Now you might think that being given the chance to transmigrate/reincarnate with a power of your own choice is the best thing that can happen. Well, it is unless you are already a citizen of heaven.

Having to transmigrate/reincarnate mean, you have to fight through struggles and hardships, even with all the cheat, you might have you still have to spend effort to think and always work hard to be strong.

Being in heaven means going on holiday 24/7/Eternity, you can get anything you want, go anywhere you want, do anything you want and never get bored. If you get bored you can create a mini world/game and transmigrate/play in it, like I was doing before Juliet came to get me. Or you can watch and read different series, anime, movies, novels and mangas, and never have to wait for an update as you can import the latest chapter or episode from the future. Taste the most delicious food that worlds might spend fortunes on as a snack, or just create a delicious food yourself with a thought or snap of a finger.

You get the general idea of what heaven is, basically get whatever you want, whenever you want for eternity. Only a fool might pa.s.s up the chance to enter heaven, as to enter heaven itself is quite hard. But once someone enters heaven, other than angels and sometimes G.o.d, it is rare that souls leave outside of heaven, and even if they do they return pretty quickly within 10 or 20 years.

The longest a soul stayed outside was 19 years and 3 months and that was because she was enjoying her transmigration in a primitive world, ruling it. But she too got bored after 10 years and only stayed for 9 more years just to make her disappearance seem natural in that world. Well, that is another story.

Anyway as I was saying leaving heaven too long is rare, and that too for a long time. Therefore I devised a plan. knowing I will have to go out of heaven for a long time will come, since the second I entered heaven. I planned to delay my transmigration as long as possible till the moment G.o.d goes away on his holiday, as he rarely uses his omniscience during his holidays, as his angels will use their partial omniscience on his holidays to look after worlds while he is away.

So when he goes, I know he will be too eager to enjoy his holiday, so he will ignore the two steps I am going to make that will let me come back to heaven quickly.

1st step: Get rid of those pesky guardian angels that reports everything to G.o.d, by wishing for a power. I had to make sure no angels are watching me so wishing for a stupidly crazy power will make sure of that.

2nd step: After arriving transmigrating suicide instantly and go back to heaven.

This was my foolproof plan yet here I am wondering what the h.e.l.l went wrong? One second after I arrive in this body, I use my soul to destroy the nerves connecting to this body"s brain to my heart, causing it to go erratic and let the body I am in die. But after a few seconds nothing happened, I tried different ways, like stopping my heart, disrupting the pressure in my lungs to collapse it, but none of it caused me to die.

Instantly I arrive at a terrifying conclusion, and I slowly opened my eyes while praying that he is not there.

"It is rude to tell me not to be here Ez" smirked G.o.d while wearing a beach short and a sungla.s.s, still wearing my face.

"Your plan was perfect Ez, just a small thing you didn"t consider" laughed G.o.d as he looked at me

Knowing its pointless to lie and hide things from him I asked him "What went wrong?"

"You forgot I am also capable of reading from your emotions. Your soul for a split nano-second when I was about to leave, produced a joyful reading. I thought why the h.e.l.l would you be so happy for me to leave, then I figured there was a loophole in what I said. I never said to you when to come back did I? That gave you an option to suicide and instantly come back to heaven while at the same time fulfilling your request long ago."

"Iceb.a.l.l.s! I knew I shouldn"t have felt happy" swore Ez, suddenly Ez thought something "Still why are you trying to stop me from dying?"

"You see I wouldn"t have stopped you from dying, but you see I gave you a job as well, to report the condition of this world to me after you come back. But since you arrived in this world for the past few minutes the only thing you have done is trying to kill yourself."

"You have go to be kidding me? Just because of that one small request I have to spend time here?"

"Yep. To make it easier for you to gather the information I even transmigrated you to the body of a prince. But now I don"t need you to gather information as I already have it since I came here."

"Does that mean I can go back?" Ez asked with a cute voice as this often works with this old man.

"You know the price of disobedience well Ez." Replied G.o.d

"But that only applies to mortals who haven"t entered heaven, not for a soul like me."

"Yes, but you forgot you too have a physical body now. Since you transmigrated here you became a mortal, and you disobeyed a direct order so that means punishment. Kakakaka" Laughed G.o.d "And I know the perfect punishment since Juliet suggested this to me, but I made some changes as I am nice and all."

"Your punishment is 25 years in this world, now if you are to die before the 25 years are up via suicide, get murdered, accident, being unhealthy, or any form of death, you will have to transmigrate again but this time, you will lose your right to enter heaven, and have to pa.s.s through judgement again. And you know how hard it is to enter Heaven."

Ez"s face paled considerably as he replied: "Please G.o.d, you can"t be serious that"s way too much for me to do."

"You should be thanking me, Ez, Juliet originally told me to let you survive for 75 years and if you fail to instantly reject your right and make you go through judgement on that spot. But I know its harsh punishment thus even if you fail to reach 25 years here you still have a chance again in next place. Besides this is a recording I left in your soul just before you left heaven, for me to change it means stopping my holiday for a while and I am too lazy to do that."

"One day I will dip tat ice face pigeon into purgatories molten lava, and make her suffer when I come back I swear" spat Ez

"Kakakakaka I will pa.s.s the message to her, as my gift to you I will rewind time to the moment your soul entered this body, and to prevent any damage you caused this body and any havoc caused by the deities noticing my presence next to you, as they don"t know I exist. Enjoy your life and let us meet when you come back."

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