“Arnold is the same as them, and can also play outside.”

Arnold stared at her dully, his eyes reddened and tears streamed down his cheeks.

He wiped his tears with his arm and said with a grievance, “I also asked my mother, why can those little ducks, deer, and children go out to play, but I can"t? Mom slapped me and threw me away. I dare not ask it again. “

His voice was choked. But he bit his lip and restrained his tears.

Su Yutan asked him softly, “Arnold do you like reading?”

Arnold nodded, “I like, and I like to draw… But my mother lost her temper two days ago and threw away all my books, drawings, pens, etc.!”

Su Yutan touched his little head, with a soft smile on her face, and said in an unusually gentle and resolute voice, “It is not right of her to do this.”

Arnold looked at her with tearful eyes, trying to confirm it, “Is mother really not right?”

“She is really wrong!” Su Yutan smiled. “But it doesn"t matter. When Arnold stays with Dad, he can ask Dad to buy you new things.”

Arnold looked up at her with a gloomy look, “He wouldn"t buy it for me! He didn"t want me!”

Su Yutan held his face and said very seriously, “Your father always wanted you, he was looking for you. But your mother hid you at home so that he couldn"t find you. Now he is in a hurry to meet you!”

This news approximately broke Arnold"s long-established cognition, and he fell into shock.

After a while, he had a complicated look and asked doubtfully, “Really?”

Su Yutan patted his head, “Of course it is true. If you do not believe it, wait to see your father, you can ask him yourself?”

Arnold hesitated, he looked forward to it.

Su Yutan rolled out a child safety seat from the trunk, fixed it in a single c.o.c.kpit on the right side of the front row, placed Arnold on the seat and fastened his seat belt.

It seemed that Arnold finally wanted to understand something, and asked sadly, “Mom didn"t like me to be with my dad, so she hid me?”

Su Yutan considered it and nodded, “Yes.”

Arnold hesitated: “Then I will be with my father, she will be very angry, very angry, very angry, very angry, very angry…” He nodded and said “very angry” five times in a row.

“Are you afraid?”

Arnold nodded slightly.

“Don"t worry! Your mother can"t afford to lose her temper now, because she must be punished for her mistakes first.”

“Mom will also be punished?” Arnold asked in surprise.

“Of course! Anyone who makes a mistake must be punished. You count how many mistakes she made. So she must be punished a lot.”

Arnold looked at her with a look of surprise.

Su Yutan tried to maintain a serious expression to increase her credibility, “Yes, your mother must be punished.” She said very seriously.

Slowly, Arnold"s face showed a weird smile that seemed to be a little happy, a little tense, and mixed with some uneasy emotions.

“Will she be beaten?” He asked Su Yutan.

“If she doesn"t run away and doesn"t hurt others, she won"t be beaten, she will only be locked up till she reflects on the wrongs she did.”

“Then how many days will she be locked up?”

“I don"t know how many days. But there should be many, many days.”

Arnold"s expression was complicated, and he whispered in horror, “Will I starve to death? I don"t want to starve to death …”

“Of course you won"t starve to death! Although Mom is going to be punished, Dad will take care of you!”

Mentioning Dad, Arnold"s expression became complicated again, and he had no mood to look away.

When the flying saucer took off and accelerated, the weightless feeling surprised him

“I feel like I"m floating!” Arnold said in fear and excitement.

Su Yutan smiled and explained to him why there was a sense of weightlessness, “Now, we and the flying saucer are wrapped in an upward artificial gravitational field, and the people along with the flying saucer fly together. From the perspective of the human body, it"s the same as a free fall from the air. “

Arnold"s didn"t ask “what gravitational field” meant, but many questions arose in his heart seeing the novelty of immersive weightlessness.

Su Yutan kept her promise. She took Arnold to see Cui Linlin in the medical cabin, and took him away.

After that, she followed the procedure and took Arnold to check for any injuries. Then she took him to the Xinhai Child Welfare Center for registration and transfer.

Su Yutan played with Arnold for a while in the transit children"s playhouse, and saw Qiao Dongfeng running to them.

He apologized, “I was with a patient at the hospital and I was notified a little late.”

He said h.e.l.lo to Su Yutan, then turned his attention to Arnold next to Su Yutan and asked softly, “This is Arnold?”

“Yes. I just got him out of a soundproof room with no windows. He may have been locked there for the past few years.” Su Yutan reminded Qiao Dongfeng.

Qiao Dongfeng wiped the rim of his eyes.

He stared intently at the child, slowly walked towards him, and asked carefully, “Arnold?”

Arnold bit his lip and looked at him silently. He involuntarily made a fist, with a nervous and guarded expression on his face.

Qiao Dongfeng crouched in front of him. He held his shoulder in one hand and touched his face with the other.

Arnold stiffened, but didn"t escape his touch.

“Arnold…” Qiao Dongfeng"s gaze stayed on the scar on Arnold"s face for a few seconds. His voice trembled slightly, “I"m sorry! It took me so many years to find you! I"m sorry…”

Tears came out of his eyes.

[The translation belongs to Wordrain. Support us by comments, clicking on ads, or buy Miao a coffee (*´ェ`*)っ旦~]

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