Su Yutan waited until the next morning but she still didn"t receive a reply from Yao Zhijie.

She decided not to wait and asked Best to check Yao Zhijie"s whereabouts and rushed directly to his game company to find him.

The scale of Yao Zhijie"s game company was not small, it just happened to occupy a floor in an office building. It"s a medium sized company at best.

When Su Yutan arrived at the door of the company, she happened to meet three people coming out of the company and holding cardboard boxes.

Su Yutan stopped them and asked, “Are you from Zhijie Games?”

One of them snorted, “We were! We just resigned,” after speaking, he bypa.s.sed Su Yutan and went away with the other two in anger.

Su Yutan looked at their back and smelled a bit of trouble.

Three people resigned at the same time, and they were very angry when they left. What does this mean?

She opened the gla.s.s door and walked into Zhijie Games.

There was no one at the front desk of the company, so she pa.s.sed by the front desk and entered a large office.

There were many lattice rooms in the large office, but the part.i.tion was very low. Su Yutan, while standing at the door, could see the situation of the office at a glance.

Half of the cells were empty, and there was nothing on the computer desktop, as no one was using it. In a corner of the office, several people were whispering together. Throughout the room, no one was working.

Su Yutan already understood something: It seems that Yao Zhijie"s company has a big problem.

No wonder he was too busy to call her back.

Su Yutan knocked on the office door and asked the staff. “Where is Mr. Yao Zhijie"s office?”

A girl in a formal suit, who seemed to be the one sitting at the front desk, stood up and turned around to look at her. “Excuse me, who are you? Do you have an appointment?”

Su Yutan showed her credentials. “I am a social worker in the Office of the Xinhai Social Affairs Bureau. I want to talk to Mr. Yao about his daughter. I left a message for Mr. Yao, but he did not reply.”

The receptionist came over, took the doc.u.ment, looked at it, and returned it to her. “Please Miss Su, come with me. I will inform him of your arrival.”

She brought Su Yutan back to the front desk and used the intercom on the reception to contact Yao Zhijie.

Su Yutan watched this scene silently, secretly wondering; the receptionist directly reported to the boss… So did the boss"s a.s.sistant resign like the others?

If his company was facing trouble, does Yao Zhijie still have a mood to care about his daughter?

Almost a minute later, the communicator dropped and a fierce male voice roared, “What"s the matter?”

“Ah… Boss, there is a social worker looking for you, and she wants to talk to you about your daughter!” The receptionist reported concisely, but her voice was a little shaken.

The irritated man went silent for a few seconds, then calmed down. “Bring her inside in five minutes.”

The receptionist then asked Su Yutan to sit for a while.

Five minutes later, she took Su Yutan to Yao Zhijie"s office and quickly retreated.

Yao Zhijie"s condition was as bad as his company.

His eyes were bloodshot and there were blue marks around his eyes. He seems to not have rested for a while.

There was a thin layer of stubble on his face, showing that he had not shaved for two or three days.

His suit was a bit wrinkled, the shirt collar was a bit strange, and it seemed a little dirty.

Su Yutan showed her ident.i.ty papers to Yao Zhijie and said, “I called Mr. Yao yesterday and left a message, but you have not responded. So I had to come to your company to find you.”

Yao Zhijie wiped his face and showed a somewhat reluctant smile. “Sorry, too many things happened in these last two days and I can"t take care of them.”

“Did Mr. Yao met Belle recently?” Su Yutan didn"t waste time and asked directly.

Yao Zhijie nodded, and said with a smile on his face, “Of course! Belle is my sweetheart, no matter how busy I am, I will take the time to see her. Recently, she was having a bit of an awkward relationship with her mother and became more closer with me, so I took her out every week to have fun and relax.”

“So, how are you getting along with Belle?”

“Very good! Belle likes me very much, and she gets happy every time she sees me. Right…” Yao Zhijie smiled, his expression confused, dignified, and a little nervous, “Why did you social workers started paying attention to Belle? Belle… was she hit by her mother?”

Su Yutan watched his expression carefully and asked quietly, “Why do you suspect Belle was. .h.i.t by her mother?”

“Hey!” Yao Zhijie sighed heavily. “Recently, their mother-daughter relationship has become worse and worse. Belle has been confronting her mother. She has a small temper and is more irritable than usual. I always worry that her mother will be irritated, lose her temper, and hit her.”

“Have you ever seen Miss Jiang lose her temper at Belle?”

“Of course I"ve seen it! Miaomiao is a very strong person. If Belle acts against her Mom, she will give her a lesson. In the past two years, Belle didn"t even dare to breathe in front of her, she was so obedient because she was scared. Something probably changed her as she grew up. Later, she seemed to have entered a period of rebellion, their mother-daughter relationship began to worsen.”

Yao Zhijie spat out all of his resentment, shaking his head and sighing.

“I"ve persuaded Belle several times. But every time I mention it, she becomes very unhappy. I don"t dare to always mention it in front of her. Thankfully, we father and daughter spend some time together each week. If it wasn"t for that, Belle would"ve had a pathetic life.”

“Have Belle told you… what she disliked about her mom?”

Yao Zhijie closed his eyes and sneered. “Yes, she doesn"t like her mother going home late at night, she doesn"t like her mother always scolding her, she doesn"t like her mother and Kang Yi… Do you know who Kang Yi is?”

Su Yutan nodded, “Yes, I know him.”

Kang Yi was the man who was together with Jiang Miaomiao during the divorce case of Yao Zhijie and Jiang Miaomiao.

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