"A sham again." Saying so Dean threw the book in his hand to his bed as he walked out of his room in frustration.

Life was extremely lackl.u.s.tre for Dean.

How there came a point where life seemed extremely colourless for him?

There was simply nothing interesting to him anymore in life.

Maybe it was due to his hobby being a major influence, or maybe it was because he had no friends because of how he looked.

His only comfort was his PC- which contained the bookmark of all his favourite anime, manga, novel, and collections of games he played.

Being a loner, these were the only thing he had to be called friends.

He wanted more than being in a normal world. The amount of time he spent on his hobby made him desire a world with magic to master the very elements or a world with Qi to cultivate and become immortal.

Yet the truth was harsh, and he was stuck in here, amongst normality.

He had brought a book named "Ritual of wishes" from an antique store while pa.s.sing by it yesterday. He had closed his eyes and made the wish to transport to a magical world.

However, when he opened his eyes he realised he had just lost the money he spent on the book.

He knew the book was a scam, but still, a part of him wanted it to be true, hence the reason why he bought it.

Dragging his heavy body out of the door he to go out and buy some snacks for his all-nighter.

He pulled his head back into his hood seeing the glazing sun of noon.

He walked on the pavement watching the cars go by.

The traffic was much higher due to it being lunch break for most people working.

Suddenly a shrill scream awakened him from his daze.

"Ahh! My bag!" He turned around to see what was happening.

"Get out of my way fat-a.s.s!" However, before he could do anything he felt a heavy force hitting his shoulders, pushing him back.

He saw a man grunting as he ran past him holding a bag that definitely belonged to a woman.

Before he could react he felt a loud horn followed by something hitting him heavily. Next thing he remembered was flying amidst intense pain, then he lost his conscious.

He felt warmth filling him.

He slowly opened his eyes.

He was inside a white room.

Standing in front of him was a person who he could only describe in 2 words.

Smoking Hot!

Her blonde silky hair matched perfectly with the brilliant white chiton cloth. Strangely an aura of warmth and happiness radiated from her.

However, her concerned face did not match with her presence.

Her blaring blue eyes fell upon him.

"Oh, you are awake." A sweet voice entertained his ears.

The women in front of him tried putting a smile on her face. However, he could see it failing due to the worry and concern taking a major portion of her emotions.

"This may come as a shock to you, but I am sorry you died!" The women apologised in front of him.

Strangely instead of feeling shocked or scared, he was extremely calm and serene.

The women waited for a while before saying. "You took that extremely well for a mortal, Dean?"

For the first time since he woke up, he opened his mouth. "You have no idea how many times I have envisioned and practised for this scenario. So, it is normal for me to be calm." I replied proudly that my otaku training paid off.

The moment I saw her weird clothing and the weird room I was in; I had felt a rush of excitement. This was what I have been waiting for my whole life.

The women paused for a while, probably doing what all G.o.ds do in novels at this time "That is true. You are a strange one, Dean, practising and longing after something you could maybe have never got." The women smiled awkwardly amidst her worries, after probably reading his mind.

"Umm, can you please tell me what happened?" I asked respectfully while keeping my mind clear of any thoughts.

Usually, in many novels, scenarios like this often lead to the MC being in the presence of a divinity. The first rule when in front of divinity is to be aware that they can read your mind.

The women tried pulling a smile again before saying "Well there wasn"t much to it, you simply died after that thief pushed you into an oncoming car. Then you are here."

"Did I come here because I died too early or something along the line? Or was it because of that weird ritual book?" I asked excitedly, this was how the novels usually went.

The beautiful divine being looked at him strangely for a moment, before giggling. "No Dean. You died where and when you were meant to. Also, that book was a sham."

"Then why I am I here?" Dean asked her in confusion.

The women in front of him suddenly brought her serious face-up. "Dean, can you please help me out?"


The G.o.ddess Lucy or also known as The Almighty One here had requested him to become her champion and with the help of her other champions to defeat the dark one, threatening the existence of all being in one of her world.

Apparently the G.o.ds themselves cannot act due to their mere presence causing more destruction to the world than the ones they are trying to stop. So instead they choose champions who act for them.

The other G.o.ds had chosen their champions, however, they all failed to accomplish their mission and perish. Hence they all turned towards Lucy.

She had chosen him because of his extremely strong soul, which was needed as a vessel to carry her power.

Ultimately Dean had agreed to her request, due to this being one of his lifelong dreams.

The only problem was he was stuck in the body of an infant. The reason being along the line of his power needs to gradually grow along with him or something.

Lucy had apparently dropped him in a remote village, where he can safely grow in power. She promised him he will be safe till someone took him in.

Lying amidst the thick comfort of the blanket, Dean still could not believe he was in a situation he has always been desiring,

Before being sent here Lucy had warned him of the extreme danger of the world and not to take it lightly. He naturally understood, after all, it wouldn"t be an easy world if the G.o.ds had to send multiple champions to take care of their problems and still fail.

"System are you there?" He mentally asked while waiting for someone in the village to notice him as the sun slowly rose.

"I am here host. What would you like from me?" The system was the blessing, or the power Lucy had given him.

"Show me my status." Excitement welled upon him as suddenly a blue screen appeared in front of him.








He understood the reason why his health and stamina being low due to him being an infant. But what was all this about his magi being zero as well.

"System why is my magi 0?" Dean asked.

"Host hasn"t activated the magi particles in him hence its 0." Hearing the response Dean became quiet for a while before moving on.

"Can you show me the menu, System?" Dean requested the intelligent system.


To his dismay inventory was greyed out meaning he could not access it.

"System why is the inventory blocked?"

"Host has to unlock the inventory." The system replied back in an annoyed voice as if implying is that not obvious.

"How do I unlock it then?" He asked back in equal annoyance.

"When I judge it"s the right time." The A.I of the system replied before going silent no matter how much outcry Dean poured out.

Realising it is futile he decided to explore each of his available options.

First, he chose stats.




[Stat points-0]

"System can you explain these stats to me?" Dean asked the system mentally.

"Sure host. Physical represents your overall physical condition. Improving it means improving your overall physical condition like how much you can lift, how much force you can exert in 1 punch, your health etc. Increase this if you want to be an extremely buff person.

Agility represents your nimbleness along with your finesse interactions with delicate or small objects. Improving it means increasing how well you can control your limbs, movement speed, your stamina etc. Increase this if you want to be an extremely agile or dexterous person.

Spiritual represent your control over non-physical matters. Increasing this means increase control or capacity over spiritual matters. Increase this if you want to be like a mage. Remember increasing this is pointless if you have not managed to unlock it first.

Stat points are points used to increase your stats manually. They can be earned from levelling up and quest rewards.

Remember stats can also be increased by training them or from other methods or resources."

It did not take long for him to understand the stat screen due to his previous experience with playing games.

Quickly he went back and chose the next option, skills.

However, what he saw next dismayed him.

[Skill points 0]

It was empty with just 1 line.

"System why is the skill section empty?"

"Because you need to acquire skills either by training or by buying them from the store."

"Then what is the skill points for?"

"To improve the grade of your skills. Skill points can only be earned from level-ups and from quest rewards."

"Grade?" He asked in confusion.

"Skills, items, and many other things are categorised in grades. There are 8 grades: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet and Rainbow.

A Rainbow grade item/skill is unimaginably more powerful than their red grade counterpart." Having understood the explanation Dean moved onto the next section quest.

Unfortunately, he did not have any quest hence it was empty, so he moved onto the next thing, shop.

[Search: ]

[System Coin-0]

Before he could ask the system answered his questions "Think of what you want according to their grade host and I will display the result to you.

However, to buy anything from the store host is required to have system coin, which you can acquire from completing quests."

Dean following what the system told him and thought of an item and what grade he wanted them to be.

Suddenly the screen showed the result.

[Pill of Magi(Red)-Unlocks the magi particle in you.

Cost- 10 SC]

Dean sighed seeing the price.

Suddenly he was awoken from his concentration by a sudden shout "SERENA! Come here quickly!"

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