"Sorry but what is this?" Asked one of the agents as he held up a crystal.

"Oh, it is a music recording crystal necessary for the court." Ez replied

"We just need to make sure it hasn"t got anything harmful in it." They said suspiciously as they casted a spell to make sure there was nothing wrong with the crystal. After making sure it was just a recording crystal they just pa.s.sed it back to Ez.

Since the day Ez got all the agents to bring in the necessary materials for building the virus, Ez often spent his free time working on it.

By the end of January Ez had completed the viral antidote and the virus with slight modification to what he planned at the beginning.

The virus Ez created were special as it was supposed to lay dormant, and not affect its host for at least 1 month. But that didn"t stop it from spreading. It kept spreading, while not attacking for 1 month, before it began its attack.

After 1 month it started attacking all the current affected hosts, by releasing the toxins in it, that caused their body to become tired quickly. By this time there was no possible way to identify the index patients, as everyone had been affected unknowingly.

But the question remains how Ez was able to spread the virus?

It was when Albert came in informing of the Founders Celebration, Ez changed his plans. Before that he was going to just release the virus randomly by bringing back a discount and choosing a normal person to be affected, when they were visiting his restaurant.

But Ez decided against that when he realised he could just use the merchants that came from all over the empire as his carrier. But for that he had to someway get them to bring them in.

While he was planning on to hanging a board outside reading "Discount for all merchants", the head of Merchant a.s.sociation came in. Ez made him and all the other Merchants the carrier for the virus by adding the virus in their food.

At the same time Ez added in a toned down temporary viral antidote in their most of their food to make sure that, when the virus starts acting up these guys wouldn"t be obviously the first index patients. Ez made sure the antidote"s effect wears off 2 days later the virus becomes active.

He left 1 or 2 merchants without antidote, as it would be suspicious if no merchants were to be affected by the virus as the index patient.

When designing the virus Ez made sure it only locked onto the genes of humans, and without a human host these viruses start dying off after 48 hours. Thus, the reason no plant or animals were affected by the virus. But that didn"t mean the virus wasn"t present among the animals or plants.

Ez also put in a restriction in their genetic sequence to stop them from evolving any further, this is so that it won"t later mutate and come to bite Ez in his a.s.s.

As for the reason why no healing magi or award above the rank of 5 worked on these virus was simple.

The people of this world all though advanced to the period of 2000 of Earth technologically, with their magi, like it was said before their science never progressed. Thus, most of them not being aware of virus or bacteria.

When they casted the healing spells or award under rank 5, it just cleared a small amount of toxins released by the virus or just boosted the bodies performance to get rid of few of the toxins, instead of focusing on the virus itself.

However, from rank 5 healing magi and award onward, it automatically targeted all the toxins in the body and greatly boosted the bodies performance to get rid of the toxins, thereby seemingly healing them from the tiredness caused by the toxins.

However, since they never killed or affected the virus directly in anyway it just kept releasing toxins after the duration of the spell. Thus, the reason the plague seemed to keep coming back, even after healing a person.

Another reason being all the virus and bacteria of this world were strangely affected/attracted by magi particles and principle particles. Ez concluded that the microbes of this world seemed to evolve slowly with magi particle and principle particles. This was the reason why when any plague or disease started spreading, healing magi spells or awards were easily capable of restraining them.

However, the virus Ez, made was pure and unblemished. These virus never were attracted/affected by magi particle or principle particles. Thus, being able to survive even after casting a rank 5 magi spell and award.

Ez stood in front of the door to the courtroom as he muttered "This is for you John."

Suddenly there was a loud boom, attracting everyone"s attention. As they all turned to look from this was coming from they saw the courtroom door opening, followed by a music started playing. To anyone from Earth year 3286 will know once they hear it, that this is the modified version of Imperial March, with some heavy beats.

Ez walked through the centre of the court wearing bright green suit he kept for this occasion, while his long hair dragged behind him.

He saw that everyone was staring at him but keeping up his smiling face he observed everyone.

Except for the crown prince and Tom all major figure are here. That is to be expected as the emperor probably doesn"t want him to spout bulls.h.i.t at this time and lose his remaining supporters.

Everyone saw the way he was dressed and his entrance into the court with marching music. This was a privilege only done for the emperor. But right now no one bothered about it as currently the fate of the whole empire, possibly rest on his hands.

He soon got to the middle of the courtroom and started picking his nose, with utmost concentration. No one dared say anything about his entrance, his dress and his manner, made them feel that he had a solution to this situation, and he wanted to play with them before giving them their hope.

They waited for him to pay the respects in the court. Seeing them all wait for something John started paying his respects.

"Wa.s.sup my homies?" He greeted all of them in the most unusual way, while rolling the treasure he just dug up from his nose in his fingers and smiling.

Every single one among them got p.i.s.sed off by the way he addressed everyone without any respect, but that wasn"t the final straw that broke them.

"John I heard you are not affected by the plague" The emperor himself questioned, ignoring the fact that he didn"t even pay the basic respects to not only the emperor but the court itself.

"Oh, you mean not getting tired and ill, then I guess it true. Hey bruh, is there any party going on around here? So much people gathered here today." He flicked his round dark treasure to the ground as he answered the emperor followed by asking one of the commandments near him the question, who happened to be Albert.

Albert has never sweated so much bullets in his lifetime. The more confident he found John to be in the courtroom, the more a.s.sured he was John had a good reason to act this way and get away with it. And none of those reasons were good news to them.

For the first time everyone saw the eccentric Albert, who had an answer (stupid answer or logical answer) to everything, struggling to answer a question "No I gue.. I mean yes if you want to."

"Sweet, hope there are some lovely food, drinks and music. You all know how it rolls right. I have never partied in my life as I spend so much time studying, and never made friends to go out you know. We should all rock and roll after this pre-party gathering."

Suddenly every single person remembered how John never had any friends. Everyone thought "Is he implying the reason he became like this?"

"Sure ...I guess." Albert replied while indirectly confirming all their question "He is not implying you idiots he is blaming all of us for why he became like this."

Smith and the emperor were enraged at the fact that John was ignoring them. But seeing the sweating Albert they knew something was up, and they had to maintain their cool.

*Ahem* Smith coughed, to get everyone"s attention, and as Ez turned towards Smith "John do you know the reason why you don"t get affected by the plague?"

"Hmm let me think, give me a moment." He said as he lied down on the floor while thinking, then he started rolling on the floor before getting up smiling. He then walked towards the only man who appeared to be serious.

"Man, why you got to be so serious? Just breath out and chill." Everyone suddenly held their breaths in at the killing intent exuded by one of the most serious and intimidating man in the whole empire. Steven.

*Yawn* "You know what talking to you while standing up has made me tired. Get up let me sit down and think." He ordered casually while smiling towards the man. They all just realised a terrifying fact, while Steven exuded his killing intent, John wasn"t affected by his intent, this meant 2 things: 1-John had killed as many people as Steven, 2-John came in here prepared to die.

John had been on their radar since a long time ago, and they knew he never killed anyone. That meant he came here prepared to die if necessary.

This made Albert turned to Smith and emperor and shook his head at the frustrated duo. Warning them not to make any rash actions.

Steven made eye contact with Albert, who just nodded before he got up from his chair.

Everyone was flabbergasted as John jumped into the chair trying to bounce in it like a 5-year-old before laughing and saying "Wow I have never had so much fun. This chair is so bouncy, like how mum used to throw me up in air."

"Is he now implying that his life was ruined since his mum died?" thought everyone unitedly

"You can sit there if you want to." Unexpectedly the always tight-lipped Steven spoke, while, like Albert answering all their question indirectly "You fools he is not implying he is pointing out when his life started to go downhill."

"Nah you can have it serious macho man." Said John as he got up from the chair and walked towards where he was standing before as his face was filled with joy.

"Ah, I now remember" everyone"s attention was drawn as they thought he is finally about to answer butler Smith.

"The booger I threw of earlier is not here now, where is it gone?"

Everyone suddenly remembered him rolling on the floor, before he walked up to Steven to sit on the chair, while bouncing. Everyone turned to look at Steven only to see him barely control twitching hand that wanted to casting his award. Everyone got tense as they expected John"s head to be rolling on the floor. Everyone got ready to stop him if necessary.

Jack who was sat across the court looked amazed by the performance held by his half-brother, as he thought "Being able to p.i.s.s Steven off so much and get away with it, you are currently the only person John."

"Oh well." John shrugged before turning towards Smith and answering, while still smiling "It seems because of my cooking uncle Smith, you know like how I felt really tired every day after learning and came in to eat quietly with you and went back to learning energised." John answered Smiths question finally.

"Can you please stop speaking with hidden meanings in you sentence?" Everyone thought unitedly as they understood what he meant as "You never cared for me no one did".

Right after that there was sudden silence as the 10 commandment n.o.bles, emperor, butler Smith and Jack suddenly realised another hidden meaning in his sentence, while all their face darkened "I am the cause of the plague and only I have the cure for the plague."

Suddenly the emperor turned to look at Albert who shook his head, then he turned to Steven who in turn shook his head too.

"Oh, I feel like dancing now, everyone is so happy in here." John said in excited squeaky voice, while twirling around in the spot he stood at.

That sentence was like pouring cold bucket over them. As soon the rest of them understood from the commandments", emperors and butler Smiths expression as the cause of the plague was John. He was indirectly admitting for it.

Jeff was seriously p.i.s.sed off at John, and wanted to rip his head off, due to this b.a.s.t.a.r.d his cured nephew once again got sick. But he was held back by the head of magi a.s.sociation Merlin.

Then the emperor asked, "Are you able to cook for everyone to help cure everyone John?"

"Let me think for a moment dad." Suddenly the emperor"s face twitched, while everyone else just went silent, no one other than his true heirs were allowed to address him like that.

After a few seconds of thinking John said while still smiling, "Dad there are so many people, I don"t think I can cook for everyone. If you play with me I will make it though." In other words, everyone interpreted it as "Maybe, if you plead me I will."

This seemed to be the last and final straw that broke, as James the 2nd suddenly disappeared from where he sat. He reappeared with a drawn dagger in front of John aiming for his neck.

Suddenly 3 people appeared, one holding back the emperor"s dagger with his fingers- Albert, another holding back the emperor on his right-hand side- Steven, and the last person was a man in his 30"s with clean combed dark hair, with a chilling gaze as he held back the left-hand side of the emperor, who is a.s.sumed to be another commandment.

Soon more of the commandments started joining in to hold the emperor in place as he struggled to get free.

"Let go of me b.a.s.t.a.r.ds. We don"t need him, as long as we find the other guy we are not going to need him."

Ez never stopped smiling as he walked up to the raging emperor while saying in a happy childish voice "Daddy wants to play."

Suddenly John caressed the chin of the emperor as he said while smiling "But daddy keeps forgetting that he has important work to do. Playing with Johnny here might make you late for work daddy." John said as he whispered the last sentence to the emperor"s left ear while breathing into his ear. He was implying "Kill me and there will be no one to save your empire. No empire means no emperor."

"Also the game I want daddy to play will only take 2 more days, before its complete." Everyone drew in a cold breath. That meant "In 2 more days the empire is finished by whatever is going to happen."

"I DON"T CARE." The emperor roared in rage as he tried to get free by the restrain of the commandments even more forcefully, suddenly he bellowed

"Smith bring in the slave collar." Smith ran down with what a.s.sumed to be a slave collar in his hands.

"Hahaha, no hurry uncle Smith, I am not going anywhere. Johnny will wait here for you to bring the salve collar." Smith froze as he listened to John, he became suspicious, there was no way someone could be this calm when mentioning slave corner.

Slave collar means exactly what they say. Once worn a person will become the slave of whoever made them wear it. They won"t be able to disobey any orders of their masters once they wear it, not even allowed to die without their masters permission. It was almost like being under mind control.

The emperor was planning to use the slave collar to force John to make a cure for everyone, since he didn"t want to play it the easy way.

"Ah, it so hot in here, must be because of everyone"s excitement." John fanned himself with his hand while saying this.

"Daddy you should see how much little Johnny has grown up." He said as he start unb.u.t.toning his suit and removing it.

"SHUT UP YOU SON OF A Wh.o.r.e! Smith what are you doing put in the collar." The emperor screamed at Smith, while trying to break free.

"You were never there for Johnny when it was his birthdays. You were never there when Johnny did really well in his studies. You were never there when Johnny listened to uncle Smith and never awakened. You were never there when Johnny had no friends. But Johnny never minded it." Ez said as he slowly unb.u.t.toned his shirt one by one as he removed them.

"Johnny found out daddy also took away mums friends from Johnny, along with not caring about Johnny. So, Johnny decided to play a game that would make sure daddy would love to play. A game that will make sure everyone around daddy would also love to play." Ez said as all his b.u.t.tons were undone, showing his well-built but lean body.

Suddenly the slave collar fell on the floor as everyone, including the Smith everyone eyes bulged, at the green circle markings throughout Johns body.

"Madness", "Monster", "Crazy", "Freak", "Does not want to live anymore?" all sorts of words erupted from the commandments mouth, while they stared in shock, at his chest.

The marking John had in his chest were from the effect of a certain magi pill.

This magi pill is called the Test of Will. The benefit of this pill is that it will let the user who is under a mind control effect to take back the control of their body and not fall for any kind of control for the duration of the pills effect.

But the reason why no one uses this pill is for a simple reason. The person who take it have to go through insane pain for the duration of the pill which is 10 days. The pain intensifies as each day pa.s.ses, to the point where 90% of the people who took this pill so far have died by committing suicide from the unbearable pain in the 6th day.

The 5% who survived were in coma, while majority of them, is in brain death.

The 4.99% who truly survived was due to cutting of their feeling to pain using an award, or someone made sure to put them to sleep, before they turned mad from the pain for the rest of the duration of the pill.

Then there was the last 0.01% who used this pill and survived were known as unbeatable monsters, due to being able to survive the pill using their sheer will power.

The weird thing about this pill was its effect can be stacked. So, if someone were to take 2 pills together then the effect would last 20 days, but the pain kept on multiplying for 20 days.

Each time one pill was taken a green circle marking appeared, which would fade away part by part, each day, and the faded part will appear on the back of the person.

The number of circle markings indicated the number of pills taken, while at the same time showing the remaining days of h.e.l.l left. While the number of circles on the back showed how many pills he has already taken. If the circles at the back or front are interlinked then that shows the pill was taken consecutively.

During any time of this pill if someone were to take control of their body, it will fail. Along with that the user of this pill have the choice to kill themselves instantly if they so much as wished.

They made sure to have him checked thoroughly at the entrance to stop him from doing something like what he did with Smith few months ago in the restaurant. But they never thought he would have come already prepared. And from the marking on his chest it seemed like he had 10 days of suffering left.

"Merlin cast an anti-test of will spell. He only just took the pill today we got enough time to remove its, effect." Shouted the Emperor to Merlin the head of magi a.s.sociation. The spell was able to remove the effect of the spell, as long as it was taken within the past 3 days, which only a rank 5 magi was able to cast.

But Merlin didn"t move as if he was terrified of John.

"Oh, it seems like magic uncle wants to do something to me." John smiled cheekily as he turned to face Merlin. As John walked towards Merlin, but each step John took Merlin took 2 steps back.

James and everyone was confused, "What is happening they thought?". Jeff who was right next to Merlin saw that he was trembling and terrified. "What is going on?"

"Oh, so uncle magic noticed, good for you." John said as stopped moving towards Merlin and walked back to where he stood.

"MERLIN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Shouted the enraged emperor, while being even more restrained by the commandment.

Suddenly Merlin got back on his senses as he started murmuring and moving his hands in the air. Suddenly a screen appeared showing the back of John to everyone. Followed by another spell which casted a small breeze which lifted the shirt that covered John"s back.

Albert and all the commandments stopped restraining the emperor, as they looked in terror at the screen. *Clang* The dagger which the emperor held fell from his grip. Suddenly the emperor suddenly lost all strength on his knees, as he used the shocked Alberts shoulder to support himself.

He already had a 2 interlinked circles in his back. This meant John right now is going through his 21st day of h.e.l.lish torture, while still remaining alive. Not just that he doesn"t seem to be affected by the pain at all, as he is enjoying playing with them.

For the past few days they have all ordered food from John"s shop, so they are sure he wasn"t sleeping though the pain.

"Now all uncles go back to their seats please." Said a cheerful John

They all disappeared from the spot and reappeared on their seat, afraid of disobeying John. While James stood there terrified of John. "Please do sit down on your chair daddy." He ordered, as John walked forward among everyone eyes as went forward to pick the dagger, and slave collar on the floor.

He pa.s.sed the dagger and slave collar to Smith saying, "Uncle keep it safely, you might one day need it." Smiths" hands trembled as he received the dagger and collar from John. Everyone understood it as a warning from John.

The emperor slowly walked back to his throne along with Smith, who was trembling in anger. Their face said they lost all hope.

If right now John said he wanted to be the emperor no one would disagree. That is the power and authority he wielded right now. Only he held the power to save the whole empire, and they could do nothing but wait for him to do that.

Without the cure there would be no empire and no emperor. All the court would rather have a new emperor rather than having nothing.

"Ok first thing first, Johnny wants some presents to make Johnny happy." John said in a childish voice. While b.u.t.toning his shirt back on.

"Johnny then what would you want as present?" asked Albert as he saw John finished wearing his suit back on

"I want presents not present old man" Suddenly his tone and behaviour changed, as he replied in seriousness.

Those lower n.o.bles, Merchants and Magi finally caught up with what was happening they gulped at the terrifying genius in front of them, being able to control the whole court like it was nothing.

They all imagined him with either magi talent or an award. They shook in terror. The John now is enough to give them nightmares, they dreaded what would happen imagining if he had a single power.

Suddenly emperor and Smith remembered what Albert once said, "If I am right then I fear that him being a soulless, and untalented in magi, was just fates way of saying, "I have done as much as I can, stop him while you can"". They now understood what Albert meant back then.

Seeing all of them silent John said playfully "How about for starters a t.i.tle? What kind of t.i.tle do I want? Hmm... How about "Hand of G.o.d"? Nice ring to it right. Me being able to heal so many citizens while cooking food, and at the same time increasing acc.u.mulation of magi particle. Who else can do that? Those who disagree with me getting the t.i.tle raise up their arm."

No one objected anything as John declared for himself the t.i.tle he needed to enter the compet.i.tion.

"Now, Smith where is my certificate declaring my t.i.tle. I don"t have all day" John said as he twirled his index finger in his ear.

Smith turned to the weary and depressed emperor who nodded before Smith got a certificate, from a nearby table.

"Oh, so you guys were already prepared with it." John smiled as Smith approached him with a certificate.

As John received the certificate he looked at it before he said, "Wait the t.i.tle here says, "Chef G.o.d". That"s not the t.i.tle I asked for. Hang on guys" Everyone watched as John took a pen out of his pocket as he crossed out the t.i.tle "Chef G.o.d" and wrote above it "Hand of G.o.d".

"There you go. That"s better." Everyone"s expression darkened. He was the only person so far in the history of the empire, who can get away with defying and insulting the supreme authority.

"Now next what"s on the menu. Ah yes, the main course. Now who here supports my entry into the compet.i.tion. If I am right the rule says, I need the support of 10 n.o.bles or 1 commandment n.o.ble. Put your hand up if you support me."

Everyone raised their hands, as no one dared to put it down. "Now put your hands down. Are there anyone who objects this decision, those who do put your hand up?" No one dared to put their hand up.

"I declare myself as the heir of the Emperor, along with being his 3rd son, from now on you can all call me the 3rd Prince or just call me John. I honestly don"t mind. Now old man." He said as he pointed towards the emperor, who looked up from his downcast expression, while never meeting John"s eyes.

"Call me son, while looking me in the eye."

The emperor forcefully lowered his eyes to meet John"s eye, he was enraged but his hands were tied as he said the one word that would make sure his empire survived at least "Son"

"I didn"t hear that louder please." Shouted John

"Son." The emperor said even louder, while John smiled

"Ah, it has a nice ringing to it. This is so good from now whenever you see me you will have to call me like that. How fun." Said John cheerfully.

"Oi Smith where is my badge and certificate saying I am a partic.i.p.ant of the compet.i.tion." He asked Smith who went running back to the table from where he took the t.i.tle certificate.

He brought a certificate and a badge. He put the badge on Johns suit with shivering hands.

After that John said happily "I really like desert, lets move onto the desert now." "There is more." Thought everyone as they looked at John smiling.

Seeing his smile made everyone sit on their nerves edge. No one knew or dared to think what was going through this crazy guy"s head, as each a.s.sumption they made was more terrifying than the other.

"For desert how about, you bring in those 7 idiots who killed my mum?" Everyone finally realised where this was going.

Seban and his team was brought in 10 minutes later. They didn"t know what was going on, but as they finally saw the person standing in the middle of the unusually silent court, after 10 years, their eyes teared up.

"Now dad, if I remember it right, their contract with you was 20 years of enslavement while you provide 10 years of protection to me, right?"

The emperor nodded. "Since you didn"t even provide a proper protection to me and didn"t really care about me, I declare the 7 of you free and absolved from your contract. Now where is the darn key to open the slave collar." John said as he checked his pockets. While Seban and his team were shocked at what was going. "What is happening?" They all thought.

"Ah silly me, I didn"t bring the key to open the collar. Oi old man bring me the key." Said John while pointing at James.

James stood up as he brought the key to John. "Actually, I don"t want the key. I am feeling to lazy to do any work. Why don"t you open the collar for each of them?"

John said as the emperor nodded without any will to fight back. The emperor went towards each one as he opened their slave collars one by one.

Although the 7 of them didn"t understand what was going on they understood one thing right now and that was John"s words was law in the empire right now.

"Now is there anything else left." John said as he pondered.

"You guys want anything?" John asked the Seban and his team. Being too dazed and shocked at being finally free, they couldn"t respond.

"I guess nothing." John said as he shrugged his shoulder. They all sighed seeing the crazy situation was now over.

"Now before I go off with my macho dudes, to start making the cure for this stupid empire, let me put before you a question to think about." Everyone started listening to John

"Say hypothetically a normal chef was able to make a plague, how do you all think he would spread it to the whole empire at the same time?"

John said leaving them to ponder "How did he spread the plague to the whole empire at the same time?", while he exited the palace.

Suddenly, everyone in the courtroom turned to the Dexter, t.i.tus and Maximus. Dexter was the person who was among, Steven and Albert to stop the emperor first when he was about to attack John. He along with t.i.tus and Maximus were the only 3 commandments staying in a neutral stand.

Suddenly Dexter understood one among the other 2 of the neutral commandments was John"s backer. Because only a commandment had the resources and power to help John spread the plague, throughout the whole empire at the same time. This meant John"s original backer and his backers enemy was one of the 2 other neutral commandments. "But who?" Thought Dexter while at the same time t.i.tus and Maximus came to the same conclusion as Dexter.

While the rest of the commandments and the court tried to figure out who among them was the backer and the rival who send the a.s.sa.s.sin?

"If the original backer doesn"t come forward all 3 of us will never be trusted, in the court. Wait could that be John"s plan? Did he want to make us all fight amongst each other, while he and his backer reaped the benefit?" All 3 of them thought. They looked at each other before nodding.

They made a unanimous decision among the 3 of them, to support John because right now if John fails in the throne succession then they too will fail, as the emperor wouldn"t care to listen to the explanation for who among them is the rival or backer when he gets a chance to slaughter them.

And finally, as John left the court after arriving in this world for 3 months, with nothing, he finally entered the compet.i.tion with a t.i.tle while, manipulating 3 commandments to be his supporters, all while he kept smiling, as he moved along his plan for the next game.

All this happened on April 1st.

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