Perfect World

Chapter 1734 - Cosmos Lake

Chapter 1734 - Cosmos Lake


That a.s.sistant spoke. In that instant, all of the heaven reaching pillars of light disappeared, entering into the earth.

When the beams of light were restrained, the surface rumbled, some places displaying cracks, for example, where the pillars of light disappeared into.

The golden lion’s eyes widened, sucking in a cold breath of air. It couldn’t help but break out into a cold s.h.i.+ver. It was because it saw that underneath the earth, there were immortal dao true bones buried here.

They were damaged, incomplete. One could imagine that even when this level of existence entered, they were all killed!

Soon afterwards, a green wooden bridge appeared, extending over from the short mountains and hills from the distance.

It was shaped like a stone arch bridge, but it was made of wood. The bridge also had some branches, sparkling and replete green leaves growing from it like pieces of jade.

On the bridge was a life aura that flourished like a sea, carrying powerful divine force fluctuations.

Divine wood!

Needless to say, this wooden bridge was definitely refined from ancient divine wood.

“An ancient tree that achieved immortality, but killed and refined into a bridge.” s.h.i.+ Hao sighed with astonishment.

At the end of the bridge, the area between the hills was extremely lush and verdant. The bridge stretched across the medicinal field, nothing blocking its path.

s.h.i.+ Hao believed that if not for this bridge, if he directly rushed in, he might have immediately been attacked. He already saw the world-shocking formation; once activated, all G.o.ds and buddhas would be killed without exception!

He got off the wooden bridge, walking between the hills. The gra.s.s was lush and verdant, air fresh and clean, as if he had entered Shangri-la.

The skies here brightened a bit, but it was still somewhat murky, as if shrouded in a layer of mist, a world without daylight.

Not far out, there were palaces on many of the short mountains, extremely grand. There were some made of silver metals, some golden, others that were made of bronze.

These palaces had a terrifying aura. If one looked at them from the distance, it would make one feel as if their mind was about to collapse.


The golden lion immediately spat out a large mouthful of blood. Just because it tried to look at a silver ancient palace on a mountain, it was as if it suffered from the attack of the most terrifying heavenly tribulation, making it unable to hold on.

Palaces rested before them one after another, all of them extremely ancient, any one of them as if they could suppress the heavens!

“Do not look randomly. Those places are not things people like you can look at.” The male who was suspected to be an a.s.sistant said coldly.

s.h.i.+ Hao and the golden lion became alarmed, moreover looking towards the source of the voice.

Just up ahead were several thatched cottages built on the level area between the hills, not on the mountains, nor were they like those grand ancient palaces. The simple thatched cottages had a type of aloof and detached charm.

“Being able to survive through that path is reason enough not to kill, they can be allowed to live.” Right at this time, the gentle voice sounded again, precisely from the gra.s.s hut, but the person was covered by mist.

“Understood!” The a.s.sistant seemed to be nodding.

s.h.i.+ Hao was moved, now releasing a slight breath of relief.

“If you wish to meet the lord, you all must still cross this lake.” The one suspected to be an a.s.sistant spoke out again.

The green gra.s.s was soft like a cus.h.i.+on. Nor far out, there was a small lake, sparkling like sapphire, separating s.h.i.+ Hao from the thatched cottages.

s.h.i.+ Hao had long gotten off the golden lion, not riding it. He didn’t dare act presumptuously here, definitely wouldn’t ride on a battle beast here.

The golden lion immediately felt a headache. It followed s.h.i.+ Hao to the riverside, but didn’t dare head down. It was because it didn’t even cross the ancient path through its own power, couldn’t withstand the pressure.

s.h.i.+ Hao continued forward. When his feet landed on the sparkling lake surface, waves of ripples were immediately produced. In a daze, that place was like the cosmos, with each step that descended, seas of stars would ripple outwards.

In the back, the golden lion trembled. It sensed a terrifying power fluctuating.

Right now, it watched as s.h.i.+ Hao advanced, his movements steady. After a bit of hesitation, it also reached out a claw towards the lake surface.


Immediately afterwards, the golden lion experienced incomparable pain. That claw broke down, skin and fur falling off, sharp claws broken, flesh rotten, only bones left.

It released a m.u.f.fled groan, couldn’t help but scream out. It was absolutely horrified, quickly backing up.

The golden lion did everything it could to recover the claw, but no matter how it exerted force, it couldn’t restore it. The flesh came off, skin and fur not attached, only bones that carried golden light left.

This injury actually couldn’t be healed!

It was extremely terrified. What kind of lake was this? How could it be this terrifying?

The golden lion looked forward, seeing that s.h.i.+ Hao had already walked more than ten zhang forward, and then it finally calmed down a bit.

It was because Huang also suffered damage. At first, he was unaffected, but after more than ten zhang, his legs had decayed, revealing sparkling white sole bones. However, he didn’t stop!

The lake was sparkling, azure and translucent. Only when these types of ripples were produced would it appear terrifying.

When the ripples spread, the seas of stars were endless. A great dao aura pervaded outwards, as if a great cosmos was being created, containing a life and death aura!

As s.h.i.+ Hao continued forward, the flesh on his calves also came off, bones exposed, the scene horrifying.

Right now, wind and thunder stirred about, the entire small lake releasing natural law power. This was the great dao, the great universe that was being opened, the stars countless, moving around s.h.i.+ Hao.

In that place, there was already no lake visible, only a sea of stars. As he continued forward, it was as if a world was being established!

Primal chaos surged, sparkling brilliance flickering about. Starting from s.h.i.+ Hao’s legs, his flesh continuously came off, in the end already reaching his chest, the scene utterly horrifying.

The golden lion was stupefied. Was this fella going to die?

During this process, the lake appeared again, all of the stars turning into droplets, becoming a small lake once more. However, the terrifying aura instead became even stronger.

All of s.h.i.+ Hao’s flesh, from head to toe, disappeared, now completely a skeleton. It was as if he had an imperishable golden body. Moreover, during this process, his body continuously sunk, sinking into the lake.

The golden lion’s head trembled. Even Huang was about to die, it definitely wouldn’t have a good ending!

However, what was unexpected was that as s.h.i.+ Hao’s head entered the lake as well, he then slowly rose up, and then continued forward again. Flesh appeared on his head, his skin and hair returning as well.

When s.h.i.+ Hao walked out several dozen zhang, his waist had already completely recovered, gradually being restored!

In the end, s.h.i.+ Hao left the small lake. His legs stepped on sh.o.r.e, entire body sparkling, slender body just as good as before, possibly even more abundant with life.

A battle armor covered his body, his expression extremely calm.

“Cosmos Lake, Lake of Life and Death, only heaven warping talents could make it through.” In front of the thatched cottage, that male commented, his voice becoming even more gentle.

s.h.i.+ Hao saw that person. He was extremely shocked. This person was extremely young, and also extremely refined, his complexion fine. He looked like he wasn’t over thirty years of age, at the very least, this was how he appeared on the outside.

This person was dressed in white clothes, spotlessly white and perfect, on his face a gentle smile, incredibly good-looking and bright. His eyes were deep, could be considered an exceptionally handsome man.

“After pa.s.sing through that path, you were already considered one of us. After crossing this lake, you can be considered to have pa.s.sed the final trial, able to meet me.”

That male spoke, carrying a smile.

If there wasn’t anything unexpected, then this was the lord of the restricted region!

There was no need to think more. The so-called one of us was praise, believing that in the future, s.h.i.+ Hao could approach them, that he had this type of potential.

s.h.i.+ Hao felt like everything was extremely unreal, as if it was all a dream. It really was hard to say that he ended up inside of a restricted region today, moreover seeing a taboo level existence.

Towards the Nine Heavens’ life restricted regions, he had heard too much, but he never went inside, because he knew that there wasn’t much hope of making it out alive afterwards.

Even if there was the latter part of the Imperishable Scripture there, he was still helpless, unable to head there.

Yet today, he actually met this level of existence in the lower realms’ eight regions!

“Sit down, boy, bring some tea.” The white-clothed man said, his appearance extremely exquisite.

In front of the thatched cottage, there was a small side table, next to it two tree trunk seats. The middle-aged man sat on one of them, inviting s.h.i.+ Hao to sit on the other one.

As for the so-called boy, he also looked extremely young, as if under twenty years of age. However, he was definitely extraordinary, from his pupils, one could see that he had lived for an endless amount of time.

Apart from this, there was a woman behind the white-clothed male, extremely beautiful, bright and refined like a G.o.ddess.

In fact, s.h.i.+ Hao had reason to suspect that she was an undying existence, or perhaps a true immortal!

The white-clothed man was the master of this place, the lord of this restricted region.

The man and women could both be considered his dao children!

s.h.i.+ Hao hesitated a bit, but then sat down. Since he came, then he should just see it to its end.

“It has been many years already, too much time has pa.s.sed. After endless generations have flowed on, my aged self almost feeling as if it has pa.s.sed in in meditation, only then was I able to meet a youngster who is quite excellent.” The white-clothed male said, releasing a light sigh, as if he was deeply moved.

However, s.h.i.+ Hao instead caught on to something. Within that voice, it was as if a sword was ringing, resounding and sharp, as if it was going to tear apart the heavens, break through the great dao, alter heaven and earth!

In reality, that voice was extremely calm, but it even made one’s mind tremble. 

The dao child brought over tea, the fragrance pleasant. There was a true phoenix flapping its wings inside the teacup, moving about, bright red and resplendent, releasing an intoxicating aroma.

s.h.i.+ Hao was extremely shocked. What kind of tea was this? Could it be even more extraordinary than the Dao Comprehension Immortal Tea?

“Just some ordinary tea plants from the mountains planted by myself.” The white-clothed man seemed to have seen through what he was thinking, speaking like this.

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