Translator: Foreverhungry
Editor: KerBear

I"m extremely panicked right now!

I can"t feel any major injuries to my body from the accident, however, to say that I wasn"t affected by it would be a lie. In fact, it had a far larger influence on me than any injury ever could! My fluffy, soft orange tail has actually popped out from my backside!

I took several deep breaths and tried to put it away as usual, but no matter how hard I try, it didn"t seem to want to go back in.Won"t you please read this at mehtranslations. wordpress. com ?

I may seem calm on the surface, like an old dog who no longer barks at squirrels, but on the inside, I"m the exact opposite. My heart is racing non-stop and my emotions are raging like a turbulent storm. My inner self is in so much of a mess that I could liken it to that of a category 6 storm.

Thankfully, I"m currently in bed and my body"s being covered by a blanket, hiding my tail at the same time. Plus my tail"s on the short side, so I can still hide it for a bit if I stuff it into my pants.Won"t you please read this at mehtranslations. wordpress. com ?

After calming down a little bit I suddenly recalled Yin Huaimu"s face covered in blood during the crash. I can"t help but become more anxious and immediately I looked to my side.

Thankfully, Yin Huaimu and I were admitted into the same hospital and also into the same hospital ward. On the bed next to mine, Yin Huaimu lay there unconscious. I propped myself up and rushed to his side. 

None of his bones were broken and aside from the bandages covering his head, he had no other injuries. His face was still peerlessly handsome and clear like jade. At this moment, if not for the location we were in, he would seem to merely be asleep; his breathing was stable and his expression was peaceful and serene.

I let out a sigh of relief. There isn"t anything majorly wrong with him and my male G.o.d can still rely on his looks to make a living.

But even if he was disfigured or crippled I would love him wholeheartedly. I would of course never abandon him, I"ve already spent seven years beside him. As long as he never betrays our morals and makes a heinous mistake, I would forever be by his side. I will continue to be his husband every day, forever.

Using this moment as an opportunity, I tried to put away my tail again while Yin Huaimu was still asleep. But after a moment, I lowered my gaze and saw a few strands of orange-black coloured fur on the bed.Won"t you please read this at mehtranslations. wordpress. com ?

Yin Huaimu"s bedding seemed to be hiding something underneath it as well. I curiously lifted the corner of the quilt only to be instantly shocked.

Yin Huaimu also grew a tail!

Unlike my tail, Yin Huaimu"s was thicker and more l.u.s.trous, soft and silky; it was thicker than mine and even longer than mine!

Wo cao!!! don"t know what I could replace that with…

What kind of situation is this?

While I was still shocked, I noticed Yin Huaimu"s eyelids flutter, he was slowly opening his eyes. He directed his gentle gaze towards me and spoke in his usual low and elegant voice. He wasn"t anxious nor rushed, and he spoke clearly. He asked me, "Mister, it"s very nice to meet you, but may I know who you are?"

Mister? Why is he suddenly addressing me in this way?

I didn"t think about it at all and impatiently replied to him by asking a question of my own, "Husband, how are you feeling? Does your head hurt? Do you feel any pain elsewhere on your body?"

"Who are you talking to, Mister? Are you talking to me?" Yin Huaimu asked, stunned.

Me: "…"

My eyelid started twitching like mad, and I instantly had a feeling of premonition. Could it be possible that a more dog-blooded circ.u.mstance than a car accident has also happened? Yin Huaimu couldn"t have lost his memories right?

"Don"t scare me Yin Huaimu. You…You do still remember me right?"

He seemed to think for a moment, before blankly shaking his head, "I"m sorry, it seems like Mister has recognised the wrong person. My name is Mu Cuzhuang."

I must have heard wrong! I tried my best to keep calm and asked, "You…Say it again, what"s your name? Which "cu zhuang"?" (he"s asking about which character those words belong to because in Chinese, one p.r.o.nunciation, many words)

"The Cu in thickness, Zhuang in warrior."Won"t you please read this at mehtranslations. wordpress. com ?

Me: "…"

Husband, wake up!!! (italics for internal monologue, perhaps?)

You are the Movie Emperor Yin with Millions of Fans, My Huaimu! You are the Movie Emporer Yin with millions of fans, my Huaimu ah!

(If anyone is curious, the "Mu" in Yin Huaimu and Mu Cuzhuang are the same)

Now that things have come to this stage, I also can"t deny it anymore. Actually, I"m a dog; a teddy dog that has gained spirithood.

Teddy dogs:

Through my hard work and efforts, I managed to catch my male G.o.d Yin Huaimu, and even marry him just like I wished. I miraculously managed to reach the very height of a dog"s life, yet through it all, I never once dared to divulge my true ident.i.ty.

In the beginning, the two of us stuck to each other like glue, inseparable in form and shadow. We memeda"d all day and papapa"d all night.

(I think it"s cuter like this, but for those who don"t get it, it means they kissed and acted lovey-dovey all day and had s.e.x all night)

As everyone knows, a teddy dog"s s.e.xual desire is strong, so I can also thicken my skin and admit that I"m very unrestrained in bed, often bugging my husband non stop for it.

Unfortunately, a human"s lifespan is quite short indeed but I want us to grow old and die together. We stayed together for seven years, equivalent to 35 dog years, but because I attained spirithood, I didn"t age like that. But to make sure Yin Huaimu didn"t suspect anything, I made myself look older. I couldn"t be caught looking young forever.

I slowly matured, becoming an old dog that"s almost hitting 30, and also started restraining my s.e.x life every month, gradually slowing down.

After all, I"m looking at the long term and he may not be able to keep up this pace forever. I was worried that too much papapa and my male G.o.d would be squeezed dry before he even turns 30. If he were to weaken and even have a bad back by that age, then I would have undoubtedly sinned beyond atonement.

Maybe both humans and dogs can"t avoid the "Seven Year Itch". Our first two years were extremely intimate, but as Yin Huaimu"s work caused him to be busier and busier, the number of times we could meet started to fall. When he was at his busiest, there would be close to no calls or messages from him.Won"t you please read this at mehtranslations. wordpress. com ?

As of now, the whole world is saying that our marriage is at odds, our feelings have become unfamiliar, or even broken down, and that we"re about to get a divorce. Who knew that on the day of our seventh wedding anniversary, Yin Huaimu and I would actually get into a car accident.

The tail behind me had popped out, the secret that I"ve hidden for almost 20 years has also been exposed. What made it even harder for me to believe in, however, is that behind Yin Huaimu, there is also an extra orange-black coloured long tail.

Turns out that despite being together for so many years, he and I are both dogs that have attained spirithood.

So the two of us actually are——

#Yin Huaimu really did do a dog#

#Tai Jin really got done by a dog#

Our dog names aren"t as complicated as human"s, most are pretty easy to understand and quite old fashioned. In this case, Yin Huaimu"s nickname when he was a dog is "Cuzhuang".

His grandfather, father, and elder brother are all military men. Currently, both his grandfather and father have been discharged from the military and are at home, while his older brother is still part of the force. Since young, Yin Huaimu has experienced the strict education of the military, his usual words and bearings all very gentlemanly and graceful.Won"t you please read this at mehtranslations. wordpress. com ?

I remember Yin Huaimu has also told me before that his ancestors were students who had returned from studying in Germany, and from what I see, it seems like his whole family are German shepherds.

Yin Huaimu"s dog name is "Mu Cuzhuang". Following the theme, his older brother, father and grandfather were respectively called "Cuchang", "Cuda" and "Cuying". All three generations of dogs are very valiant, very thick.

Cuzhuang (粗壮): Thick and strong

Cuchang (粗长): Thick and long

Cuda (粗大): Thick and big

Cuying (粗硬): Thick and hard

It"s a Chinese thing to take the first character of your first(?) name and apply it to the rest of the male family members (usually between siblings, but I guess it happens between the whole family too); Girls have different first characters from the boys, but as usual, it goes accordingly. This is now mostly seen in families with more traditional thinking, modern fams sometimes don"t care. ((Unfortunately, being the only daughter amongst my traditionalist thinking(???) dad"s children, I adopted my brothers" first character instead of having a different one OTZ ~~istg he was probably just lazy or smth smh~~))

Although I"ve personally felt that Yin Huaimu"s name matched his personality throughout the years, I"d have never thought that his nickname would be so old-fashioned, so old-fashioned that it made me twitch and shudder. Every time I hear it, my entire doggy self would tremble!

Having gotten into such a huge accident, the moment my mom received news, she rushed to the hospital in a panic. The moment she saw me, she shouted, "Jiaohua, my baby! Mom has come to see you!"Won"t you please read this at mehtranslations. wordpress. com ?

This time, it was the Yin Huaimu"s, who was beside me, turn to be startled.

Me: "…"

Alright, I"ll admit my nickname is also very old-fashioned, called "Tai Jiaohua" (泰娇花). (same "Tai" in "Tai Jin")

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