Parameter Remote Controller

Chapter 16 : Exposure Date (Difficulties and Harem) 1

Chapter 16 : Exposure Date (Difficulties and Harem) 1

My daily life had become busy.

To be specific, it is to the degree that my meat stick didn’t have enough time to dried.



“N…. ah….! Kotaro-kun… so big….!”

“Sayaka-san, if you are so loud, wouldn’t Kaoru hear it?”

“Bu,but…. Kotaro-kun…. Was…. too amazing…. Aan!”



When Sayaka-san was standing on the kitchen with flare skirt wrapping her a.s.s, when I look at this I suddenly become turned on and start to violate her from back.

I roll up her skirt, move her underwear to the side and jam it in.

This day, I have inserted my meat stick inside her v.a.g.i.n.a so much that it already learned to tightened around it and start to secrete a viscous fluid and become wet.

Right now, Kaoru was taking a bath. She will not come out for another 30 minutes.

I want to taste Kaoru meat hole soon, but, I need to made my move carefully so it will not end up with her fighting with Sayaka-san. After all I didn’t want to not be able to taste Sayaka-san delicious body anymore.

Because the temperature was rising recently, she began to wear a sleeveless clothes that reveal her slim white arm, lovely shoulder, and her armpit that made me want to lick it, all of this made me turned on and attack her.

But, Sayaka-san current love status was at max, and she has this tempting appearance, it is not my fault. Sometime I cuddle with her like a spoiled child and ask her to do it.

“Kotaro-kun…. Does it feel good….? Because I can, made Kotaro-kun, satisfier than that kid….”

“Are you talking about Ema? I already broke up with Ema.”

“…. Really?”

“That is true. After Sayaka-san was the one for me…. Uu, hora, here come to first shoot….!”

“Aa….n! A…. so much…. c.u.ming out….”



Sayaka-san still think that Ema was my girlfriend, she is jealous of Ema and keep mention her, so I tell her a lie and said [I already broke up with Ema].

Sayaka-san turn into jealous women too. It was because her max love level, she want to monopolize me all the time.

When I was home I will embrace Sayaka-san and when I go to school I will violate Sakuya and Yamashina sensei alternately.

After all I was having an affair with only the two of them in the school.

This morning Yamashina sensei tell me while she was fidgeting with red face that she want me to help her with the preparations for teaching material.

When I entered the preparation rooms, Yamashina sensei locked the door behind her and embrace me while saying that she can’t endure it anymore.

“N…. Kotaro-kun…. I’m sorry even though it was still morning…. But, I can’t stand it any longer….”

“Yamashina sensei….”

“Please call me Tomoko…. After all we, already a lover….”



Yamashina sensei behave like a spoiled child. When it was only the two of us, she pestering me to hug her while patting her head.

Yamashina sensei breast was too fierce. When I hug her tightly, her twin mountain was pressing to my chest and my son can’t help but reacted to it.

When Yamashina sensei noticed it, her face became redder, then, it become a pattern where I ask her [Then, Tomoko, since we are a lovers, I want you to suck it].

I catch Yamashina sensei hair that was servicing me eagerly with her tiny mouth and e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e it depth inside her throat.

[NN…!] Yamashina sensei try to swallowed all the s.e.m.e.n that I e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e with teary eyes. Of course we aren’t finished like this, the 2nd shoot will be released inside Yamashina sensei meat hole.

The next cla.s.s will be Yamashina sensei Modern j.a.panese cla.s.s. When I think that she will teach with my s.e.m.e.n inside her meat hole, it give me a sense of conquest.

I invite Sakuya to the hideout at launch break.

Sakuya had made a bento for me, while she was feeding it to me, I move my waist.

“An…. fua…. Kotaro-kun…., if you move around…. I can’t feed…. You….”

“I want to eat both Sakuya and the bento. Oh, the omelet looks delicious.”

“U, un…. This is the one that I was proud of. I want Kotaro-kun to eat…. Aan!”



I laid the matt at the floor, I insert it inside Sakuya while we are sitting facing each other while I was eating.

Honestly, even though it was hard to eat, it was the best since I can see Sakuya shy face.

When I finish eating my last mouthful of lunch, I say a thanks by giving her a creampie inside her, Sakuya was twitching on my waist. Since that time, Sakuya always wanted me to c.u.m inside her.


When the cla.s.s was over, my cellphone vibrated at the same time as the sound of the after school bell rang. It was the mail from Ema.

It seems like her shift was over. What she write at mail was [Can we go back together?]

Alright, today after school time will be with Ema, I decided and made my preparation.

Sakuya was looking at me frequently, because we hide our relationship that she was going out with me from other people, she didn’t try to approach me.

Yamashina sensei was also looking at me frequently at the same time as well, for some reason she seems to come over here.

“Ano…. Kotaro-kun. I want you to help me a little….”

“Ah, I am sorry Tomo-chan sensei. I have something to do after this.”

“Eeh…. such thing….”


Yamashina sensei hangs her head down with [Gan] like those SFX from the manga.

Looking at Yamashina sensei in this condition, I whispered [See you tomorrow] in a low voice, this time her face suddenly brightened with [PAAAN!]. She was so easily understand.

After leaving the school, I hurriedly go towards the place where Ema was waiting for me. When I arrive there I can see a long hair blonde beauty already waiting there, when she noticed me, she rush up to me with happy face like a faithful dog.

“Ah, Kotaro-kun!”


Ema runs toward me while shaking her abundant breast and blonde hair. She stand out on our meeting place right in front of the station.


“Ehehe, Kotaro-kun. *Gyuu”

“Yes yes, *Gyu”

“Nn…. Kotaro-kun un….”

[TL: don’t ask me what Gyu mean I didn’t know either, probably a hug.]



Ema speak like a spoiled child. The people around us was looking toward us and seems like want to said [What the h.e.l.l with this baka couple], I will think so too.

“Then, then Kotaro-kun. Should we go….”


The destination already been decided. It is the love hotel.

Because I already lie to Sayaka-san that I already broken up with Ema, I can’t take her to my house anymore. However, Ema-san didn’t invite me to her apartment. I didn’t know why though.

[TL: she must be fujioshi]

“Nee, Ema. the love hotel is good, but, if we use Ema apartment we didn’t need to spend money no? Why didn’t we do that?

“That, that, that…. Ano, that is because an adult onee-san has many secret….”

“….. is there a man stay there?”

“There is no at all!! There is no way that happens!  Except for Kotaro-kun I didn’t have any man at all….!”



Maa, I know Ema was earnest, I only want to tease her a little bit.

In her desperate state, Ema was speaking vehemently how much she love me.

“Then, why can’t I enter your apartment?”

“That…. ano…. Should I said…. It is a little bit in mess…. Because I didn’t want to destroy the illusion…. I will paid the hotel bill so….okay?”

“Un, maa, it is okay.”

[TL: the illusion here probably about the illusion the mc has for her.]



She looks awfully desperate.

To averted the topic Ema showed the bag that she held on her hands to me. It was relatif big overnight bag, it was quite a huge baggage she had after returning from work.

“Ne, Kotaro-kun. Hora, I brought a maid outfit today. Today Kotaro-kun will become my master~. So ordered me a lot ne?”

“A maid clothes…. Why did you have such a clothes?”



When I have s.e.x with Ema, she always try to please me by wearing various clothes.

Nurse uniform, Sailor uniform, shrine maiden clothes, a frilly dress that looks like a magical girl.

…. I can still understand if she has the nurse and sailor uniform. One is her work uniform and the sailor uniform might be something from when Ema was a student.

But, the shrine maiden, magical girl, and maid clothes…. I can’t understand why she had this.

However that blonde hair big breasted with shrine maiden and sailor uniform was so moe, I was enjoying it too.

That is why today at the love hotel I will have a lot of s.e.x and teasing this big breasted blonde hair maid.

“Aan! Master is so…. Big!!”

“Good grief, what a lewd maid you are. To swallowed my meat stick and move your waist on your own.”

“Aah…. I am sorry Master…. Annn!”  



I was in high spirit.


Because of my busy daily life, I wasn’t able to make a pa.s.s to a new girls.

When I was violating Sakuya at the hideout, after I c.u.m inside her, she invite me to a date.


“Un, …. tomorrow is isn’t it? When I thought about it, I have never gone to a date with Kotaro-kun so far…. Ah, by any chance did you have something you need to do tomorrow….?”

“No, I am free tomorrow. …. that reminds me that I have never go to date with Sakuya….”

“… re,really!? Can we go to date tomorrow!?”

“O, ou…. Uwa, your spirit suddenly rise”



While shaking her, Sakuya embrace me happily.


“Date…. Date with Kotaro-kun….”


she muttered [hehehe~] bewitchingly. She seems to be delighted that she was able to go to a date with me.

However I have never gone to a date with a girls before. Where should we go? Watching a movie? Then go to shopping? Going to karaoke and then walking around a park? And the last one we will go to love hotel.

Ah, I have a good idea.

“Sakuya, please dress up tomorrow.”

“Un! Of course! Ehehe, should I wear a cute clothes…. Or should I….”

“I think a skirt is good. A short one.”

“So Kotaro-kun like a skirt…. I bought this cute dress last time, I will wear it.”

“And then you shouldn’t wear any panties.”

“Un! I will not wear any panties tomorrow…. Eh?”



Sakuya smiling face suddenly froze.


“I want you to come without wearing any panties. Hora, a man was attracted by something like that.”

“Eh… is, is that so….? But…. that…. Without panty….”

“I want to see~!! I want to see Sakuya wearing a cute clothes, without wearing any panty underneath~! If there is a no, no panty, there is no date.”

“Eeeh!? That…. Un…. I understand. Tomorrow…. I…. will come…. Without …. Panty….”

“Thank you Sakuya! As expected of my girlfriend!”




When I hug sakuya, I think her expression seems to be loosen up.

Alright, tomorrow I will do a shame play with no panties Sakuya. I am looking forwards to it. I see a date huh. It is good isn’t it?

When I arrive on the meeting place, Sakuya already there.

It was the morning of early summer. Sakuya was wearing a white dress that seems to match the refreshing wind and dazzling sun, it feel like the beautiful girl was slipping out from the scene of the movie.

Her dress length was above her knee and only reach around the center of her thigh. her white legs that peeped out from her dress looks slim and soft.

This beautiful girls while blushing slightly had been showing a behavior where she was minding about her hem for too long.

It seems like she really come without wearing any panties.



When she heard my voice, she twitched for a moment, but when she see that it was me, she feel relieved.


“It seems like you come without any panties as ordered. Good, good.”

“U, un. But…. it is so embarra.s.sing…. And it feel cool”

“Isn’t that good?”

“A, auuu..”



Sakuya shrinkle up embarra.s.sedly.

But, when I hold her hand and said to her ‘then let’s go’, her face brightened with *paa, and grasped my hand tightly in return.

Like this, I lead Sakuya that wasn’t wearing any underwear around all day long.


I decided to window shopping in the place there is a lot of stair and people.

Looking at Sakuya bashful expression it made my thing stiffened. To think that this beautiful high school girl didn’t wear any panties while having a date with her boyfriend.

Really, this big lewd pervert high school girl.

“Really, this big lewd pervert high school girl…”

“Ah…. auu…. It is because…. Kotaro-kun….”



When we are at a blind spot where people can’t I instantly message Sakuya a.s.s, Sakuya eyes become damped and her face was red hot because of shyness.

I touch Sakuya a.s.s over her thin one piece dress. This is so fun.

Even though Sakuya looks embara.s.sed, her breath was gradually grow wild…

When I summoned the Remote Controller to check Sakuya Parameter, her l.u.s.t level already reached 73 point.

Kukuku…. This women, it seems like she was turned on when she didn’t wear any panties.

“Ko, Kotaro-kun….? Why your smiling face looks so bad…? What, what is the matter….?”

“Sakuya, come over here”

“Hya! This place….”



I lead Sakuya by hand toward the back alley.

Even though there is a lot of people walking on the street, but this place was the blind spot and can’t be seen from the other side.

I made Sakuya Stand up before I crouch down.

In this position Sakuya white thigh that was peeking out from her dress was right in front of my eyes.

Her thigh looks delicious as if it was tempting me to attack it at once, however, I try to endure it and ask her to rolled up her dress.

“Sakuya, hold on the rim of your dress. Yes like that, then just lift it up slowly….”

“Ko, Kotaro-kun…. It is embarra.s.sing….”



Sakuya shake her head while saying ’no, no’, but when I repeat my order, she raise the hem of her dress slowly.

Before long, her bare thigh, her joint, and women important place was exposed right in front of my eyes.

Without any underwear, Sakuya cute meat hole was exposed right in front of me.

It already become wet with her love juice.

“Sakuya was so lewd…. This place already become this wet.”

“That…. Hyan!”



I stretched out my finger toward Sakuya secret place, when I stretch it open, Sakuya scream out with delight.

When I insert my finger and stir inside her, Sakuya Embrace me as if she was overcome with emotion.

“Ya…. yan…. Don’t…. In such a place….”

“Even if Sakuya said something like that. Sakuya meat hole was swallowing my finger as if it didn’t want me to seperate with it.”




Even though Sakuya was raising a cute protest, however, her body didn’t reject me and accepted my caress. I insert my 2nd finger inside her meat hole and her slimy meat hole was tightened on both of my finger.

“Sakuya is so cute, Hora, let’s kiss. Raise your head.”

“Kotaro-kun…. N…. Ncuu.”



When Sakuya raise her head, I kiss her lips and entangle our tongue while moving my finger on her meat hole. She seems already into a heat.

I was also getting excited too. My meat stick already swelled up like a balloon and it feel painful.

I wonder if we’ll end up doing it here….”

When I thought about such thing, I can hear a footstep approaching here steadily.

No good, is someone coming here!?

“Sakuya…. There is someone coming. We must leave….Nn!”

“Kotaro-kun…. Kotaro-kun…. Amu…. chu….”



Sakuya who was still in heat, doesn’t seems to be able to hear my voice. She use her arm to embracing me while seeking my tongue and intertwined with it.

The footstep sound was getting closer and closer. From the sound of it, it seems like a group of two people. From the sound of their conversation that I heard it seems like the two of them was a women.



“…. then, when I wear a maid clothes he start to become so aroused~. He attack me like a beast~”

“Ema was the same as usual…. Aren’t you being too excited after you finally get a boyfriend for the first time?”

“Even though you said something like that~. Isn’t Tomoko also finally get your first boyfriend? You are speaking so fondly about your boyfriend as well~. Ah, but because it was a student you can’t go out openly to public~”

“That is right…. But, when he graduate, we will not be a student and teacher anymore. I will endure until then….”



…… this voice, I feel like I ever hear about it somewhere.

Or should I said that this voice was so familiar.

While I am think about this familiar voice, I was fl.u.s.tered trying to separate from Sakuya. But, Sakuya was clinging at me more while shaking her head.

“Kotaro-kun…. More…. I want more….”

“Sakuya, it is not good now. Rather it is really bad right now. Calm down a little bit and get off…. N amu!”



My resistance was in vain, Sakuya lips was covering up my lips.

And the cruelty footsteps was drawing near.

And at last, the group of two women was taking a turn at the corner of the back alley…. And when the couple see the figure of me and Sakuya kissing pa.s.sionately, I can hear the sound of them trying to suppress their voice.

I look toward the 2 women from the corner of my eyes.

Even though their style was different, the two of them was a beautiful women that can attract anyone attention when they walk down on the downtown.



The two of the was Hanayashiki Ema and Yamashina Tomoko.

They was surprised when they see me and Sakuya, and as if they was already agree upon it beforehand they harmonized said





And then as they heard about my name being uttered by their best friend next to them, they stare at each other face and raise a question.





Now, Etozawa Kotaro-kun.

Was in a pinch.

[TL: fight girl fight, gonna take my popcorn…. Oh wait I was having a cold…. Can’t eat popcorn…. So sad….]

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