Hmm, I see the effect of not giving the body enough energy is that I start feeling hungry and weak. My body uses a high amount of energy, but the quality of the work it does is unparalleled.

But I have to make sure I am eating food with high intake of energy, otherwise, what other people would feel of not eating food for days, I would feel in hours of missing a meal.

Until 7 pm the store was empty, I presume everyone is shocked at the regained youth of Albert and is gathered high-level ingredients. But I wonder, did his cells evolve like mine or not, due to not cooking it using my full skills? I have to see him later to know that.

Using that free time, I decided to cook the level 5 ingredient. Although I know it is a double-edged sword, I noticed that my senses finally reach the point of measuring out and controlling everything in the range of microgram. I thought my senses would only grow stronger as I grow older, but this was to be expected as well, as my body when evolving was slowly adapting to the needs of my soul.

If I am able to upgrade my senses to at least micro, I am able to fasten up the process needed to make the virus and skip lots of stages.

Currently, I am only able to measure and control everything in my body to the milligram. Once I am able to reach microgram, I will finally have a way to defend myself, along with proceeding with my plans.

I started cooking the lobster broth in the kitchen, using all my skills. Then I went back into the storage room again, with my broth. The room has finally turned back to its normal temperature after being abused in the morning by me.

I sat down to eat, not really bothered about the cold, that I could feel. I soon started to eat the food cooked with all my capabilities. Unusually instead of glowing bright white light, my body slowly started glowing red. There was no heat produced this time either, due to the absence of light. But soon my body started expanding and contracting about 10 cm. It was moving along with the beating of my heart. After a few minutes it stopped.

I could find my senses improving into the range of micrograms, as even my eyes were capable of seeing things that are as small as micro, if I focused, and bought it closer.

My afro hair soon started to grow bigger, as I could feel the weight on my head. I soon controlled the hair to straighten it out make the hair lie on my back. As I straightened my hair it reached nearly a length of 1 meter.

My body went through another evolution. It would seem the bodies of the people of this world are naturally attuned to a combination of nutrients, taste and magi particle, that as soon as a certain amount is consumed their bodies start evolving.

I went out after eating and checked the time. It was only 3 pm. I went back to sleep on the desk, knowing that these are the only peaceful times I am going to be able to rest.

At 7 pm crown prince came in again with Tom. "John, I heard you are capable of increasing 3 months of low talent acc.u.mulation, and more with high-level ingredients. You should have told me this before, as I would have bought in higher-level ingredients..."

He started talking but as soon as he saw my afro hair turned to curly long hair, he turned speechless. "The flip!?" After a few seconds of silence, he carried on "Are you cross-dressing or something?"

I shook my head and said, "No, this is the side effect of eating level 5 beast ingredient food."

"Oh, I thought you were going to grow your hair like women." He said with relief.

"I plan to do that, your majesty. You see every time I eat food I cook, my hair grows longer, and it is a bother to cut it, after eating every day. So, I thought might as well grow it."

Hearing me say a logical reason for growing the prince nodded in seriousness. "I understand. If it wasn"t for Smith, I would have done the same. Anyway, here are the ingredients."

He pa.s.sed me the ingredients as I cooked, and they ate. After that, they made an appointment for the next morning with level 4 beast ingredients.

By the time they left, it was 8 pm. As I was planning to rest suddenly a huge flow of customers came in, asking to buy the membership. I smiled as I saw them. I gave each of them odd tasks such as buy certain things, collect some ingredients for me and or show me a certain item etc. By 2 am all of them left after eating the food from the menu, and each being given a certain task.

So, the n.o.bles have finally started making their move.

I started to feel really tired while swearing that I am not going to eat anymore high-level beast food until the empire has a stable income of high-level beast ingredients.

Before my body evolved it was capable of working without much food for at least a day, but now my body requires constant maintenance of energy, that as soon as I missed dinner I feel very tired.

I needed to have 6 servings of level 2 beast ingredients before I even felt satisfied.

However, the only good thing about evolving was now my bodies performance is vastly superior to what it was before. My perception of time increased, so much that 1 second for normal people is like 3 seconds for me now. Along with that, I feel my bodies healing rate has doubled compared to normal humans. Everything, in general, was improved, including my senses.

As I was thinking, Albert came in at 3 am. He asked for a normal serving of my menu. I could see that 2 or 3 of his hair has slowly started to lose their colour. So, it seems instead of evolving they only get temporary boost from my food, as they don"t take in the full effect of the food.

He ate my food and said, he will be back tomorrow morning with level 5 beast ingredients.

I nodded to him and after he left I went to sleep.

I was woken up in the morning by James, for his breakfast at 8am, with his level 4 beast ingredient.

I told him to eat in the garden as I didn"t want my shop burned down by their light. They went and sat in the garden and had their meals.

After they had left I started brushing my teeth, and went for a shower, in the shower room, which was located outside near the garden, which was fenced up by bricks, so that no one can come in through the garden.

After I came back I saw the old man waiting with his ingredients, impatiently.

"Where were you kid? Do you know how long I have been waiting for?"

"I need to do my daily necessities as well when maintaining this place for 24/7" I replied back

The old man gawked "Wait you are planning to keep the restaurant open forever? I thought you were only doing this 24/7 thing only till you get customer flowing."

I shook my head "No, I having nothing to do in the palace, so might as well do something in that time. Ingredients?"

He pointed me to the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen followed by Albert. After I finished cooking he took the plate to outside the garden to eat. Currently, the state of my garden which had flower everywhere was now just replaced by an empty burned garden.

Before he went away he made an appointment with me for level 7 beast ingredients, the day after.

After he left slowly, agents from last night who was given certain odd tasks to complete appeared one by one, with proof of their mission accomplished. Each of them was given a membership card and explained the rules and benefits of membership.

After they got the card, the all made an appointment for beast ingredient ranging from level 5 to 7. The final customer came and left at 6pm. All of them had appointments ranging throughout the next 2 days.

I yawned as I finally looked at the odd items collected and bought to me by the agents. Little did they know out of their masters" greediness for eternal youth, the whole empire was going to be attacked by a deadly disease soon.

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