She thought of a possibility. Maybe, Li Zixuan filled in fake ident.i.ty information while moving to Earth?

If so, all her doubts would make sense.

At the age of 27, when Li Zixuan moved to Earth was enough to get married and have children.

Could it be that she lost her child at Eden and moved to Earth when she was sad? Because she was sad, she wrote her status as unmarried and no kids when she filled in the ident.i.ty information?

After thinking about it for a while, Su Yutan resolutely shook her head. It was still not right!

She watched the video of Li Zixuan leaving the flounder restaurant again.

When Li Zixuan left the restaurant, the tearful and heartbreaking look was not caused by the sadness of the past.

This clearly looked like she had been hit hard and a heartbreaking event happened to her that day, in that restaurant.

What stimulated her in that restaurant?

After thinking about it, she sent a screenshot of Li Zexuan"s face when she left the restaurant to Avril, "Avril, do you remember this woman when you ate at the Flounder restaurant last Friday?"

Avril quickly replied by video call, "Yes! This woman was eating alone and she looked sad. What"s wrong with her? She isn"t involved in your case, right?"

Su Yutan did not acknowledge or deny it.

She believed that Avril, a lawyer, can fully understand what her silence meant.

Sure enough, Avril"s expression came to a sudden realization, "Ok. You continue your job as a social worker!"

Then she recalled something, "That night, the woman was sitting in a position not far from us. She was in front of me, right behind Dr. Qiao."
"She was alone. I didn"t notice it at first. I thought she was waiting for someone."

"But when we left the restaurant, she was still alone and very sad. I guessed she was dumped by someone."

Unable to get more information from Avril, Su Yutan had to use the last resort.

She walked directly to the gate of the Ginkgo Community and showed her identification card to the security guard, "I"m a social worker at the Xinhai Social Affairs Bureau. I"m looking for your manager. I have some questions to ask him."

The security guard took her to the manager"s office.

After closing the door, Su Yutan said to the manager, "I am investigating a case, and I need to look through the garbage of a resident. I ask the manager to cooperate."

The manager looked at her identification card and logged on to the website of the Social Affairs Bureau to verify her ident.i.ty. Then he smiled and said, "Please follow me."

He didn"t ask her about the case or the households involved.

The manager personally took her to the garbage dump on the second bas.e.m.e.nt level and opened the door of the garbage dump.

"Do I need to go with you?" The manager asked her.

Su Yutan shook her head, "No need. Give me the command to control the robot."

The manager nodded with a smile and handed her a card, "With this card, you can command the handling robot inside."

"Thank you, manager." Su Yutan took the card, thanked him, and walked into the garbage library alone.

This storehouse was filled with non-biological waste from the entire community.

The dustbins were all sealed, so it did not have a strong smell, and it was not too uncomfortable to walk in.

Several garbage sorters were unpacking garbage bins and sorting the garbage inside.

In the 31st century, people no longer had to use plastic bags for garbage. Because the plastic bags were easy to break, it could cause garbage leakage and pollute the community environment.

People now used hard plastic trash cans that were stronger and could be recycled.

These bins were exactly the same size and came in two colors, green and white.

Green loaded biowaste. After the dustbin was sealed out of the house, it would soon be pulled away and sent to the factory to be processed as organic fertilizer.

White loaded non-biological waste. These bins would be sent to the community"s garbage depot and get sorted by a garbage sorter.

The sorted garbage would be sorted again and sent to the transfer station by the property management company. The transfer station would then send the garbage to different places for recycling.

Regardless of color, after all of the trash cans were emptied, they had to be sent to the automatic cleaning room and then returned to the residents" homes from the logistics pa.s.sages in each building for the residents to continue using them again.

The only difference between the two was that the green trash can was cleaned by the organic fertilizer production plant, while the white trash can was cleaned by the property management company.

Therefore, the identification code and house number were printed on all the bins.

This not only facilitated the return of the dustbin to the original houses but also facilitated the property management and environmental protection staff to track down those residents who didn"t sort their garbage and didn"t seal the dustbin.

Su Yutan strolled around in the room for a while, then found the two bins of Li Zixuan"s house.

She instructed the handling robot to get the two bins. She wore gloves, unpacked the bins, and lifted the lids.
[The translation belongs to Wordrain. Support us by comments, clicking on ads, or buy Miao a coffee (*´ェ`*)っ旦~]
1 kofi= 1 extra chapter. Do mention the novel"s name.
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