Yesterday I had the collection dealers order some equipment for kitchen, the tables and chairs along with the desks. Then I got the property management centre to refurbish this place like this after buying it. They were so quick to do this because of magi"s at their service.

I entered the kitchen and heated the already prepared soup up and poured it on a bowl, along with the fruit salad on another bowl. Then I heated the pan and just followed my instinct to cook the steak. Soon the steak started sizzling with the fat in it. I took it out a prepared it in a plate. I took all three of the dishes to the desk and placed it in a tray and took it out to the desk.

The man was already stood by the desk trying to lean forward as he smelt the fragrance of the food coming from the kitchen along with some other people who came in later on. They were all enchanted by the smell of the food.

"Your order is ready. The man finally opened his eyes expectantly as he grabbed the tray out my hands and smelt the food. Drool slowly started appearing around his lips and the people around him as they smelt the food.

"There is a number on the centre of the table and the side you are sitting on shows whether you are "a" or "b". In future if you want to make more orders just tell me your table number and letter so I know which order belongs where." I explained to them the way I arranged my restaurant. He just nodded as he just ignored what I said and sat at the closest table. The other customers followed him as they waited for him to start eating.

He was confused with what to start on but decided to go with the soup. As he took the spoon to dip in the clear delicate vegetable soup. He scooped it up as the viscous soup ran down the spoon. Instead of bringing the spoon to his mouth he leaned forward to bring his mouth to the spoon, and slowly sipped the soup of the spoon. The people watching him also imitated him as they too imagined sipping the soup. Soon tears started coming out of his eyes. He cried until he swallowed the soup. Then with trembling hand he finished the rest of his soup amongst his tears.

Next was the steak. He slowly brought his trembling hands to the knife to cut the steak, only to realise the steak offered no resistance to the knife as it just peeled off like hot knife meeting b.u.t.ter. He took the slice and placed it in his mouth. As soon as he bit onto the steak he felt a burst of energy exploding into his mouth. The explosion of flavours caused his eyes to bulge in shock and his face froze in whatever expression it was making. He carried on eating the steak like that until the end.

Next he moved onto the fruit salad. When the spoon entered the fruit salad, it released a sweet fragrance that caused everyone in the store to be in a trance. Unlike what he was expecting the spoon didn"t feel any resistance or any weight when he used it to pick the salad up. As soon as the salad entered his mouth, it felt so comfortable that he felt like he was about to fall asleep. The salad was like eating a cloud, so relaxing and offering a peaceful dream. The cream released a flavour of sweetness that made him want to eat more, but he didn"t want to awaken from his peaceful sleep. This contrast of emotion made him feel stay in the boundary of dream and reality for a while until he swallowed the salad. The fruit salad took the longest to eat taking 10 minutes to finish eating. By the time he was finished eating, stood up feeling refreshed after a good night of rest. He came up to me and pa.s.sed me more silver notes and said, "More please."

"No more for you, for now, please go back or wait till everyone here has made an order." Suddenly the crowd awoke from the trance and rushed to make the order. Having heard the explanation of the first person while they were waiting for the chef to start cooking they understood the price of the menu. The felt angry at the exorbitant price. Most of them left after hearing about the price, without bothering to check out the discounted price. But few remained thinking might as well see what is so special about 100 Gold steak, then later the ones that remained go hooked by the smell produced from the kitchen. But now from watching that person eating it they understood the reason why the cost was in place. Food like this was for kings and n.o.bles, having even a chance to eat was once in a lifetime.

Soon the small crowd made a line while I took their order one by one. Since there were only 17 people, my first customer made his order again. After waiting for 20 minutes they all received their food in the order they made in the line. After having the 2nd serving the first person to come started having a conflicted expression. He seemed bloated but he still wanted to have more. As he came up to me to make a takeout order I rejected him saying. "I can give you takeout, only if you provide your own ingredient. And you know the rules for bringing your own ingredient is."

"Then how much is the membership?" He asked out of desperation.

"1000 gold." Hearing the cost, the man nearly fainted. I explained to him the reason why the cost was so high.

"Once someone gets membership, he or she will be able to make an appointment to book a table here. Along with that they can skip any kind of queue formed here at that time. Members also have other certain special privileges, such as being able to choose 1 meal from the menu for free once a week."

Dejectedly the man walked out. Soon the rest of them finished their 1st serving to order their 2nd serving. Since there was no one else I took their order and money. After finishing their serving like the first person they came up to ask for takeout only to be rejected liked the other man. They wanted to argue with the chef but none of the dared to for 2 reasons: One none of them wanted to make the chef angry and be blacklisted so they all walked out of the shop hoping that one day, they will earn enough to come eat here at least once more before they die.

The second reason is the most important one...he is a Royal Prince. If they as much as make him angry the least they can expect is their death.

So far I have managed to only make 2 gold and 52 silver. Making money shouldn"t be my goal today. Today my goal will be to get as much customers as possible. The customers that comes in today are the people that will advertise my restaurant, to a wider population.

Since there are no more people and it is only 11am, I will wait for a while. At 1 pm I will move onto plan B. The second reason I picked female district.

First reason only got me 18 customers, lets see how many customers second reason can bring in.

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