
Chapter 8

_Elw._ Yet, yet thou art not gone!

_Per._ Farewell, farewell! [_exit Percy._

_Elw._ I dare not meet the searching eye of Douglas.

I must conceal my terrors.

_Douglas at the side with his sword drawn, Edric holds him._

_Dou._ Give me way.

_Edr._ Thou shalt not enter.

_Dou._ [_struggling with Edric_] If there were no h.e.l.l, It would defraud my vengeance of its edge, And she should live. [_breaks from Edric and comes forward._ Cursed chance! he is not here.

_Elw._ [_going._] I dare not meet his fury.

_Dou._ See she flies With every mark of guilt.--Go, search the bower, [_aside to Edric._ He shall not thus escape. Madam, return. [_aloud._ Now, honest Douglas, learn of her to feign. [_aside._ Alone, Elwina? who just parted hence?

[_with affected composure._

_Elw._ My lord, "twas Harcourt; sure you must have met him.

_Dou._ O exquisite dissembler! [_aside._] No one else!

_Elw._ My lord!

_Dou._ How I enjoy her criminal confusion! [_aside._ You tremble, madam.

_Elw._ Wherefore should I tremble?

By your permission Harcourt was admitted; "Twas no mysterious, secret introduction.

_Dou._ And yet you seem alarm"d.--If Harcourt"s presence Thus agitates each nerve, makes every pulse Thus wildly throb, and the warm tides of blood Mount in quick rushing tumults to your cheek; If friendship can excite such strong emotions, What tremors had a lover"s presence caus"d?

_Elw._ Ungenerous man!

_Dou._ I feast upon her terrors. [_aside._ The story of his death was well contriv"d; [_to her._ But it affects not me; I have a wife, Compar"d with whom cold Dian was unchaste. [_takes her hand._ But mark me well--though it concerns not you-- If there"s a sin more deeply black than others, Distinguish"d from the list of common crimes, A legion in itself, and doubly dear To the dark prince of h.e.l.l, it is--hypocrisy.

[_throws her from him, and exit._

_Elw._ Yes, I will bear his fearful indignation!

Thou melting heart, be firm as adamant; Ye shatter"d nerves, be strung with manly force, That I may conquer all my s.e.x"s weakness, Nor let this bleeding bosom lodge one thought, Cherish one wish, or harbour one desire, That angels may not hear and Douglas know. [_exit._



_Enter Douglas, his sword drawn and b.l.o.o.d.y in one hand, in the other a letter. Harcourt, wounded._

_Dou._ Traitor, no more! this letter shews thy office; Twice hast thou robb"d me of my dear revenge.

I took thee for thy leader.--Thy base blood Would stain the n.o.ble temper of my sword; But as the pander to thy master"s l.u.s.t, Thou justly fall"st by a wrong"d husband"s hand.

_Har._ Thy wife is innocent.

_Dou._ Take him away.

_Har._ Percy, revenge my fall! [_guards bear Harcourt in._

_Dou._ Now for the letter!

He begs once more to see her.--So "tis plain They have already met!--but to the rest---- [_Reads._] "In vain you wish me to restore the scarf; Dear pledge of love, while I have life I"ll wear it, "Tis next my heart; no power shall force it thence; Whene"er you see it in another"s hand, Conclude me dead."--My curses on them both!

How tamely I peruse my shame! but thus, Thus let me tear the guilty characters Which register my infamy; and thus, Thus would I scatter to the winds of heaven The vile complotters of my foul dishonour.

[_tears the letter in the utmost agitation._

_Enter Edric._

_Edr._ My lord----

_Dou._ [_in the utmost fury, not seeing Edric._] The scarf!

_Edr._ Lord Douglas.

_Dou._ [_still not hearing him._] Yes, the scarf!

Percy, I thank thee for the glorious thought!

I"ll cherish it; "twill sweeten all my pangs, And add a higher relish to revenge!

_Edr._ My lord!

_Dou._ How! Edric here?

_Edr._ What new distress?

_Dou._ Dost thou expect I should recount my shame, Dwell on each circ.u.mstance of my disgrace, And swell my infamy into a tale?

Rage will not let me--But--my wife is false.

_Edr._ Art thou convinc"d?

_Dou._ The chronicles of h.e.l.l Cannot produce a falser.--But what news Of her cursed paramour?

_Edr._ He has escap"d.

_Dou._ Hast thou examin"d every avenue?

Each spot? the grove? the bower, her favourite haunt?

_Edr._ I"ve search"d them all.

_Dou._ He shall be yet pursued.

Set guards at every gate.--Let none depart Or gain admittance here, without my knowledge.

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