Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter Two of this code, which is about the words and deeds of parents or other guardian"s norm. Doesn"t Mr. Yao know of it?”

Belle couldn"t see her mother and would have no chance to tell her the truth.

In the past six months, it was a fact that Jiang Miaomiao had a bad relationship with Belle, and it was also a “fact” that Yao Zhijie got along well with Belle.

If coupled with the fact that ‘Jiang Miaomiao violently beats her daughter", even if Yao Zhijie did not have the “Parental Qualification Certificate”, he would have a great chance to grab custody of Belle.

After that, Yao Zhijie would be able to take charge of all the properties under Belle"s name, and indirectly obtained most of Jiang Miaomiao"s existing industries.

These industries were not enough to save his company, but they could give him a stable income. Coupled with the punitive high maintenance payments paid by Jiang Miaomiao, Yao Zhijie could squeeze money from Jiang Miaomiao in the name of Belle after his company"s bankruptcy.

Having obtained the key evidence, Su Yutan returned to the Social Affairs Bureau and reported the results of the investigation to Tang En.

Tang En praised her, “This Yao Zhijie is so cunning, but you have eliminated his schemes and found the truth within a few days. You are really capable!”

Su Yutan smiled humbly. “Other colleagues do the follow-up missions. I only need to concentrate on investigating, and it is natural to be more efficient.”

“Okay!” Tang En was more satisfied with her. “It"s not a big deal to be proud.”

“The team leader, you are overpraising me.”

“I don"t praise anyone arbitrarily.” Tang En said with a smile, “Xiao Su, making you be a special investigator was the right decision. We really found the right person! Good work, our social work department does not have many people willing to go deep while investigating, It"s a talent that shouldn"t be buried. When I say the same for you, it"s definitely true.”

Su Yutan continued to smile, and said simply, “Okay. Thank you, team leader.”

After a few words of courtesy, the two talked about the topic. Tang En asked, "How should we take action next?”

Su Yutan had already thought about it, “I think you can contact the prosecution lawyer and go to the magistrate court to sue Yao Zhijie directly.”

There were two types of family courts, one was the trial court and the other was the magistrates court.

The trial court was a bit higher and had more authority. It could change important rights and interests such as guardianship rights, visitation rights, and maintenance fees.

The magistrate"s court was a bit lower and had less authority. It cannot change the rights of guardianship, visitation, maintenance, etc., and could only deal with some minor illegal acts.

Su Yutan said to contact the magistrate court and sue Yao Zhijie, but it is not her intention to make Yao Zhijie directly lose his right of visit.

This was not a sympathy for Yao Zhijie, but a consideration for Belle.

Belle had a good relationship with her father. It would be a great harm to her if she could never see her father again.

The most important thing was that the magistrate"s court procedures were much simpler and much more efficient. It could prevent Yao Zhijie"s shameless behavior as soon as possible.

Tang En nodded, “That"s fine. Our purpose is to protect this child and not hurt her emotions. Warn Yao Zhijie first.”

After discussing the plan, Tang En contacted the Legal Department.

Coincidentally, the prosecutor a.s.signed by the Legal Department was Avril.

Su Yutan was very happy while working with Avril, “Did you just pick up the case? Can you come over here?”

Avril said coolly, “Recently the number of sc.u.m has exceeded the standard, and my colleagues are also very busy. Your case is simple, we have to sue him in the Magistrates" Court. It will be done within a few days."

“Don"t work too hard!” Su Yutan said gently."

“I have something in mind, so don"t worry about it.”

Neither of them mentioned Dr. Qiao, Arnold or Cui Linlin.

Su Yutan thought, "Avril is too busy with work. She is too busy to think and worry about the situation."

After that, Su Yutan didn"t go to see Jiang Belle again, lest Belle still had to endure her inner suffering, and would fiercely fight with her mother.

If Jiang Miaomiao became really angry with Belle and she wouldn"t be able to control her actions and hit Belle in front of her, then things would become troublesome. By then, would she help Jiang Miaomiao hide the facts or help Yao Zhijie fight for custody?

She just called Jiang Miaomiao after Avril submitted the indictment to the court. “You should take Belle out to play for five days!”

It is to avoid complications when Yao Zhijie would receive the court summons, he might get angry with Jiang Miaomiao or say something inappropriate to Belle.

“What happened?” Jiang Miaomiao asked her, “I"m afraid Belle won"t go with me.”

Su Yutan comforted her, “Just try it! Maybe this time, she will be willing to go.”

She thought that Belle would listen to her mother"s words once in order to avoid the task that Yao Zhijie gave her.

Jiang Miaomiao doubtfully hung up the phone.

It didn"t take long for Jiang Miaomo to call again with a voice full of surprise, “Belle really agreed! Oh my G.o.d! How did you do that?”

Su Yutan sighed, “It"s not my doing. I"ll wait for you to come back. Go play with Belle for a few days, get along with her, and don"t rush to repair your relationship.”

On the third day after the indictment was submitted to the magistrate court, Su Yutan received a video call from Yao Zhijie.

She sneered, opened Best Eye, and connected the phone.

Yao Zhijie"s condition was worse than last time they met, his clothes were more messy.

Su Yutan felt that even if this sc.u.m was not completely finished, he would be almost exhausted.

“I received the summons from the court. Is this your doing? Did you frame me?” Yao Zhijie asked grimly.

Su Yutan replied lightly, “I did not frame anyone. I"m just performing the role of a social worker, preventing you from continuing to hurt Belle with inappropriate words and deeds.”

“Inappropriate words and deeds?” Yao Zhijie looked at the summons in his hand.

“You sued me for ‘improper words and deeds harming the mental health of minors". What the h.e.l.l is it?”

Su Yutan sneered, “Mr. Yao should think about it. Haven"t you studied the "Earth Alliance Minor Protection Law"? This charge is the content of Chapter Two of this code, which is about the words and deeds of parents or other guardian"s norm. Doesn"t Mr. Yao know of it?”

Yao Zhijie gritted his teeth, “I"m not a lawyer, why should I learn this d.a.m.n code?”

“But you are Belle"s father! Those fathers who are unaware of this code are incompetent.”

Yao Zhijie no longer pretended to be a good person in front of her, and gritted his teeth and said, “So I"m incompetent! Who are you to judge me?”

Su Yutan nodded indifferently, “That"s true. So we left this matter to the Court of the Magistrate to deal with.”

Yao Zhijie threw the summons in his hand and sneered. “Even if you win, how would you deal with me?”

Su Yutan replied, “If we win; first, you will have to take a few days of compulsory education. Second, you may have to wear a monitoring bracelet, so that every contact you make with Belle will be under the Social Worker"s surveillance. Third, you could probably no longer be alone with Belle. fourth…”

She raised her voice, “If we win, this will be your loss. You won"t have the chance to rob Ms. Jiang"s custody of Belle.”

Yao Zhijie stared at her aggressively, his forehead twitched, but he clenched his teeth without saying anything.

“So I urge you to quickly find a good lawyer,” Su Yutan said with a slight smile, and in an extremely irritating tone, said without hesitation, “I remember your company is now miserable. So do you still have the money to hire a lawyer? If not, you can apply for legal aid. You don"t have to feel embarra.s.sed.”

Yao Zhijie was furious, “Even if I hit the bottom. I won"t let you laugh at me.” After that, he hung up the phone.

Su Yutan closed "Best Eye" and snorted in her heart.

Were social workers so easy to use? He is whimsical if he wanted to use social workers as his chess pieces!

In the end, Yao Zhijie hired a fledgling young lawyer. She didn"t know if he could afford it or not.

In this magistrate lawsuit, Avril Lavigne was fully prepared. She had solid evidence and won without suspense.

The magistrate"s judgement was: Yao Zhijie was convicted of ‘damaging the mental health of a minor by improper words and deeds". He must accept a week of compulsory study. He must wear a monitoring bracelet at all times until the court withdraws the ruling or Belle turns eighteen.

The court also warned Yao Zhijie that the result of the magistrate court may be submitted to the trial court, which could become important evidence that affect his visitation rights. He must not say any words or actions that could harm Belle"s physical or mental health. He would no longer be alone with Belle.

When hearing this result, Yao Zhijie bowed his head, and his expression was full of frustration.

As Belle"s guardian, Jiang Miaomiao was allowed to watch and get a copy of the magistrate"s ruling.

When she got the result she wanted, she breathed a long sigh of relief, and looked into Yao Zhijie"s eyes with deep disdain and aversion.

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