After hanging up Qiao Dongfeng"s phone call, Su Yutan sat in a daze on her bed, wondering what else she could do in this case.

Suddenly, a text message popped up automatically and appeared on the screen of her smart, “If you want to know about your daughter, go to the bathroom, close the door and open the shower head.”

This inexplicable line of words surprised Su Yutan.

She immediately realized that her smart device had been remotely controlled by the other party!

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan had said that her smart devices are under his surveillance protection.

But now that Qiao w.a.n.gchuan was lying in the hospital in a critical condition. How could he stop another IT expert from invading her smart device?

She jumped without thinking, rushed into the bathroom of her room, closed the toilet door, and opened the shower head.

After the rushing water sounded, her smart automatically turned on the video function.

The internal picture of a flying saucer appeared in her field of vision.

In that flying saucer, there were three sculpted war robots and two children.

None of these three war robots had wrapped humanoid biological skins, and their shapes cannot be disguised as humans.

The c.o.c.kpit robot was very tall and burly, with a round body, wrapped in thick metal plates, carrying heavy energy guns, energy magazines and various explosive weapons.

Obviously, this was a heavy war robot that could attract firepower and also serve as a strong attacker.

The two war robots in the rear horizontal c.o.c.kpit and the main c.o.c.kpit were small, but the structure was extremely delicate and complicated.

Based on her shallow military knowledge and judgment, Su Yutan guessed it should be a small sniper robot. This kind of robot was equivalent to and thieves in online games, and was known for its flexibility, swiftness, and stealth capabilities.

Compared with these three war robots, the simulation war robots used by Zhou Feng at the beginning were like children"s toys.

The two children in the flying saucer were Arnold and the little dove.

Arnold had his eyes closed in the horizontal c.o.c.kpit of the back row and was being watched by the sniper robot in the back row.

The little dove lay in the baby"s basket with her eyes closed. The baby basket was held by a robot in the main c.o.c.kpit.

Su Yutan stared at the Dove"s chest intently, and found that her chest was still undulating regularly. Then her heart, which had risen to her throat, fell.

She kept breathing heavily, her heart was beating like a bouncing ball.

Soon, this picture disappeared.

A man wearing a mask of death and a black hood appeared in Su Yutan"s vision.

The hoodie smiled and said to her, “Have you seen your daughter?”

His voice has undergone inflection processing, and even with the sound processing function of smart headphones, Su Yutan couldn"t determine whether he is a male or a female.

She could only judge by shape and her intuition that the one talking to her is a man.

“What do you want?” Su Yutan asked with gritted teeth.

The hoodie replied, “I just want to ask you, what should I do with your daughter? Braised? Steamed? Or should I raise her a little bit and have a sad relationship with her? After all, she is very cute, and I am a bit reluctant to eat her.”

Su Yutan was sick for a while and couldn"t fight the chill rising on her back, but she tried to maintain a calm tone, “You eat humans?”

The hoodie laughed twice, “I eat them occasionally. In general, I only eat the meat of the enemy. But your daughter is so tender and I have some craving to taste her. Should I only eat her one arm or one leg?”

After saying that, he laughed again and again. “Rest a.s.sured! After eating, I will clone a leg and connect it to her, and I can continue to eat her the next time I have a craving. I will not make her disabled, since she will not be cute when disabled. How then could I have a deep relationship with her?”

Su Yutan tried to ignore the disgusting and fearful feeling in her gut and asked, “What kind of conflict do I have with you?”

“You s.n.a.t.c.hed my sister"s son, ruined my sister"s business, and sent her to prison. Isn"t it conflict?”

Su Yutan took a deep breath, “You are Cui Linlin"s brother?!”

It really is “Cui Er”.

The hooded man smiled, “Yeah! My sister even has a younger brother, isn"t it a surprise?”

Su Yutan closed her eyes and felt so deeply the cruelty and malicious fate of the world.

Why are the bad guys so powerful? Why do bad guys take advantage of others?

She was not strong, she was not good at fighting, and she was not superpowered. She was just an ordinary little ordinary person. When she rescued Arnold, she was only doing her duty. Why did you provoke such a powerful “enemy” as Sister Cui?

For the first time, she regretted that she had chosen to be a social worker. She had a sense of destruction that her faith completely collapsed.

But what"s the use of regret? What should she do now?

She collapsed and said, “You need to get revenge on me! Why do you want to involve the young Dove? She is not only my daughter, she is also Arnold"s cousin, and she is also your relative!”

The hooded man replied, “I thought so! But the flying saucer did not kill you last time, and I am very sorry. Relatives… are indeed relatives. But there are more relatives around, Who cares? “

Su Yutan could only ask, “At what cost would you let go of Dove?”

“Good question!”

The hooded man smiled and said, “Don"t you social workers like judging others" parenting qualifications the most?

“It is easy to criticize others. It is also easy to sing high-profile misdeeds and blame others."

“But can you do it for others? In the deepest and most desperate darkness, can your motherhood withstand the test of humanity?

“So, now I give you a chance to prove your qualifications as a mother. I want to see what kind of goods you are!”

Su Yutan took a deep breath and frightfully asked again, “What do you want me to do?”

The hooded man replied, “I"ll give you two choices. First, let your daughter pay for your sins. From then on, I will handle her and you will not have this daughter. Anyway, you just donated an egg and did not carry her for nine months, you are not her guardian and have no responsibility to protect her."

“Second, I have prepared a ‘Dead Flying Saucer" for you. The serial code is EE9635-CT596N, and I parked in the disc parking s.p.a.ce downstairs next to your house, beside your flying disc. Go to the disc parking and sit in this Flying Saucer, and come save your daughter in person. I have to say in advance that even if you come you may not save your daughter, it may be just a sacrifice in vain."

“What would you choose? Haha, isn"t this multiple-choice question I designed, interesting?”

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