"Is that tears?" Albert asked as everyone observed the face of Jerry whose eyes started pouring tears out.

"Something is wrong." Smith said as he prepared to move and interfere with the reading.

"I am pretty sure his highness won"t appreciate that would he Smith?" Maximus said as he blocked Smith from interfering with the reading.

"What are you doing?" Smith asked as faced against Maximus.

"Simply doing the job you guys are supposed to be doing." Dexter replied as he blocked the fist of Steven, while the blast of their impact spread across the room, throwing everything in the room in chaos.

"Just patiently wait until he finishes his reading then you guys can go check on him. Or you can try the hard way but unlike last time old man I am prepared this time" t.i.tus said as crackled his fist while smiling towards Albert.

"Hehehe strangely our roles indeed have been swapped. The defenders have become attackers and the attacker turns to be defenders. Hahaha" Albert laughed as he observed t.i.tus.

"Now Steven just stay calm and wait till everything is over. I am pretty sure the reading will be finished in the next few minutes. Do you want to ruin the memory of you visiting my home after so long?" Dexter said as he pushed Steven back.

"You guys are planning something. I knew it the moment I saw how relaxed he was." Steven replied.

"Now the worst that can happen is John dying. You guys have nothing to lose here by staying still. Otherwise, don"t force my hand as you maniacs fight and destroy my house. Remember you are in my territory right now." Dexter warned everyone.

Suddenly everyone sensed the agents inside the house ready for battle.

"Oi, oi we are in the same team. Why the h.e.l.l are you threatening us as well?" t.i.tus asked as he felt several agents targeting him as well.

"Like I told him. You are inside my house and I don"t like it to see it damaged by anyone even if you are my son or friend." Dexter replied.

"Smith stay back. They are right we got nothing to lose." Albert ordered while moving back to sit down.

"Although you are getting old your brain hasn"t." Complimented Maximus.

Everyone went back to sit in their old position as each one them waited for the reading to be finished, while observing Jerry and John will raising their guards up.

After a few minutes John opened his eyes as he stood up and stretched, while Jerry was still kneeling on the floor.

"Kid what did you do to him?" Smith questioned John.

"*Yawn*...You guys wanted to know what happened at the grey zone right? Wait and see." John replied as he took the cushion from the floor and walked towards the couch and sat down after placing the cushion down.

After hearing John everyone"s attention focused on the back of Jerry. Few seconds later he stood up while tears still dripped from his eyes to the floor.

Everyone suddenly felt uneasy including Dexter and his group. Something didn"t feel right.

As everyone watched Jerry he slowly took the dagger he hid inside his sleeves out and unsheathed it. He pointed the dagger above his heart and was about to stab when Steven moved in and held his arms. While Albert started casting a restriction spell.

"What did you do to him?" Steven asked in shock as he finally saw the face of Jerry who was facing away from the rest of the people.

Amidst the teary and snotty face, he had a smile, a beautiful and innocent smile that was lost to a person like Steven as he witnessed the darkness of the world.

"He wanted to see my memories, so I showed it to him." John replied while Albert turned towards Smith who nodded.

Smith started using his award, the mirror, on Jerry. "This is strange. I can"t sense any other emotions other than happiness ... wait, no, not happiness but something more than that." Smith shouted out what he sensed using his award from Jerry"s emotions.

"s.h.i.t! ALBERT he is corrupting himself. Do something old man!" Steven screamed as he saw Jerry"s eyes getting extremely red while vein slowly popped out of his body, all the whilst tears flowed out of his eyes while not letting go of the smile on his face.

Slowly Jerry freed himself from the restriction placed upon him as his strength grew as he slowly started to be corrupted. "It"s too late. Get ready for a fight." Albert said as he weaved a spell to fight the very soon to be corrupted, Jerry.

Steven moved back while all the commandments and Smith got ready to put down the corrupted Jerry.

Jerry turned around to face them as his body slowly started gaining a reddish tint.

For the first time, everyone else apart from Steven and John saw his face. They too for a moment were lost at seeing that innocent eyes and smile on his face. All of them had a feeling that they would never forget that brown eyes and tear stricken smile for the rest of their life.

"Thank you" Those were his final words amidst his teary and smiling face as suddenly his body started bloating.

"The flip. Steven get back." Albert shouted.

Steven quickly moved back towards the group while Albert casted a barrier around the bloating body.


Although the barrier stopped the shard of flesh and bones from flying everywhere and impaling everyone, the loud sound of the explosion couldn"t be stopped.

Everyone kept their silence as they stared at the remains of what seemed to be Jerry for a few seconds before turning to look at John who seemed to be dozing off into sleep, in the couch.

All their expression darkened. "Dexter, did you guys know?" Steven turned towards Dexter who was shaking in rage and fury.

"No." He replied in a hoa.r.s.e voice.

"John did you cause him to corrupt himself?" Dexter asked as he reigned in his surging killing intent while t.i.tus and Maximus didn"t care as they released it uncontrollably, wanting to slaughter John.

"Hmm corrupt, who me? I have nothing to do with that." John said as he finally seemed to have woken up from his sleep.

"Then how do you explain that mans fate?" Steven interjected.

John took out a paper from his pocket and placed it on the table. "He did sign this. Remember that. It"s his own fault for not taking seriously of the warning I threw at him."

"Brat take this more seriously. Do you have any idea the amount of pain induced by corruption? Even if you are an enemy you will feel sorry for the person going through corruption. Not to mention the other side effect of corruption if he had been fully corrupted. Now tell us whether you had anything to do with his corruption or not?" Albert said finally showing his serious side after a long time.

John stood up and went to a corner to pick up something, while everyone watched him in patience. John went back and sat down on his couch as he threw the thing he picked up towards Albert.

"Play it." John ordered.

Albert played the recording device while he projected it so that everyone could see what was happening. "Fast forward it just after he corrupts himself." Albert followed as what he said while everyone watched in mourning at Jerry"s corruption.

They saw how Steven alerted everyone then Albert ordering everyone to prepare for a fight. Followed by Jerry turning around and saying "thank you" before exploding.

"Play the thank you again." John casually told Albert as everyone focused on the screen.

"Thank you" They repeatedly heard Jerry saying his last final words over and over again.

"He is happy he died." John gave his verdict and his explanation without any emotion, as he relaxed back into his couch.

Everyone suddenly realised how ruthless and emotionless he was. Not even bothered about the death of a person who was nearly corrupted. Even they who witnessed the scene felt guilty for something like this happening yet the person who caused all this sat there as if nothing had ever happened.

Suddenly Smith ran towards John with bloodshot eyes. "Restrain." Albert casted another of the same spell on Smith who would have killed John in the next second.


"SHUT UP! JOHN, do you have any idea of what you nearly cursed Jerry with? Now tell us what you did or even I won"t stop him." Albert shouted in rage.

"Hahahahahahahahaha!" John started laughing like a mad man for a while before he stopped.

"I did it? You think I corrupted him? Rewind the video and watch him from the moment he stands up. Then see who is the one who caused him to be corrupted you blind fools."

They did as he said, thinking they might have missed something out. However, after watching the video again with careful vigilance and observation they noticed out the ordinary other than Steven restraining Jerry while Albert casted restraining spell to stop him from killing himself.

They all turned towards John waiting for an explanation, "You guys don"t see it do you. You guys caused his corruption." John blamed everyone as he finally sat straight up and looked at each one them.

All of them shook in fury and some of them were to about to vent their anger on John for the misfortune Jerry just experienced. But before they could move John interrupted their action as he said "Who was the one who coerced that person to come here and get my mind read? You lot and your almighty emperor.

For what? Nothing other than your greed and pride at wanting everything from me and that muppet in the shadows wanting to be in control." Smith"s eyes shone in resentment as he struggled to free himself even more while hearing how the person he loyally swore to serve was being blatantly being insulted by the same person again and again now.

"I warned all of you and had Dexter inform to you guys before you came here that whoever read my mind will not be able to handle it. I even warned the very person reading my mind and had him sign a declaration, warning him of his death in front of you all.

Yet you fools who thought you are always in control and wanted everything couldn"t help at the face of greed could you. I saw the reluctance in his eyes as he signed the contract. The oath binding him to follow your orders to his death.

You guys wanted to read my memory so he entered my mind and I showed him my memories. What he saw in my memories couldn"t be handled by him. But you fools out of your own greed had to stop him from killing himself. He didn"t want to wait any longer to die and knew you guys wouldn"t let him die any time soon till he spilt everything he saw.

So, he chose the next best thing he could do to die soon. Corruption.

Did you guys even bother to think for a moment who he was thanking and why before he died? Let me tell you it wasn"t me he was thanking but you blinded greedy rats.

He was glad that you greed blinded idiots wouldn"t at least prevent his last attempt to aim for death before he got corrupted and had to spend the rest of eternity suffering.

You guys still don"t get it do you. Then let me make this clear to you. When he was about to choose death you guys stopped him and forced him to corrupt himself. So, tell me who corrupted him? You guys are the very reason he was corrupted." John explained as everyone went silent.

Dexter along with Maximus and t.i.tus remembered what John had told them a few hours ago "If you don"t believe why don"t you get someone capable of reading minds. But let me warn you what happens to him after he reads my memories is none of my responsibility." They had thought from his warning that the reader would utmost be depressed and have severe psychological trauma, but never expected him to suicide like this.

While Smith suddenly remembered the message, Dexter pa.s.sed onto him "John is willing to let someone read his mind. But what happens to him afterwards wouldn"t be our or his responsibility."

"Smith, did Dexter warn you something like that?" Steven asked Smith as he turned around to glare at him.

Smith slowly lost his strength as he finally became free from the restraint spell. He felt stupid for not taking the warning seriously. "Smith..." Albert started off but was soon interrupted by Steven.

"The alliance is off." Steven said as he walked out.

"Steven wait." Albert called out.

"Don"t think I don"t know what you guys are planning to do next. It"s impossible to read his memory without a person going mad to the point of corrupting themselves. It"s also pointless of trying to get his secrets from his own mouth so you will definitely let her out." Steven paused for a moment to let what he said sink in.

"Albert don"t think for a moment I will hold back if I see her." Steven said as he slowly walked out with rising killing intent.

"Kid, do me a favour when you meet her?" He stopped beside the door for as he called out to John, who in turn looked at him from his couch.

"Make her regret living for every second she has lived or is living." Steven left as the air grew heavy while Jerry"s blood slowly flowed towards them.

Albert slowly casted a spell to gather the remains of Jerry together in a ball before walking out, followed by a dejected Smith.

"Do you know who won this time Smith?" Albert asked as Smith followed him out.

"They did." Smith stated dejectedly from behind.

"No." Albert shook his head while Smith looked up to see what Albert had to say.

"They didn"t win, neither did we." Albert finished off as he sighed while carefully carried the remains of Jerry that was meant to be send for burial to his family.

"Then who?" Smith asked

"He did."

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