Linda felt there was no weight.

She felt light.

She opened her eyes, to see that she was still inside her house. But she was floating above her body.

She started panicking and was scared.

"No!" She heard an anguished scream.

She looked towards the source and saw her brother pushing their mother and running towards her.

"Linda open your eyes, see who is back from work." Her brother shook her lifeless body while she watched in grief.

She tried talking to her brother. "Luke I am here. I am alright." But her brother couldn"t hear her.

"Brother is here for you. Don"t leave me, Linda. Linda wake up, please. Look what I got for you." He said as he took out necklace woven from flowers out of his pouch.

"I made this especially for you on my way back." Tears streamed down her brothers face as he hopelessly tried to wake Linda up.

"Luke can"t you see me. I am here. I am perfectly fine. Please stop crying." She tried calling out for her brother. Something burned in her as she saw his tears fall. She tried reaching out but her hands pa.s.sed through him.

"Please wake up Linda. Please." He tiredly shook her as he cried.

Before she could even reply she saw his eyes rolling back before he fell to the floor.

"Luke!" Both she and her mother screamed as they ran towards Luke.

However, the truth she was distracted from finally came to haunt her as her hands phased through him, while her mother walked through her.

No one can see her. No one could hear her. She through everything.

Linda quickly realised what she had become.

She had turned into a ghost.

"Cursed child even in death you won"t leave him in peace." Her mother spitefully turned towards her dead body before carrying Luke to the bed opposite her, in their small house.


A battlefield strewn with blood and corpses stood a person heavily wounded.

The scavenger birds started to fly over the battlefield, scouting to see if there was anyone alive before they started their feast.

Amidst the bloodied weapons and bodies on the floor, a heavily wounded person looked for something. Seeing the rectangular object, he was looking for he reached for it. Pressing few keys on the object he sat down, leaning his weary body against a pile of bodies.

Soon a screen came up from the rectangular object revealing a really old person. The person on the screen received fright seeing his wounds and started asking him "Storm, will you survive?"

Using his last remaining energy Storm replied, "My luck ... has finally run out... old man."

The rectangular object left Storms hand as he closed his eyes. He could hear the old man from the screen shouting his name from the device.

He often heard when a person was about to die they will see their whole life before them. Yet all he could remember was his moments with his sister, as memories of his sister came rushing in, flooding his mind.

He looked towards the sun setting behind the mountains. He remembered what his sister told him when he was young while watching the sunset.

"Brother, don"t look at the sun." She had warned him.

He was curious so he asked her why and in reply she said, "You would go blind." Fearing that he would go blind and never see his sister he made a promise to never look at the sun. Since that day he had never looked at the sun properly, abiding by the silly promise he made to her.

"It"s been so long since I have seen you. This would be my last time seeing you." He thought as he looked at the sun finally breaking the 2 promises he had made with his sister.

Darkness slowly crept through his vision. As everything was turning dark the only thing remaining was the sun that was setting behind the mountains.

Suddenly he saw his sister running towards him in her beautiful smile, from the sun.

Finally, just before the darkness embraced him he embraced his little sister.

A few hours later a unit of soldiers came by. Leading them was the same old man who Storm talked with last.

Using the connection from the ongoing call from Storm"s device they were soon able to find his body.

"General, he is here." A soldier shouted out.

Hearing this the old man ran vanished from his spot to the soldiers.

The general sighed seeing Storm"s body. Amidst the blood, torn armour, burns, poisons and frost marks on his body, what stood out was his smile.

"Crazy b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Will you only smile this wonderfully when dead?" A tear slowly left his face, as the soldiers tried futilely reviving him.


"Brother it is not time yet." His sister being the only source of light in the dark world, said before slowly disappearing.

Storm was confused, but before he could say anything he woke up.

He looked around confused to see the familiar but not so familiar place.

Suddenly he saw someone familiar lying on the bed opposite him. Seeing her a wave of memory a.s.saulted him.

"Ahhhhh." He screamed in pain while holding his head. He could feel something wet dripping from his nose.

"Luke!" He heard a familiar voice as someone ran to him.

"What happened? My deities you are bleeding. Can you walk? Let"s go to the healer. No, I will go and get a healer." The pain slowly receded as he recognised the owner of the panicking voice.

As the pain left he suddenly heard the door being shut.

He looked towards the bed where a 13 years old weak and frail girl laid. Her hairs had left her a few months ago but to him, there was no other beautiful person on the world. His sister.

He now knew why when others saw memories of their whole life during the moment of life and death he only saw memories of his sister.

His life ended the day his sister died. He wasn"t living after that.

The only reason he didn"t end his life was the promise he made with his sister. So, after her death he simply started putting his life at risk, hoping someone could end it for him.

However, it seems that luck was following him wherever he went saving him from whatever situation he was in.

It was during this time that he joined the army, hoping he could be deployed in the most extreme places and die there.

He ran to the midst of the enemy army hoping something or someone could kill him.

However, his luck always followed him. Always coming out of the most ridiculous battles, where everyone except him had fallen, including his enemies.

Due to this, he was given the moniker the Storm of misfortune in the army, as he grew in fame.

He had thought his rotten luck had finally run out. But it seems it was still following him even after death, bringing him back in time.

He got up and walked towards her body in tears. As he held her hand he wondered why he didn"t arrive earlier.

Why couldn"t whoever had send him back in time send him a few days earlier?

Why? Why? Why?

He looked up to the roof he thought why.

"WHY!?" He screamed his lungs out in rage and hopelessness.

Most likely due to the b.e.s.t.i.a.l like cry the door flew open as his mother came in with the healer.

"Luke. Calm down. Are you in pain?" His mother asked him, while the healer quickly arrived beside him to take his pulse.

After letting out his fury at the sick joke fate was playing on him he turned towards the healer taking his pulse. "How much?" He asked.

Confused the healer asked back "What?"

"I asked, how much did she offer to pay you?" He asked calmly.

"Luke what are you ...." His mother interjected.

"SHUT UP!" He bellowed. The people gathered outside were scared to even enter the house hearing the shout.

"Now tell me how much did she offer to pay you." A bone chilling look replaced Luke"s calm visage.

Seeing this terrified the calm healer. "50 bronze coins."

"Get out." He ordered the healer.

"But Luke..." His mother started.

Before she could carry on he shouted, "If you had enough money to spend on me then why did you not spend it on her, you wretch! You could have saved her, but you didn"t."

Not waiting for her to reply he took his sisters body in his arms in tears.

He went out carrying her body amidst the crowd gathered in front of him. "Don"t follow me and don"t look for me. If any of you do then you won"t ever come back to this village alive." Saying this he went outside the village with his sisters body.

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