eyes overly bright. Nick could see the way her hands nervously clutched her leather purse. Only someone who knew her well, someone who"d spent endless hours with her, could tell that Addy was upset. Although their acquaintance was less than a week old, Nick had come to know Addy in a way he"d never known another woman. Except Dina. The truth of the matter was that he"d never spent as much time with another woman. Day and night. Sharing meals with her, sleeping in the room next to hers, listening to her talk and laugh and argue, and catching glimpses of her elegantly slender body covered by nothing more than her s.e.xy lingerie.

Addy McConnell, taken in small doses, could be dismissed as nothing more than a skinny redhead. Nick understood why so many men had overlooked the real value that lay hidden behind her Plain-Jane facade, and had taken an interest in Addy solely because of Rusty"s money. But Nick had learned, to his own detriment, that Addy McConnell, taken in large doses, could prove fatal to a confirmed bachelor who"d always prided himself on being a love "em and leave "em ladies" man.

He couldn"t remember ever wanting a woman so badlya"not even when he"d been seventeen and thought he"d die from wanting his brother"s wife. At forty-three, he"d known his share of women, and could easily have his pick of dozens of beauties. So, why didn"t the idea of bedding some bosomy blonde appeal to him?

"Ginger wouldn"t tell me anything," Addy said, her long legs slowing their pace to keep step with Nick"s slower, halting gait. "Did she tell you why Daddy wanted to see us?"

"No. She just said to get to Rusty"s office p.r.o.nto, that it was urgent." Reaching out, Nick pulled one of Addy"s trembling hands away from the purse she clutched at her waist. "Whatever it is, we"ll take care of it. Rusty, you and me. The three of us together."

Addy halted her steps, stopping to stare at Nick. "You mean that, don"t you? You actually think I"m capable of being part of the solution."

Nick paused, then squeezed her hand. "You"re a smart lady, and from what I"ve seen, you"re pretty tough. You"re the one whose life is in danger, so it stands to reason that you"ll want to cooperate with the two men who"d die trying to protect you."

"Nick a Ia"" She"d never known a man like Nick Romero. He overwhelmed her by almost everything he said and did. And he constantly surprised her. Did he, she wondered, realize how possessive he sounded, how much like a man in love? Dear Lord, she couldn"t allow herself to indulge in that particular fantasy.

"Come on, Addy, your father"s waiting." He tugged on her hand. She gave him a half-hearted smile and started walking again.

The receptionist stood up when they walked past, watching them enter Ginger"s office. She wasn"t at her desk, but stood in the open doorway to Rusty"s office.

"He"s on the phone with the police." Ushering them inside, Ginger closed the door. "Can I get either of you something to drink?"

"No, thanks," Nick said.

Addy simply nodded.

Rusty slammed down the telephone, the crashing sound reverberating around the room. He turned his dark green gaze on Nick. "From now on, I want you so close to her that she can"t breathe without you hearing her." He glared at Addy. "And if it takes handcuffing you to him, then I"ll see to it. Understand me, little girl?"

Addy rushed to her father, putting her arms around him. He crushed her in his arms, almost pressing the breath out of her. She knew that something terrible had happened. Rusty"s ruddy face was flushed crimson, his thick lips drawn in a fine line of pain, and his big, meaty hands shook with the force of his rage.

"What is it, Daddy? What"s happened? Has he called?"

With one big arm still draped around Addy, Rusty leaned down, picked up a sheet of paper off his desk and handed it to Nick. Nick took the paper, reading it silently, then looked at Rusty holding his only child protectively in his arms. Dammit, he wouldn"t want to be in Rusty"s shoes. But, in a way, he was. Addy wasn"t his beloved child, but she was going to be his woman and her safety was as important to him as it was to her father.

"What"s this?" Addy asked, reaching out for the paper Nick held in his hand.

Nick released the paper, allowing her to take it. Rusty kept his supportive arm around her. She scanned the letter, similar to the one her father had received almost a week ago, the morning after the failed kidnapping attempt.

"Oh my G.o.d!" The letter fell from Addy"s fingers and floated to the carpeted floor. "Now we know what the kidnapper wants."

"If M.A.C. doesn"t withdraw its bids on the NASP contract, then Addy"s life is in danger," Rusty said. "That contract is worth millions. Hundreds of jobs that are threatened because of the economy can be saved."

"The kidnapper isn"t some madman who wants a ransom, is he?" Addy"s mind rioted with a dozen different thoughts, finally calming to focus on one possibility. "Gerald! It"s Gerald, isn"t it? If M.A.C. doesn"t bid on the NASP contract, then New Age Aeros.p.a.ce has a good chance of becoming a NASP contractor, and not only would that add greatly to Gerald"s standing with his father-in-law, but it would be the perfect revenge on us, wouldn"t it?" Looking up at her father, she knew that he"d come to the same conclusion.

"New Age Aeros.p.a.ce isn"t our only compet.i.tor," Rusty said. "We can"t rule out someone at one of the other companies."

"Rusty"s right," Nick said. "Just because Gerald Carlton has a personal reason to want to see M.A.C. lose the contract doesn"t mean he"s the only suspect."

"You can"t agree to this." Addy pulled away from her father. "We have to make a bid on the NASP contract. There"s too much money and too many jobs at stake to buckle under to this threat."

"Baby girl, we"re talking about your life." Tears clouded Rusty"s vision as he took his daughter"s slender hands into his enormous grasp. "Nothing is more important to me than you."

"Oh, Daddy, I know that." Addy wanted to comfort her father, but she was incapable of easing his fears. "There"s no way anyone can get to me with all the protection I have." She focused her attention on the big, dark man whose very presence in the room made her feel safe. "My G.o.d, how do you think anyone could get through Nick?"

"We have to consider all our options," Nick said, his heart thumping at a deafening roar. Addy trusted him! Really trusted him. "First, tell me about this NASP contract."

"NASP is the National Aero-s.p.a.ce Plane, the X-30. It"s one of the boldest concepts that the Air Force and NASA have ever conceived," Ginger Kimbrew said, making her presence known for the first time since Addy and Nick had entered Rusty"s office.

Nick turned to Ginger, understanding how intricately involved she was in every aspect of the McConnell Aeros.p.a.ce Company. "I"ll contact Sam and have him check out all the compet.i.tion, all the possible contractors who"ll be bidding."

"The five prime contractors that comprise the NASP National Program Office are based near Air Force Plant No.42 in Palmdale, California." Rusty helped Addy into his huge leather chair, then sat on the edge of his desk. "There"s no need to run a check on those guys. Their part in NASP is a done deal. But the big boys are ready to let Huntsville in on the deal, and M.A.C. wants to be part of the team."

"This is a visionary aircraft," Ginger explained. "It would enable the U.S. to have routine access to s.p.a.ce from a runway. Access embodied in the X-30."

"Propulsion is NASP"s biggest worry. That"s where M.A.C. comes in. Our engineers are primed and ready for this project." Rusty"s excitement danced in his eyes, vibrated in his deep, strong voice.

"You understand why Daddy can"t give in to this threat, don"t you?" Addy asked Nick.

"There"s one possibility that we"re all overlooking," Nick bent over and picked up the threatening letter, then laid it on Rusty"s desk. "What if the NASP contract isn"t the real motive? What if someone is using it as a red herring?"

"What are you saying?" Addy scooted to the edge of her father"s chair.

"It never pays to jump to conclusions." Tapping his finger on the letter, Nick glanced from Addy to Rusty. "This letter would have us believe that the person behind Addy"s kidnap attempt doesn"t want several million in ransom money, but does want Rusty to lose millions on an important government contract. Reputable compet.i.tors don"t deal this way. They have families of their own."

"Carlton is too hot-headed and bent on revenge to consider anything but getting what he wants." Rusty struck his desk with his closed fist. "So help me, if he"s behind this, I"lla""

"Rusty, calm down." Ginger rushed forward, reaching out pleadingly. "This isn"t doing your blood pressure or heart any good."

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