I waited for my inevitable death. Did those guys hate me so much that they were willing to kill me? Probably.

I slowly opened my eyes to see what awaited after death, only to see someone with long black curly hair, standing in front of me smiling. His face wasn"t clear as my vision is still blurry. I tried to get up only to fall back into what seemed to be my own blood.

"Relax dude. You lost quite some blood. It took a few amount of Rank 4 spells to bring you back to life." He said. My hands kept shivering along with my leg.

I tried standing up again, only to fall back down. Suddenly the person in front of me caught my hands as he supported me up. "Thanks" I murmured not quite aware what was going on.

"Where is your house man?" He asked me, why is everything so loud.

I wanted to go back to sleep but hearing the word house I told him where it was. I could feel him dragging me there.

After long time of being half dragged, half walking I suddenly heard a loud scream that seemed to awake me from my state of sleepiness.

"Ellis" Please stop shouting. It"s too loud.

"Don"t worry mam. He is ok, he just lost too much blood. Where is the bed, we need to lie him down?" I could hear the man comforting who I guessed was my mum.

"Yes.. this way." My mum said amidst her sobbing.

I finally felt the familiarity of my mattress. I was left to be lost in my nightmares of the feeling of pipe entering my body. I was awoken by someone as I could hear them say "Dude eat something to replenish your blood."

It was the same voice of the person in the alleyway. How long was he here for?

"Oi wake up man. You know how many people wish they had a chance to taste my food before they die?" Why is he so loud?

He slowly opened my eyes to see the blurry, yet familiar ceiling. I suddenly felt the world was spinning and closed my eyes again.

"Guess I have to do this the hard way." I heard him speak. What hard way?

Suddenly I could feel someone picking me up and leaning me against the wall. I suddenly felt something entering my mouth. "Open your mouth dude."

I opened it. What is this? It taste so good and comforting. It"s almost like I am sleeping in between clouds, while eating them. I didn"t need the man to say it again, as my mouth was open ready to eat whatever I was eating.

I wanted to eat more, but I knew I was full. I went back to sleep again, but this time dreaming of sleeping in clouds comfortably.

I woke up in the middle of the night, this time I felt much better. I got up from my bed to look around and wondered how I got here. I soon remembered someone carrying me here, mum screaming and someone feeding me.

Wait mom is she alright?

I saw that she was sleeping on the mattress across the room. Her usual wheezing was no where to be hear. Did she get better? Mum was always sick, never resting and always working hard to pay for my studies in Magi inst.i.tute. Since I was found to have low talent in magi with high capacity she said that I needed to work hard and become at least a rank 1 magi and escape from this slum. She never worried about herself, always worrying about me, even when dad left us for that women, when she was found to be ill.

Although she was born and raised in the slum, she always said she never wanted me to live the life like she did. So, she worked hard, earning as much money as possible to buy me my books and research materials, even though my scholarship covered my tuition fees.

Just wait 1 more year for me mum. After that we can get out of this s.h.i.t hole together. I said as I sighed and went back to sleep.

I woke up early morning, feeling much better than last night. Wait I nearly forgot about Phil and his gang. I really should avoid them from now on. They nearly killed me if it wasn"t for that nice man, just because I like Ava as well.

Soon mum awoke from her sleep as well. Seeing me she made a commotion, crying loudly. After calming her down and promising nothing like this would happen again, I asked her the question I been wanting to know "Mum who saved me?"

She shook her head saying "I don"t know. But I feel like I have seen him somewhere. Oh, before he left he told me to give you this letter and told us to leave this house as soon as possible. He also gave us some money too."

I frowned. I took the letter and opened it to see a beautiful handwriting. I know mum wouldn"t read the letter as she can"t read.

Dear Ellis,

Although I saved you from death, you have to be careful from now on.

Anyone who interacts with me are always being watched. I bet someone is reading this letter using magi from faraway right now, as you are reading it. I suggest you move into the town with you mum as soon as possible.

The slums aren"t safe, at least in the town there are patrolling officers there. I have given your mum the necessary sum of money to move into the town. I suggest you move in as soon as possible; most likely you move in as soon as you have read this letter.

Yours Sincerely


Seeing this letter, I frowned. Who saved me and what kind of danger are we in?

I turned towards mum "Mum how much did he give you?"

"About 10 gold notes Ellis, why?" Seeing me ask the question with worried expression she too panicked.

Hearing the sum, I was stunned. That is enough for us to live without working for the next 10 years, along with healing mom and I will still have enough left over to advance into rank 1 magi, in 2 months.

"I told that young magi, that saving you was enough. But he insisted that I have it, and you would know what to do with it once, you read the letter."

I spend some time thinking what to do with the money, before I told my mum the plan. "Mum let"s move into town and get you to a healer."

Hearing the sudden words, she was dazed for few minute before saying "Ellis what did it say in the letter?"

I told her what was written there. She nodded before saying "Lets move into town as that young magi said. As for going to the healer, it can wait until you become a rank 1 magi."


"Ellis once you become a rank 1 magi, besides you can earn more as well and can live comfortably. I am old and haven"t got much long to live due to my illness, but not you. This money should be used wisely."

We spent quite a time arguing back and forth.

"How about this Ellis? Why don"t you advance first, and once our income is stable, mother will stop working and go to a healer? Besides how long do you think it will take you to become rank 1 magi with the leftover money, after moving in?"

I nodded at this. This will work "I will work hard mum. I think I can advance to rank 1 within 1 month with this money. Then I will start working as well."

Thus, having made a decision we moved went to town and picked a house in a secure street. The house costed us 3 gold along with all the furniture and equipment in the house. The house wasn"t that big, but it had 2 bedrooms, a toilet and shower room, along with a kitchen. This was much heaven compared to the s.h.i.thole we lived before.

After leaving 2 gold for any emergency, I used the rest to buy material to aid me in my advancement to rank 1 magi.

Thus, began our new life, filled with hope.

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