"Correct me if I am wrong. So far from what I have read grey zones generally have 3 layers of defence. 1- the undead crawling around that place, 2- the ghost of the grey zone and 3- the grey zone itself."

"Elaborate" said Maximus as he seemed to be hooked in along with t.i.tus.

"Ghost not only has the ability to turn anyone who dies under their hands into an undead thrall, but they can sometimes leave the grey zone to turn any living creatures into an undead. Because of this, areas around or inside a grey zone are infested with undead.

These undeads are not much of a threat- other than having certain traits depending on the type of undead- as unlike a ghost they can be harmed physically and be killed very easily if someone is strong enough.

This leads to the next layer of defence ghosts. A supernatural ent.i.ty created or rather a physical manifestation taken, by the grey zone to make it easier for it to grow and feed as the grey zone. These apparitions can turn anything that used to live into an undead, which will then live in the grey zone and guard it with the ghosts.

Usually, ghosts don"t tend to kill their victims instantly, they love to inflict them with as much negative thought to feed on their negative emotions before ending everything slowly. They tend to suck out as many negative emotions from their victims as possible even during the process of killing them before turning them into an undead.

Along with that they have a myriad of different abilities such as hypnotism, illusion, charming, being invisible, phasing, enhanced physical capabilities, flying etc.

Not only are these manifestation of grey zones immune to all types of physical damage they can"t be truly killed unless the grey zone itself is destroyed. If not the ghost will be revived after a certain time with all its memories and strength from the grey zone which causes it to learn from its mistake and grow.

The only way to harm them is by an award or magi.

However, there is a question that has been plaguing me since I became aware of ghosts. They are immune to all kind of physical damage. Does that mean they are immune to awards that grant physical boost, like the berserker award?" I led the question to all 3 of the commandments who seemed to be very interested in my explanation.

"They can be harmed by all award abilities along with magi spells, so berserk will harm them. But harming doesn"t truly mean hurting them. I hope you get what I mean?" t.i.tus asked me as I nodded.

As I was about to carry on Maximus interrupted me "Don"t forget physical enhancement granted by ranking up award doesn"t seem to harm them. So, a rank 5 award user who can summon lightning can"t hurt a ghost with just his physical enhancement granted from being a rank 5 award user, he has to use his lighting award to harm it."

"So basically, all award users physical strength is pretty much useless against a ghost if it"s not an award, right?" I asked them.

"Yes, our strengths are pretty useless against them. But luckily our other aspects of physical enhancements are good enough, like speed and healing factor etc, not to mention our award abilities itself." t.i.tus replied back.

I nodded as it cleared some doubt I had.

"From what you said and from my understanding it seems that an award user who is not an exorcist will take much longer to take out a ghost and grey zone, therefore it being simply a waste of time and resources to send an award user that is not an exorcist to a grey zone?" They all nodded.

"Then proceeding to the last and final defence of a grey zone, which is itself. Grey zones absorb negative emotions like a sponge and feed on it. If no people enter a grey zone then the ghost itself will go out on behalf of the grey zone and collect negative emotions for it to feed itself.

As the grey zone feed, it grows, and as it grows the ghost it manifested or created grows, which caused it to upgrade all its abilities and capabilities. This, in turn, causes the strength of undead under the ghosts to grow stronger due to their master growing stronger.

Along with that, the grey zones forces anyone who enters it to think of negative thoughts thus feeding them negative emotions. However, the strength of negative emotions rises in proportion to the strength of the person. So, a rank 5 magi will emit much higher negative emotion or quality of negative emotion compared to a commoner who has experienced the same amount of negativity in his life as the rank 5 magi.

This, therefore, enforces everyone to send as few people as possible into a grey zone and make sure the person or people they send is capable of taking out the grey zone very quickly. As staying there longer lets the grey zone grow stronger."

There was a silence for a few seconds as everyone took in what I said, even though they already knew it. As it reminded them of their foolish time when they attempted to enter a grey zone and had to face its terrifying nature.

"You are much more knowledgeable in the grey zones now. Do you still think you are capable of carrying out the a.s.signment?" Dexter asked me after a while.

"I am, I just need to get past the undead and directly reach to the ghost and I should be able to do my parlour tricks on it. So, all I need you guys to do for me is, find out the strength of the undead in the grey zone and send someone with me who is capable of taking those undeads down or clearing a path for me to the ghost." I smiled towards the trio.

Seeing my confidence all three of them sighed in relief before Dexter replied smiling "The grey zone is a rank 2 zone, which means it is recommended for only rank 2 or above. As you are an awardless and not a magi I am pretty sure no one will object you taking a rank 2 with you.

His name is Kristof. His award having the ability to set down rules, which will help you tremendously to clearing a pathway to the ghost and restricting all interference during your meeting with the ghost. How you use him is up for you to decide, is that fine for you?"

"Yes, that"s fine. I will leave for the grey zone as soon as I get everything I ordered for." I replied as we all stood up and went our own ways.


It"s now the end of July.

It was a rainy day today, instead of it being sunny and warm like it is supposed to be.

I sighed as I decided to go out and collect the Whizz board today. Dr Whizz had came to my restaurant to collect his payments but unfortunately, he forgot to bring the board. He wanted to go back and get it, but I stopped him and told him I will personally come and collect it later, as I wanted to test drive it.

I looked at the black tattered and torn cloak, I had received from Spiders Silks, which seemed a little out of ordinary and out of fashion. I draped the cloak around me but didn"t bother to put the hood up, as I decided to go out and collect the board.

I had received my weapon and the components from the crafter. I had spent quite a few hours of every day going to Dexter"s residence where no one would casually spy on me to build my toy with the components.

I had decided to build this toy not because I was going to the grey zone but to survive the danger I will encounter if what I planned for the grey zone succeeds.

I took out the umbrella, I recently bought, from the stand and opened it up before going out in the rain.

Ellis offered to come with me, but I told him not to as it will be much faster if I go on my own. Since that day he often had a very guilty conscience when around me. But I just ignored it and pretended not to see it.

I walked towards Whizzs" apartment, protected from the rain by my dark blue umbrella.

After collecting the Whizz board from Whizz, I looked at my future method of transportation, which i will use for a long time. It was simply a very thick and stylish skateboard without any wheels, not to mention the size of it is pretty big in my standards as 100 cm long with the width being 50 cm.

I decided to start up the skateboard and heard it start with the low hum as it glowed a blue colour slightly, showing that it had started.

While it put up the barrier around me I unfolded the umbrella and hooked it behind my collar. The barrier offered protection from the wind amongst other things from smacking onto your face and distracting you when travelling on the Whizz board.

Without delaying any longer, I started my drive through the empty road on my board on a rainy day. Feeling the thrill at travelling at high speed after so long, along with seeing water under the board being repelled and splashing to the side, let me enjoy in this world after so long.

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