It has now been almost a week since we bought the house. Along with that I feel like I have almost completed magi particle acc.u.mulation for to advance to rank 1. Just 1 more day and I will be a rank 1 magi.

There was no words to describe my excitement and impatience. I often skipped lunch to get that extra acc.u.mulation.

3 days ago, the emperor declared that a group of rank 4 or above magis had attacked the 3rd prince but their goal wasn"t discernible. There seemed to be 3 attacks, which costed the life of the imperial bodyguards a.s.signed to the prince. Many people were unsettled hearing this fearing that there may be further attacks which could implicate them, as most of the attacks happened in the market district.

The emperor a.s.sured that protection was a.s.signed to the 3rd prince, along with the fact all resources are spent to find the culprits behind the attacks. If anyone were to see anything suspicious or any suspicious gathering they are to report it to the nearest patrol officer.

This caused everyone to be paranoid and grow uneasy, and there were often cases of people giving false alarm to the patrol officers. Some people even went as far as to report on anyone they didn"t like. This caused most of the officers to doubt any claims made by people, and often started ignoring people who made any claims.

Fortunately, yesterday another announcement was made that 2 members of the group have been captured and are currently being interrogated. Everyone was told that soon the rest of them will be captured and not to panic and go back to their daily lives.

"Ellis" A women in her late 30"s, tall with short black hair entered. She had your average women looks, but to me she was the most precious person in the world.

"Mum" I said as I got up from my bed.

"Ellis we have run out of supplies as its been past 1 week since we cooped up in the house. I need to go and buy some ingredients." Mom said as she rolled up the bag in her arms which she uses for shopping. She regained most of her vigour since we left that s.h.i.t hole, along with the fact she has been resting for a week now.

"I will come with you." I said as I got up to put on my shoes.

She stopped me and shook her head saying "It ok now Ellis, everything seems fine from what the emperor announced yesterday. I will go on my own, besides I need to look for a job as well so it will take a while. You carry on and try to finish your advancement."

I tried to persuade her otherwise, but she was adamant I carry on acc.u.mulating. I finally relented and send her off knowing she will be late.

I sat on my bed as I felt the magi particles slowing phasing through my skin and entering my soul. I felt that it won"t be long till I advance to rank 1. At least 15 hours more and I can advance soon enough.

By the time I opened my eyes from the intoxicating feeling of acc.u.mulation I noticed it was turning dark. Mum left at 9 am and she isn"t back when its still 7pm. I started worrying and got ready to go out and search for her.

As soon as I left my room I heard a knock on the door. My heart skipped a beat. Who could be knocking on the door at this time? I thought of all the people and a bad feeling crept up in my heart.

I went up to the door and slowly opened it. My heart was beating erratically thinking someone was outside with a piece of bad news.

As I opened the door I saw my mum with her tired face and her two hands full of all sorts of things needed for cooking, among other things.

"Mum!" I said as relief washed over me, as I hugged her.

"Where were you all this time?" I asked her as I helped her carry everything in.

"Ellis you won"t believe it, but I got a job in the market. Few people who ran shops there needed someone to clean their stores and wash the windows. I told them I could do it every day, and they agreed to pay me 15 bronze per day, in cash." My mum said excitedly.

"I thought I will start today itself and received some money which I used to buy these." She said as she pointed at the things she brought.

She must be very happy as the multiple amounts of jobs she used to do only paid her 5 bronze per day, and it involved heavy manual labour. Finding a job here which pays what she used to earn every 3 days in one day must have made her happy.

"Mum why don"t you just rest. I will soon advance, and you won"t have to work after that. Besides it is not good for your health." I said as I tried to convince her.

"Ellis even with the salary you get as a rank 1 magi it won"t be enough after you use it to advance to another rank, or for your research. So, it is better for me to chip in early so that we can share the burden of the problems." She said back.

I was left speechless "Mum, who told you I was going to advance beyond rank 1. I just need to get to rank 1 before I find a job as a magi. I don"t need to advance through higher ranks. Once I have enough money saved up we will get you to a healer and live off what I earn from my job."

"Ellis you need to have ambition and dreams. Healing me shouldn"t be your only goal. What would you do once I pa.s.s away or once I am healed? Will you live on your own, and mourn all your life? Or just live aimlessly? You need to find a goal other than me Ellis." She said as she poked my forehead back.

"Mum stop saying that you are going to die." I said as my face turned dark. Whenever she mentions about her health or her pa.s.sing away, I feel that I would be lost without the only hope and light I have in this life and world.

"Ellis, you have to face it. I am going to die one day. Sooner than you, now that you are going to become rank 1 magi. That is why I said you need to find other goal and dreams other than money and me." She said as she walked into kitchen. It is a known fact that magi lives much longer and healthier than most people. If most people have the life expectancy of 65 years old then Rank 1 magi"s always lived at least 10 more years longer than that, due to magi particles invigorating their cells and body.

I pondered about what she said. I thought about what goals I could have other than mother. There was Ava, but I doubt, if she even loves me, as she is currently dating Phil. What I feel for her is just an attraction towards her. Besides she is the daughter of a wealthy merchant, I doubt her parents would even let me near their house.

What about power? I had no desire for power as the only reason I went down this path is to make money so that I can get mum healed.

I just can"t imagine a world without mum. So, I will work hard every day once I become a rank 1 magi to provide a life of comfort for mum, and keeping her health in the best condition possible so she can live a long comfortable life.

So, for now, I will live just for mum. By the time she away due to old age, I won"t have long left either, due to my age.

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