The next moment, the sound of multiple guns rang out, followed by noisy footsteps, shouts, and groans.

Su Yutan was ecstatic, and immediately dove under the bed to hide.

The sound of gunfire rang for about a minute, and the surrounding area eased, leaving only a few minute sounds and careful footsteps.

Su Yutan curled up into a ball and felt that every minute was extremely long.

She didn"t know how much time pa.s.sed when the gunfire had finally stopped.

The bed above Su Yutan was moved away, and light shrouded her senses.

Before she could see anything, she was lifted from the ground.

The rope that was tied to her hand was severed, and her hands slid from behind her weakly, hanging on both sides.

“Okay! It"s okay! You"re safe!” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan held her face and patted her, and kept repeating to her words of comfort, “It"s okay! It"s okay! Don"t be afraid! Don"t be afraid! You"re safe! “

Su Yutan stared blankly at Qiao w.a.n.gchuan"s face, and suddenly there was a feeling of being like in another dimension.

She wanted to say something, but she couldn"t even open her mouth and make a sound.

She wanted to move, but her body didn"t listen to her. She couldn"t even move her fingers.

She saw Qiao w.a.n.gchuan"s mouth moving, but she couldn"t hear what he was talking about.

The feeling of dizziness grew stronger.

Everything in front of her eyes began to blur, and it became more and more dim.

In the end, she couldn"t see anything, couldn"t hear anything, felt nothing…

When she woke up again, Su Yutan found herself lying in a hospital bed with a vein drip needle on the back of her hand.

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan was still in his uniform sitting by the bed. He was watching her in a daze intently. His look was hard to describe and difficult to understand.

She wanted to ask, what is your look?

But she had no strength at all.

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan blinked and looked back.

He said to her softly, “Dr. Lu said you were frightened and the neurotransmitters were disordered, so you fainted. He prescribed you a medicine that regulates the neurotransmitters and added it in the drip. He said you would be better soon.”

He pointed to the infusion bag on the stand, “He said, when the medicine in the bag is finished, you will feel much better.”

Su Yutan nodded softly.

“How are you? Is there anything uncomfortable?” He asked with great concern.

Su Yutan shook her head, signalling that she was not uncomfortable.

She was just soft and energyless now. This was a sequela caused by a neurotransmitter disorder. Just rest would solve it. It was not a big deal.

“Do you want water? I"ll pour it for you.”

Su Yutan shook her head again.

“Are you hungry, or should I order something simple for you?”

Su Yutan continued to shake her head.

“You keep shaking your head, do you have no energy to speak, or do you not want to speak?”

Su Yutan used a little strength, and simply said three words. “No strength.” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan was particularly noisy today.

He continued, “Just tell me what you want. I am here for you.”

Su Yutan nodded, and closed her eyes to rest.

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan then stopped talking.

When the bag of medicine was done, a nurse pulled the needle from the back of her hand, and Su Yutan felt much better.

“How"s the situation?” She opened her eyes and asked Qiao w.a.n.gchuan.

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan replied, “Except for the dead, everyone was sent to the hospital for rescue. The injured confessed about Cui Linlin.”

After answering her question, he said, “You have the strength to speak now. Are you better?”

Su Yutan nodded and asked, “Did the police record the evidence of the fat man"s confession?”

“It was recorded. The police said that if their crimes were proven to be true, Cui Linlin would have to stay in prison for decades.”

Su Yutan breathed a sigh of relief. “I hope she stays in prison forever, and doesn"t come out again to harm the world.”

“I hope so too.” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan sighed with regret. “If it wasn"t for the rules, I would"ve joined this case and helped the police find Cui Linlin"s evidence.”

Su Yutan smiled slightly, feeling a lot better.

“Anyway, our plan is a success, and we won"t have to worry about it in the future.”

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan stared at her with that strange look.

This time, she finally asked with strength, “What"s with your look?”

“I have a question and I am looking for an answer.”

“What is the question?”

He said, “Since you"re so scared, why did you take the risk yourself? Just follow my proposal, find a professional mercenary to pretend to be you, isn"t that better?”

Su Yutan sighed, “I prefer to be desperate and move forward. I can"t afford the mercenary"s employment fee.”

“I said, I will cover all of the expenses.”

Su Yutan shook her head, “I don"t want to take advantage of you.”

“Why is it so formal between us?” Qiao w.a.n.gchuan frowned.

“Is there anything not formal between us?” Su Yutan asked.

“You are my daughter"s mother, and this is an inseparable connection.”

“This connection is indeed inseparable.” Su Yutan chuckled, “But…”

She looked at him and said, “I can"t just spend your money with peace of mind because of this connection, that will make me feel ashamed when facing the little dove."

“I can"t just hide under your wings because of this, and leave you all my troubles to deal with, that will make me look down on myself.”

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan then said, “Don"t forget, you saved Arnold. Our family owes you a debt of kindness. This kind of kindness is not something that can be simply repaid by money.”

Su Yutan shook her head. “This is just your thoughts, I do not agree.”

“Why don"t you agree?”

She laughed, “I saved Arnold not because I had good intentions nor for morality, I was just performing the duty of a social worker.

“I get the salary of a simple social worker, so I should bear the corresponding responsibilities and risks, and do what I should do.

“Like the previous female agent, she took the risk of being me and getting kidnapped by a trafficker. I don"t feel that I owe her grat.i.tude because she is also performing her duties and taking the corresponding professional risks.

“So, are you drawing a line with me?”

“The boundaries of interpersonal relationships must be clear.” Su Yutan sighed slightly, “I hope that the relationship between us is simpler, purer and more comfortable with each other. This is better for everyone…”

She was silent for a few seconds, then raised a smile and asked him, “Don"t you agree?”

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan stared at her deeply, without any signs of approval or opposition.

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