23    Tsuzurigi Shiori②

I repeatedly went on these "walk home from school together" dates with Tsuzurigi-san. There was an atmosphere around us like that of a couple that had just started going steady.

Etozawa Koutarou     boost 3/3

Tsudzurigi Shiori 【CONCEIVE・MODE】OFF
Affection  ■■■■■■■■■□ 88
Romance .. ■■■■■■■■■□ 82
l.u.s.t ..... ■□□□□□□□□□ 5
Loyalty .. ■■□□□□□□□□ 23

During these days, Tsuzurigi Shiori"s parameters were steadily rising.

Even if I could adjust these parameters by just pressing a b.u.t.ton, it is more interesting to watch this natural increment without interfering, and observe this person"s heart as if it was only a numerical value.

Tsuzurigi-san"s parameters would rise and fall depending on my words and behavior. I embraced this opportunity to capture Tsuzurigi-san as if I was playing a game.

At this point in time, Tsuzurigi-san"s gaze would be directed towards me like that of a girl who had fallen in love.

And today after school, I have an appointment with Tsuzurigi-san where we are going to study. It will be a library date. Isn"t that just bittersweet, oi!

For a little while now, she had wanted to do something together with me, she had that atmosphere around her where I could almost smell it. She finally broke in and 「would you like to study at the library?」 I jumped at this proposal at once.

That is why I am now sitting with an opened reference book in the study room of the library.

The study room was as big as a cla.s.sroom, and there were already a few students here who studied by themselves. Tsuzurigi-san and I sat side by side at one of the tables here.

「Hey, Tsuzurigi-san. I don"t quite understand this here」

「Eh? Ah… that"s…」

Since we are in a library, I speak to her in a quiet voice. Sitting next to me and staring intently at my reference book is Tsuzurigi-san who is letting her face come nearer. As I watch her from the side, Tsuzurigi-san becomes too conscious of that fact and her face turns redder.

When my shoulder touch Tsuzurigi-san"s shoulder she startled and her shoulder trembled. She is so excited that even this degree of physical contact is too much for her.

「a… ano… this…」

「Mmー, I don"t understand it at all. Here, this right here~」

When I put myself further inside Tsuzurigi-san"s personal s.p.a.ce and touch her hand as I whisper, her face becomes even more flushed and she withdraws her body. But she doesn"t try to get away from me at all, instead, murmuring words that aren"t really words as she tries her best to teach me and focus hard on studying.

Hmm, even while this nervous, she is pretty and cute.

Tsuzurigi-san"s body is very close, she is soft and there is something that smells nice.

I feel excited as soon as I feel this delicate shoulder and smelling this fragrance.

Eventually, I stood up and stretched my body. I took off the vest that I wore atop the school uniform.

「Somehow, it has become very hot, I"ll go to the bathroom for a bit」

「Ah… yeah. Take care…」

I put the vest on my seat where I had been sitting and left the library.

When I open the doors to the study room on my way out, I saw a plate of 「No Entry」that was hanging here. All right.

I waited a little while before returning until all the students except Tsuzurigi-san began to leave. Since the study period was now over, I pretended that I was on my way home too.

To tell the truth, all of those students that were inside this study room were my servants who had Loyalty raised to the max.

When I enter the study room, I hung the plate which prohibits entering the room, so that no other students will enter after me. And then I leave the study room again, pretending to obediently follow the orders that were asked of us to leave on time.

Now, in the study room, Tsuzurigi Shiori was alone by herself.

I leaned against the wall in the corridor.

The Rimokon was summoned, and I check Tsuzurigi-san"s parameters.

Etozawa Koutarou     boost 3/3

Tsudzurigi Shiori 【CONCEIVE・MODE】OFF
Affection  ■■■■■■■■■□ 89
Romance .. ■■■■■■■■■□ 84
l.u.s.t ..... ■□□□□□□□□□ 12
Loyalty .. ■■□□□□□□□□ 24

Affection and Romance were both rather high, I guess that means she is already madly in love with me.

She has still not yet bloomed and therefore I do not have the courage to confess to her, wasn"t that apparent in the sighs earlier? (TN: I didn"t understand what was meant)

If I were to be like 「Tsuzurigi-san, I like you! Chiyucchyushiyou!」it would be nice, since I"m willing to do chyucchyushiyou with pleasure, however, this time I am going to try a different plan instead. (TN: not sure what ちゅっちゅしよう (chyucchyushiyou) is…)

Using the D-pad I move the cursor and manipulate the desired parameter.

The value of l.u.s.t.

After I raised it to 90, I left this spot while humming a tune.

I made all the students and staff who remained in the library leave using the power of the Rimokon, I also went ahead and closed the entrance.

Now then, with this, it should be only Tsuzurigi-san and me here in this library.

I returned to the entrance that leads into the study room with a relaxed walk, and listened outside the door curiously, what might be happening inside here?

「N…! Haa…! Etozawa-kun…, Etozawa-kun…!!」

This coquettish voice of Tsuzurigi-san was faintly leaking out the door.

While calling my name, it sounds like she was enjoying herself.

And then, I, while suppressing these excited feelings, put my hands on the door of the study room and opened it hurriedly.

I get inside the study room and what enters my eyes is a girl with her nose buried in my vest, her hand was stretched out to reach down between the thighs, moving and ma.s.saging, while endlessly calling my name.

I mean, like, that"s my vest. She"s literally sniffing it.

I was just half attempting it and left it on purpose, but apparently, it seems to have been put to effective use.

Tsudzurigi-san noticed the sound of the door and immediately looked this way.

She could not suppress herself and even with a head that was this excited by l.u.s.t, when she saw my figure who had witnessed her, she immediately stopped moving and looked at me with wide opened eyes. It was like she was wondering what to do now.

paku-paku, her mouth moved as if seeking oxygen like a fish, but no words escaped her at all.

This silence lasted for a couple of seconds longer until eventually, I opened my mouth.

「Tsuzurigi-san, what are you doing? Or rather, that"s my vest, isn"t it?」

「…!! E, Etozawa…kun…, w, wrong… this is…」

I had entered only to be surprised by Tsuzurigi-san like I had seen an incredible thing, kind of like that was the image I pretended to emulate.

Tsuzurigi-san who had returned to her senses tried in a hurry to come up with an excuse, but she never said anything at all, she was just quiet. Of course, she could not just say that it was because she was a perverted person who m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.es at school while sniffing the vest of a man.

I deliberately try to sound shocked while speaking next.

「Don"t tell me, you were masturbating? In such a place…」

「That, that"s wrong… This is…」

「That was wrong? A~a, my vest is sticky with drool. I never knew. I didn"t think that Tsuzurigi-san was such a perverted woman that would seriously m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e at school」

I am exaggeratedly surprised and shocked, and with an expression of dislike on my face, I approached Tsuzurigi-san.

Tsuzurigi-san no longer had tears in her eyes, but she made excuses like 「wrong… it"s different…」, but I ignore her and pick up my vest.

「Moreover, masturbating with my vest, ne? What, don"t tell me… Tsuzurigi-san actually likes me like that?」

「Ah… Uu…」

With a look of despair on her face, Tsuzurigi-san begins to shed tears.

It was the same look from when those delinquents chased her, Tsuzurigi-san really looks good with a face like this! It makes me want to torment her more and more.

I crouch low next to where Tsuzurigi-san who was withdrawing her body into herself was sitting, and grasp the leg of her seat. I jank it forcefully.

「Kya…! A…, Do, don"t look…」

Sitting in front of me, I was met face-to-face with a panicked Tsuzurigi-san who hurriedly closed her legs. She tried to hold down her skirt that had been rolled up and shrunk her body.

The nasty one-man play that had been going on until just recently, had clearly left its evidence. On Tsuzurigi-san"s pure white underwear there was a big embarra.s.sing stain in the crotch area.

What tickled my nose was the smell of a female.

It made me excited just thinking about it, and I grabbed Tsuzurigi-san"s thighs. They were soft.

「Tsuzurigi-san smells h.o.r.n.y. Nn, it smells good. It is the smell of a h.o.r.n.y perverted woman」

「Ah… no~…, I, I"m sorry… it"s not true… I, I just feel strange…」

Tsuzurigi-san was no longer crying. But she was hiccuping and trying to make up excuses for me.

In order to calm her down, I gently patted and stroke Tsuzurigi-san"s head.

「E, Etozawa-kun…?」

「I could have never guessed that Tsuzurigi-san was such a h.o.r.n.y girl… Well, but I don"t really dislike that. I already thought Tsuzurigi-san was good from before.」

「Ah… e…, ano… 」

「There there, don"t dirty your cute face. See? Because I don"t mind, so, wipe away the tears」

「Ah, uu… E, Etozawa-kun…」

Tsuzurigi-san bore a face that was radiating to me how she could not understand what I was saying. She suddenly started to m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e at school, she was discovered by me, more than that, this me who was the subject of her love. It was such an embarra.s.sing event that she wanted to die from just that alone, but now, somehow she was confessed to.

Obviously, this could not be anything but confusing.

「Etozawa-kun… umm, just now…」

「That"s right, I already liked Tsuzurigi-san from before. So much that I want to do "it" with her. Well, it was unexpected that Tsuzurigi-san was this perverted, but, I like s.l.u.tty girls. So that"s why, Tsuzurigi-san, don"t worry about it」

「Etozawa-kun… aa…」

Though she is inside a sphere of confusion, a joy began to well up inside her by hearing this confession from me. Tsuzurigi-san was stuck in between embarra.s.sment and happiness, she could no longer understand these emotions that were pushed up and eventually burst into tears.

I"m glad that I get to comfort this kind of Tsuzurigi-san and gently stroke her on the head.

「Etozawa-kun…, hikku… ano, I… sniff… I don"t normally do this… but, when we are together, I cannot contain my feelings. I, I also… Etozawa-kun I also like… love you…」

I caught her, I caught her. Tsuzurigi-san has made a confession of love.

「Really? Then, we share similar feelings, ne」

「I can"t believe it… I"m so happy… dream, it must be a dream…」

「I"m happy too you know. Then, from now on we are a couple, ne?」

「Yeah… girlfriend… I want that. Etozawa-kun"s girlfriend… sniff」

And we hugged.

Now then, I wonder if it is time to wrap this up.

「Then, Tsuzurigi-san. May this boyfriend ask his first request?」

「Ah, yes… what is it? Etozawa-kun…」

「I want to see more of this s.l.u.tty Tsuzurigi-san」

Continue masturbating, show it to me right here.


Tsuzurigi-san was petrified. Hahaha, it reminds me of Sakuya.

      >> 24

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