Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter sponsored by Reader.

Chapter sponsored by Reader.

The talent evaluation A level could be achieved if the person"s talent is his master talent and he/she had made great efforts for it.

Her main talent was painting. She didn"t become an artist, and was merely wasting her talent.

She no longer tangled with issues such as talent and work, she apologized ro Qiao w.a.n.gchuan, came out of the study, hid in her room and called Qiao Dongfeng.

After Qiao Dongfeng confirmed what Qiao w.a.n.gchuan said, she asked a few more questions about him and Qiao w.a.n.gchuan before finally letting go of her doubts.

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan couldn"t blame her for being suspicious. It"s too easy for people to change face these days.

"I know a few things about you now!" She sighed as a conclusion.

"Now, can you trust me?" Qiao w.a.n.gchuan asked Su Yutan.

Su Yutan took a deep breath, "Well, I have no reason to distrust you."

"Well, I have two things for you." Qiao w.a.n.gchuan took out a box from the small box, opened it, and handed it to Su Yutan.

There were two things in the box.

A platinum pendant with a gourd shape without any pearls and gems set, it looked plain.

A small bottle of a transparent liquid, with a fingernail-sized thing inside it, round and flat, white and tender, Su Yutan didn"t know what it was.

Su Yutan looked at the pendant, pointed at the soaked item in the liquid, and asked, "What is this?"

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan explained to her, "This is a locator with a layer of bionic material on the outside, which can be implanted under the skin."

Su Yutan"s eyes brightened, "You mean, implant this thing into my body?"

"Yes! As long as you have this locator with you, even if there is a loophole in the police"s protection, I will have a chance to find you and rescue you. This is equivalent to a hole card."

Su Yutan was very surprised, and a little uneasy, "Is it hidden?"

Now that smart devices were so diversified, when traffickers kidnap the target, they would definitely use a detector to check whether there was a hidden smart device on the target, so as not to steal chickens and eat rice.

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan replied, "I have actually tested it, and currently, all detectors on the market cannot find it. But if someone makes a special detector using a special principle, it is hard to say."

Su Yutan thought, in other words, although it was not foolproof, it was also concealed enough.

She was relieved and asked, "Will the signal be blocked?"

"We use neutrinos to transmit signals. Neutrinos are uncharged and have strong penetrating power. Ordinary shielding facilities do not work at all."

Su Yutan felt at ease.

She picked up the gourd pendant and said with interest, "This pendant is not simple, right?"

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan nodded, "This is a miniature quantum talker. I can start it remotely, or you can start it with a pa.s.sword. After starting, plug this small gourd into the external ear ca.n.a.l and use it as a low-profile smart headset ."
See those
Su Yutan understood, "This pendant is more powerful, but it is easy to be found by gangsters."

"Yes! These two things work best together."

"Where did these come from? There should be no such thing on the market."

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan said calmly, "I made it in the laboratory."

"Why do you do this?" Su Yutan said, "Doesn"t it take a lot of time to do them?"

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan silently said, "These two things were originally prepared for the little Dove."

Su Yutan laughed, "Very distinctive fatherly love."

She suddenly remembered that year. Her father also made her many wooden toys and exclusive furniture. It was a pity that after they changed house, all those things were destroyed by her biological mother.

"Will you accept these two gifts?" Qiao w.a.n.gchuan asked Su Yutan. His expression showed his nervousness.

Su Yutan struggled inside.

If she accepted, her words and deeds would be under Qiao w.a.n.gchuan"s surveillance.

No wonder before he took out these two things, he asked her if she trusted him.

So, could she really trust him?

Frankly, her subconscious did not trust him. She just couldn"t find a reason to doubt him. The threat of traffickers and the pervert stalker made it difficult for her to make other choices.

She could only hope he was a reliable person.

"I accept," Su Yutan said these three words with a little hope.

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan breathed a long sigh of relief.

A bright smile bloomed from his eyes and filled his entire face, making his handsome face more charming.

Su Yutan couldn"t help thinking, "his appearance was much better than his demeanor."

Su Yutan observed his expression and said with a smile, "Can I have Brother Lu come over when this is implanted? He is my psychiatrist. These things can"t get around him anyway."

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan smiled and nodded, "Of course, as long as you are sure he can be trusted," There was no dissatisfaction with his tone or expression.

Su Yutan called Lu Xiaozhi and told him about the situation.

Lu Xiaozhi was wearing a cycling suit as he was preparing to go cycling.

After listening to her, he said with a bit of dismay, "How can you be so unlucky? I will visit the temple in a few days and ask for some talisman to protect you."

Complaining, Lu Xiaozhi immediately gave up his plan and rushed to Su Yutan"s house.

Under Qiao w.a.n.gchuan"s command , Lu Xiaozhi personally operated the operation and implanted the seemingly tender positioner into Su Yutan"s abdomen.

After the implantation, he repaired the small wound that had been cut during the implantation with a cell repair instrument that was always available in the house medicine cabinet.

Su Yutan stood up from the sofa, looked down, and touched the place where the locator was implanted.

It seemed like there was nothing strange there, and it felt smooth to the touch, but if she pressed it, she would feel a small lump under her skin.

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan pressed a few times on the virtual keyboard of his smart.w.a.tch and clicked out a map of Xinhai City.

On the map, a small green light point flickered silently, and the location indicated Su Yutan"s home.

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