"Do you have a reason to?" He enquired from me.

"Understand this if you fall, then we will all fall. I can"t have you walking into death"s embrace.

Even the Emperor and Steven wouldn"t expect you choosing the sure death way. They would have made plans for the other 2 missions, but do you know why they wouldn"t make a sabotage plan for the grey zone?"

Before I could respond he interfered me and said "Simply because they know you will die, if you were to take it.

Taking in too many people with you means increasing the strength of the grey zone. Too less and you all die.

If you bring along very strong people with you to help you, then the court will simply ignore your achievement as you had completed that a.s.signment with the help of other people and not by yourself.

What can you do inside a grey zone? You will simply be helpless inside there. So, unless you have a good reason, I will have you choose another mission. If worse comes to worse we will just wait for 6 months before another mission."

I smiled as I said, "What if I have a way to get rid of grey zones on my own?"

Dexter raised his eyebrows in question "Just wait and watch. Till then inform the court of my decision. And besides, like what you said the emperor and Steven simply won"t be expecting me to make this choice. Even if they could they simply have no way to sabotage this mission other than increasing the strength of the grey zone by getting people killed inside there. And I am pretty sure even they don"t want a grey zone going out of their control.

Besides time is very important in this game and waiting it out is a waste." I smiled as I laid back on my desk.

"I hope you have a way to do as you have said. When can you expect to go out for the mission?" He asked me.

"2 weeks, I just need some things crafted out for me and I will be ready to move out." Dexter nodded as he cut the connection.

I pa.s.sed the communication device to the agent who came in with it. He took it before walking out with Dexter"s Level 11 meal I cooked up.

"Ellis" I shouted. He came in from the garden heavily sweating from the training.

"We will be leaving as soon as my last order finishes in 3 hours" time, so get ready and some rest."

"Yes, your highness."

It has been about 4 days since my refurbished shop has opened up. Ellis during this time has greatly improved in his physical training, due to consuming my high energy and nutritious food that revitalise every part of his body after his training. After seeing the effect of my food, he trains like mad, putting as much strain on his body as possible in order to get stronger quickly, while shortening his sleeping time.

I put up a notice outside for all those agents watching me informing them "Shop closes in 3 hours" time, for the next few hours." After putting it up I went to for a short nap.

I was woken up by someone poking my cheeks later. I opened to see an old man worried face who was poking me with both his index fingers.

"Hahaha, kid you did not die from your laziness. I thought you were dead. Where do you think you are going brat without serving me first?" Albert started laughing while bringing up his level 12 ingredient.

"To Dr.Whizz." I replied calmly.

"Oh Whizz, if you are going there can you buy a board for me too. My stupid brats told him not to sell any board for me, saying I can"t control it. Kid if you want any advice you can ask me, I am the best Whizz board user in the whole empire." I lifted my eye to look at him, at his comments as I remembered how I first saw him.

"Why are you looking at me like that for? That time I crashed because I was chasing after a thief, who entered that shop."


"What? Where?" He asked me while looking around for a ghost in fear.

"You said it was a ghost when you crashed, that time to everyone." I corrected him.

He turned bright red, as I pointed out his mistake and catching him out. "You got it wrong kid. I said I was chasing a thief who was elusive like a ghost. Why would a ghost be out here? Hahahaha" He tried covering up his lame excuse of driving, while laughing.

This old man is really good at managing the flow of conversations, no wonder the emperor send him here.

I checked the time to notice it has only been 2 hours since Dexter cut the conversation with me. So that means he must have informed the court 1 hour ago after discussing with t.i.tus and Maximus of my decision.

Since the old man had an appointment with me in the next 1 hour they send him here very quickly to gather anything they can from me, as I chose the most unexpected option.

"Talking about ghosts, I heard you were going to a grey zone?" He enquired me.

"Here we go" I thought while I replied "Yeah." I led him into the kitchen while he carried the ma.s.sive bag of ingredients.

"Why didn"t you pick the other two a.s.signments? It"s much easier and safer than going to a grey zone. Besides if you die then I would have to eat those s.h.i.tty food made by my chefs." He asked me as he took out each ingredient and laid it out onto the large table.

"I am too lazy to pick the other two as it would take too long to complete. For this, I would just have to clear the grey zone and come back. Humans are complicated beings while with the undead you can at least reason with them."

"What!? Is something wrong with your head? You can"t communicate with undead especially ones at grey zone." Replied a surprised Albert.

"How do you know? Have you tried it?" I asked back

"Yes, I have, along with many others. You can"t simply reason with beings of grey zone."

"Well why don"t I give it a try, since so many of you have tried it and failed. Besides unlike all of you, I am special." I said as I was slowly let the water boil.

"That... Wait, you are right. We have never tried communicating with a soulless person, maybe something might happen, because of your soulless const.i.tution." He said as he stood there thinking aloud about what I just said.

"What are you on about?" I asked back.

"Huh, what else? You being soulless and the undead having their souls corrupted might prove compatible in communicating with them. That"s what you were saying about being special right?"

I looked at him with contempt "Are you dumb? Of course not." I said as I mocked him while taking out a level 12 beast carrot.

"Then what specialness are you on about?" He suddenly asked with a tinge of seriousness in his voice.

"Obviously me being much cleverer than you low IQ baboons. I can find a way to communicate better than you dumb muppets." I replied while I could feel the tense Albert suddenly relaxing.

"Brat don"t think you are so clever. Of course, you haven"t seen my genius side. Did you know I am the only genius in the whole empire that mastered the Whizz board in 2 days? Even that takes talent. Hahaha" He laughed out loud.

I suddenly understood the true reason why the empire implemented the law for using Whizz board 2 weeks after its launch.

The old man left after eating his meal inside mumbling something about his kids wanting to steal it from him if he took it home.

I looked outside to notice it was raining. Great now I would have to walk in the rain. I should seriously consider getting an umbrella or raincoat.

"Ellis lets go." I said as Ellis followed me out in the rain.

"Your highness wait let me cast a water barrier." He said as he prepared to cast a water barrier to protect me from rain.

"Don"t bother Ellis. This would be one of the few time I would get soaked in rain, as I am going to soon get an umbrella." I said as I walked forward while Ellis took the bag I was holding with the material needed for my weapon, as he followed me for shopping.

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