People Found Out About The Base I Built On the Moon

Chapter 84: Zhang Tao Arrived at the Moon!

Chapter 84: Zhang Tao Arrived at the Moon!

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“Finally, we’re here!”

Zhang Tao sat inside the s.p.a.cecraft, his eyes slightly moist.

After flying through s.p.a.ce for three days, he was very afraid that he might die any time on the way.

But thankfully, they had arrived.

The s.p.a.cecraft drew closer, and Zhang Tao began adjusting its speed, preparing for deceleration.

However, the next moment, he froze.

“Is this the moon?!”

Looking at the s.p.a.ceport surrounded by the cosmic environment and the rising and descending s.p.a.ceships, Zhang Tao doubted if he had come to the wrong place.

He had been here just a month ago, yet it now appeared incredibly unfamiliar. Just then, a patrolling warship spotted him and flew towards his location. Amidst Zhang Tao’s nervousness, electronic sounds echoed inside the s.p.a.cecraft.

“This is a controlled area. Unknown s.p.a.cecraft, please identify yourselves!”

“Oh no, what should I do?!”

Zhang Tao panicked and attempted to contact Earth using their communication method, transmitting a radio signal: “I am a Earth citizen. I have important matters to discuss. Please grant me permission to proceed!” After a moment, the electronic voice from inside the s.p.a.cecraft sounded again.

“Unauthorized landing. Your s.p.a.cecraft will be detained in this port…” “What?!”

Zhang Tao was shocked, but there was nothing he could do. His s.p.a.cecraft was not only slow, but it also lacked any weapons.

Immediately, a s.p.a.cecraft resembling an octopus flew out from the s.p.a.ceport and captured his s.p.a.cecraft within moments.

It carried Zhang Tao and flew to a certain location within the s.p.a.ceport, where it came to a stop.

Seeing this, Zhang Tao quickly transmitted another radio signal: “Please inform your leaders that I have come here seeking refuge!”

This time, there was no response.

Once the s.p.a.cecraft had stabilized, an exit pa.s.sage connected to the s.p.a.ceport appeared.

Before Zhang Tao could control it himself, the exit hatch of the s.p.a.cecraft automatically opened.

Well, his s.p.a.cecraft was now under someone else’s control on their turf!

Helpless, Zhang Tao put on his s.p.a.cesuit and stepped into the pa.s.sage.

After walking for a while and pa.s.sing through a light curtain, he suddenly felt gravity beneath his feet.

Standing on either side of the light curtain were two armed robots, glaring at Zhang Tao.

“Earthlings, proceed straight ahead for one hundred meters!”

At that moment, an electronic voice came through the speakers in the pa.s.sage.

Zhang Tao breathed a sigh of relief and took a few steps, but the robots on both sides didn’t move.

After a hundred meters, a hall appeared, and a young man was seated inside. “There is oxygen here. You can take off your outer suit,” the young man said casually.

Zhang Tao heard this and, without caring about the authenticity, immediately removed his helmet, took a deep breath, and smiled. “The air here is really fresh!”

The young man nodded and introduced himself, “I am the security supervisor of the s.p.a.ceport. State your purpose, Earthling!”

Zhang Tao carefully observed the young man and discovered that he was indeed a human, which sparked an idea in his mind.

A Earth citizen working as the security supervisor at a s.p.a.ceport? Could he climb up the ladder as well?!

Once he reached a higher position, he would have access to more information and be able to relay useful intelligence to Earth.

“My name is Zhang Tao, and I’m an astronaut from Earth…”

“A month ago, myself and two colleagues visited the moon, where we were received by a woman named Zhang Yuxia…”

“Hmm, Zhang Yuxia arrived a few months before me,” Li Zongheng said.

According to the production order, Zhang Yuxia was indeed the earliest humanoid to appear.

She had the earliest model and some flaws.

Just as expected!

Zhang Tao’s confidence instantly increased, and he continued, “As newcomers to this unfamiliar environment, we were quite frightened…”

“Zhang Yuxia’s presence alleviated our fears…”

“During that time, the happiest moments were when we saw her…”

Li Zongheng frowned and said, “State your purpose!”

“Yes, of course!” Zhang Tao hurriedly nodded and said, “In truth, I sneaked out…”

“The mission was originally to maintain the s.p.a.ce station, but I wanted to see Zhang Yuxia, so I piloted the s.p.a.cecraft here without authorization…” “Although I don’t want to admit it, ever since I returned to Earth, she has been constantly on my mind. I can’t forget her, and I want to see her again…”

These words made Zhang Tao uncomfortable deep down, but outwardly, he appeared deeply devoted.

Before departing, the think tank had a.n.a.lyzed in detail how Zhang Tao could infiltrate the moon’s interior.

They came up with excuses he could use to explain why he wanted to be on the Moon, such as that he was betrayed by his comrades or that he admired the aliens so much he wanted to work for them. These didn’t seem very convincing, anyhow.

However, they did came up with something that seemed convincing. ‘Love,’ it was. They told Zhang Tao that he could say that he was so in love with Zhang Yixia that he went as far as to travel to the Moon.

Of course, whether Zhang Tao could stay would ultimately depend on his acting skills.

During the three-day flight, Zhang Tao had been convincing himself, replacing Zhang Yuxia’s face with that of his own wife.

He aimed to immerse himself in the role and deceive everyone, ultimately securing his place on the moon.

So Zhang Tao was in love with Zhang Yuxia?

Li Zongheng was momentarily stunned, his expression becoming peculiar, but he didn’t say much and simply said, “Wait here, I’ll report to headquarters!” After speaking, he got up and left alone.

Li Zongheng hadn’t gone far when he stopped within Zhang Tao’s sight.

On the moon base, Zhao Yu and Dashu didn’t need Li Zongheng to report; they had already seen the live footage.

“Commander, it involves human emotions, and it touches upon my blind spot…”

Dashu felt helpless. Love, hatred, and emotional entanglements were precisely what he couldn’t understand. They were the most illogical and incomprehensible aspects.

“Liking Zhang Yuxia…”

This reason was absurd, with less than a thirty percent chance of being true.

Zhao Yu pondered the purpose of Zhang Tao’s arrival.

“Why does he want to stay on the moon? Apart from pursuing a woman, can he serve the extraterrestrials like ‘us’?”

Zhao Yu wasn’t stupid; he had pretty much figured out Zhang Tao’s real intentions. After all, he had come up with the entire background of the moon’s extraterrestrials himself.

“Commander, do you know his purpose?!1‘

Uncle Da looked shocked and could hardly believe it.

“More or less. He probably wants to infiltrate our base, like ‘me,’ ‘Zhang Yuxia,’ and the others, climb up the ranks, gather extraterrestrial intelligence, and smuggle it all back to Earth.”

Uncle Da’s eyes lit up, “Commander, if that’s the case, we can keep him!”

“On one hand, we can observe how he treats Zhang Yuxia, which will help me study human emotional activities. On the other hand, we can give him the high position he desires and let him pa.s.s false information to Eartj.”

Zhao Yu nodded, finding it suitable, and added, “But let’s not rush to give him a high position. Let’s set some challenges for him to solve and promote him gradually. That’s more logical.”

“Understood. Now, should we let Li Zongheng take him to the moon base and have him follow Zhang Yuxia for now?”

Zhao Yu nodded slightly and said, “Adjust Zhang Yuxia’s position a bit and have her take this Zhang Tao to do some unimportant tasks….”

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