"Did she become the apostle of a deity? But why did the deity choose Linda as an apostle? And who was this Fake? Why is a deity letting their apostle ma.s.sacre people like this?

From what was written on the walls of Joshua, I know Fake was a deity-like figure." But the problem was Luke had never heard of a deity known as Fake and he was sure of it.

In his past life the current empire was fighting a war against the Church of the Almighty or to them it was known as the holy crusade.

Due to this, he had the basic knowledge of all deities and their primary roles in the world.

He knew for a fact that deities simply didn"t care for mortals like them. The very proof was Luke himself. The number of believers of the Almighty he had killed was numerous, yet the Almighty never punished or killed him, himself. The Almighty also had never sent any form of aid or support to help his believer is their fight.

This confirmed that the deities simply didn"t involve with mortals. The only exception to this was the apostles of the deities.

Apostles are figures who represent their deity, who is tasked with spreading the message about that particular deity and gather together the followers for that deity.

Apostles are very powerful beings so powerful to the point that crushing the empire is a simple task for them. In fact, the apostle of the church of Almighty could have simply ended the war in is his previous life, the very day the war started.

However, when an apostle is chosen he/she is forever forbidden from attacking anyone, at most they could defend themselves and attack back if someone personally attacks them. If an apostle dares to use their power for their selfish needs he/she will be stripped of their powers and will be punished by the deity themselves who gave him/her the power.

If that particular deity that won"t punish their apostle then other apostles of different deities will band together to punish them.

This has happened before in his past life when an apostle of the Moon had gone on a killing spree after his daughter was killed by his enemies. The deity of the Moon didn"t punish him, so the pope of the church of Almighty went to punish him, due to the deity of the Moon seeing his action as justifiable for what his enemies did to his daughter.

The battle between them lasted for 2 days before apostles from the other deities arrived and joined in to detain the apostle of the Moon and dishing out punishment to him. The fight between the 2 apostles for 2 days was enough to sink the land of their battle zone below sea level. The area where they fought was later named The Abyss of the Moon, due to the ma.s.sive hole in the middle of the high ground caused by their fight.

Now, his sister had become a figure like that. A very powerful being able to make even the empire kneel down before her. However, he feared the wrath that she will face from her deity or the other apostles due to what she did.

"Why was she so stupid? She came back to life only to be punished by her deity or become endlessly hunted by other apostles." Luke worried over her.

Luke wondered why she never came to him when she came back to life. "Was she an apostle in his previous life as well? Could she be the reason behind his revival and absurd luck in the past? Was she always watching over him? But I saw with my own eyes how her body was defiled by that necromancer, so I know for sure she wasn"t alive back then.

However, what if that was just a fake body? She could have been revived in the past and replaced her true body with a fake one. Then that means she couldn"t do the same thing this time due to me cremating her body and caused me to become aware of her revival. But why didn"t she do the same thing to the villagers in his past life, as she did just now?

If she did, did her deity cover-up for her somehow? But all this raises more questions such as why is she avoiding me, who is this deity called Fake, why is he protecting her, why did she send me back in time?" Answering one question led to more questions. Luke decided the only way to end this endless cycle was to find his sister and ask her himself.

But before that, he has to make sure no one hunts her, and to do that is to get rid of all evidence pointing to her.

He erased the recording from the device and the secret back up copies it made in the device and placed it back in the hidden compartment.

He looked for any survivors. He had found that all most all the villagers were similar to Joshua"s family and his stepmother, all those survivors had gone mad, repeating the phrase "Praise him" or writing it out on the walls. He made sure to end them himself using the sword he found from a dead guard.

Following that he quickly went out and gathered all mangles bodies in one building. After doing all that he went to the local tanners" workshop and found the liquid they use to tan the hide. It was a very flammable object on its own, but the tanners used the liquid in combination with other things on their products to get rid of the rotten smell from the hide while not damaging it.

He made sure to pour the liquid over every house with the writings and especially on the mangled bodies. Following that he lit the whole village on fire, thereby destroying any and all evidence of Linda"s ma.s.sacre to the general public. At most, they will trace it back to him, but that is fine, as long as Linda was safe.

He watched as the raging fire razed the village. The place where both of them grew. This place had quite a few happy moments for him, but from the way Linda killed or left everyone here, he knew she had less than happy moments here.

He walked away from all this following the trace she left. While covering both their tracks up as he carried on.


It has been nearly 1 week since his revival and the incident. He had used this one week to calm his emotions and rattling heart at his new life in the past and focused on tracking his sister.

At first, it was easy for him to trace Linda"s steps, but it became harder and harder for him to trace her as the days went by. But from her last given position and the route she has been taking Luke predicted that she was going to the capital. For what reason he had no idea.

Another thing Luke realised when he arrived in this world is the fact that it wasn"t the same world as his past. He knows that he was starting his journey at least 3 weeks earlier than it was supposed to, but the changes were there.

An example would be the supposed dead prince of the "Unrelenting Berserker" was still alive. His death was confirmed in his past life just after the new year but now not only is he alive but has become the heir, 3rd Prince John Emberson.

Then there is the plague which everyone was affected with 5 months ago. In his past life, there was no such plague.

But the strangest of all changes was the time his sister died. In his past life, May 15th was an unforgettable day for him. But in this life, his sister had died 3 months later, which meant his journey to the outside world wasn"t 3 weeks early but 3 months late.

Still, however many of the things he usually saw weren"t there. Like the small corner shop in the alleyway he usually visited where they sold the best street food, or the "Star Sword" weapon franchise changed their name to "Flying Sword". The owner was the same for both the "Star Sword" and "Flying Sword" yet he changed the name of his store. His store was a store with 7 years of background.

From his investigations he found there were a few minor and major changes, in the past 15 years, but everything before that had remained the same. This could only mean 1 thing; he was in a different world similar to his past life, but a different variable, other than himself, was added here in the past 15 years that caused such a large change. But who is that person or people? Were they sent back in time like he was?

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