Perfect World

Chapter 9 – Vicious Power

Chapter 9 – Vicious Power

“It’s too fast! There’s no way we can escape back to the village in time!” shouted Pihou. He was grimacing in pain from being pelted by a piece of rock during the chaos. A huge chunk of flesh was injured, and blood flowed directly from that wound.

“There is a rather deep cave over here. Let’s hide for a while!” Little s.h.i.+ Hao yelled towards everyone.

They fled frantically within the mountains. After bypa.s.sing some large rocks, they charged into a group of giant vines. The little guy stealthily slipped in, and when the other kids saw this, they followed closely behind.

The cave was rather damp, and it was covered with vines. A vague water dripping noise could be heard. The lighting was extremely dim, making it almost pitch-black. After entering the dark and hidden cave, none of them paused for a moment. They all continued to charge inside, only stopping after they ran for ten meters.

Within the darkness, there were heavy breathing sounds. Running continuously for over five hundred meters left the children completely exhausted. They had truly been frightened badly by that powerful Green Scaled Eagle. If that vicious bird had caught up, a single swipe from it would turn them into a pile of b.l.o.o.d.y mud and crushed bones.

Hu, so dangerous. Just a bit closer and we would have been finished!” After escaping the calamity and getting a renewed lease on life, they all sat their b.u.t.tocks on the ground.

“This cave entrance isn’t too large, so that vicious bird should not be able to enter.” Although the children began to relax a bit, they still did not forget to remain vigilant.

The experience they faced this time was truly dangerous. Their corpses were almost buried within the mountain forest. After escaping that archaic demonic bird descendant’s claws, they finally began to feel a bit more calm. Their backs were covered in a layer of cold sweat.

The cave was extremely deep and linked to an underground river. Cold winds swished by. The children began to look at each other in dismay. How were they going to return to Stone Village? None of them dared to leave this cave.

Yi, that’s right. Little guy, how did you know that there was a cave here?” After they calmed down a bit, the group of children remembered that at the crucial moment, the little guy found this path of life.

Yiya!” The little guy was a bit embarra.s.sed and shyly played with the corners of his clothes. In a small murmuring noise, he said, “Last time, I ran out of the village while chasing after a scarlet sparrow and almost got lost. I accidentally stumbled upon this place.”

The group of kids became mute. The little guy was great at everything, but he was too restless and curious about everything. When he was little, there was a time when he also ran out of the village while chasing after the chief’s big yellow dog.

Hehe… the three year old little HaoHao still drinks milk and chases after everything!” The older kids all teased him.

The little guy felt embarra.s.sed. He puffed his cheeks and pouted with rage. In an innocent voice, he said, “Stop laughing you guys. That was a sparrow completely covered in a bright red color. It looked exactly like the archaic divine Vermilion Bird recorded in the bone texts.”

Che, forget about those legendary existences, even a Red Cloud Bird or a later generation would all be able to eliminate a super clan. If it really was a Vermilion Bird, would it allow you to chase after it? Just a yawn from it would obliterate an emperor’s territory!”

“But it really was exactly the same as what was recorded on the bone text. It was a deep red color and extremely beautiful.” The little guy tried to defend himself. His small white hands were gripped tightly, and his little face flushed red. He was extremely stirred up as his black gem-like eyes radiated in the darkness.


Suddenly, an oppressive sound rang out, startling all the children. They turned their heads and saw an ice cold and metallic radiance flickering at the cave entrance. The Green Scaled Eagle’s head emerged, and its pupils were astonis.h.i.+ngly cold and deep as it stared at the children within the cave.

“Heavens, it’s coming!” Many of the children’s faces suddenly lost color, becoming incomparably pale.

“There’s no problem, the entrance is not large, there is no way it can enter!” Ermeng was quite brave, and while speaking, he picked up a face sized rock and threw it with all of his strength.


With such a huge rock thrown with his thousand jin strength, the speed was fast, and the power was formidable as well. It immediately smashed into the Green Scaled Eagle’s head. However, the only thing that happened was a few sparks and a ringing echo. That metallic green-colored scales flickered with cold light; they were not damaged in the slightest. Instead, the rock split into four pieces before falling to the ground.

Everyone took in a cold breath. This vicious bird had copper skin and metallic bones. It was too so powerful it made those that saw it tremble inwardly.


With one of its claws, it instantly tore through several hundred jin worth of rocks, as if it was a sharp iron hook clawing through mud.

The group of children were dumbstruck. Could it be that not even the cave’s entrance could stop it?


The sound of rocks shattering rang out again. The Green Scaled Eagle moved its wings, and like enormous blades, they hacked down on the rocky wall. Enormous rocks rumbled and descended as the enormous body stubbornly forced its way in.

“This is too terrifying! Is it going to blast open this small mountain like this? It shouldn’t be able to collapse this cavern, right?”

Pihou took out his bow and readied an arrow. That was a Dragon Horn Hard Bow cut from the Dragon Fanged Elephant. Normally, only adults could pull back the strings, as it was made from Stone Village’s best bow materials.


An arrow flew out with extreme speed and power. The arrow flew out like a fast and fierce meteor.


However, they were shocked to discover that the arrow shot towards the Green Scaled Eagle’s head only created a string of sparks. Its scales were truly difficult to penetrate! Even a sharp arrow released from a bow as tough as this was ineffective.

Everyone felt scared and upset, what were they going to do now? Even such a strong bow could not harm it, and there was simply no way they could go up and fight it in close combat. They were stuck in a desperate situation.

Yiya, let me try.”

The little guy borrowed an iron spear from the body of a big child that was forty or fifty jin in weight. He broke into a small run, then he suddenly picked up speed as he rushed towards the entrance. Finally, he fiercely tossed the iron spear. A beam of cold light flew towards the entrance as i it was a streak of lightning.

s.h.i.+ Hao, who could lift up the thousand jin copper cauldron, used all of his strength to throw the iron spear. Its penetrating power was frightening as it shot towards the Green Scaled Eagle’s eye. The iron spear whistled past with great power, and the air that it tore through released exploding sounds!

The Green Scaled Eagle continued to loathingly claw at the children. This was the first time it actually expressed a hint of amazement. It quickly s.h.i.+fted its head to avoid getting pierced in the eye by the iron spear.

Following a qiang sound, the iron spear smashed into the Green Scaled Eagle’s head with astonis.h.i.+ng speed and power. As if two slabs of metal plates were being grinded together, sparks flew everywhere as ear-splitting sounds rang out.

Finally, the iron spear fell onto the floor, but a scale on the corners of the vicious bird’s eyes also fell. A stream of blood trickled out; it was a rather shocking sight.

A reverberating sound rang out from the Green Scaled Eagle, making others feel as if lightning was hacking away at their soul. It was a grand and ma.s.sive noise that soon became sharp and penetrating. It was like the terrifying roar of a dragon.

There were some kids that were so terrified that they took a few steps back before falling with their b.u.t.tocks onto the ground. They used their hands to cover their ears at once, or else their eardrums would have been damaged.

The vicious bird carelessly allowed itself to get wounded, and thus as a result went mad. The eagle’s eyes were cold like sharp blades as it stared at little s.h.i.+ Hao. Brandis.h.i.+ng its huge claws, it madly clawed at the cave’s walls to vigorously force itself in.

Rocks rolled everywhere, ranging from tens to hundreds of jin in weight. However, they were all crushed as if they were rotting wood. The cavern was being torn open, and the Green Scaled Eagle angrily cried out as it attacked.

“Oh no, this giant bird is going crazy! We won’t be clawed into pieces by it right?” Pihou and the others were all scared, and some of the children began to regret their decision to come here. No wonder the adults never acted blindly without thinking! This vicious bird was too frightening.

“This place is quite close to Stone Village. Grandpa chief and the others will definitely hear the noise and send people to rescue us,” little s.h.i.+ Hao spoke.

“That’s right, let’s use all of our strength to attack and infuriate it, causing it to make even more sounds. Chief and the others will definitely be able to find us sooner!” s.h.i.+ Dazhuang said. He picked up a large rock and ferociously smashed it towards the vicious bird.

The bird’s cries became even more terrifying, shaking the cave until debris filled this place. Rocks rolled everywhere as the large body approached step by step, furiously tearing open the stone walls.

The group of children used their bows and arrows to shoot at its eyes. They delivered their iron spears to s.h.i.+ Hao, Er Meng, and s.h.i.+ Dazhuang, allowing the three most powerful individuals to throw the spears at the Green Scaled Eagle’s eyes.

The mountain forest rocks collapsed everywhere, and leaves madly danced about. The vicious bird closed its eyes and retreated several steps from the cave. Its movements completely flattened the surrounding mountain area.

“What’s going on? What caused that Green Scaled Eagle to go so mad as to come to our village and cause such a ruckus?.”

The people inside of Stone Village began to notice the abnormality and became suspicious. They quickly sent people to report this to several elders. A group of people rushed towards the village chief’s high platform area to observe the situation.

“Chief, today I saw Er Meng, Da Zhuang and the little guy skulking around furtively. Could this event be something related to them?”

“These brats!” s.h.i.+ Linhu smacked his thigh, suddenly remembering that Pihou and a few other kids were sneakily eavesdropping while they discussed the Green Scaled Eagle’s matters.

Chief s.h.i.+ Yunfeng immediately understood the severity of the situation after obtaining this information. In an extremely decisive manner, he said, “Quickly go, go fetch the two Ancestral Artifacts. We will go together!”

The strongest men within Stone Village all took action. For the sake of the children, their eyes all became red. Who cares if you are some archaic devil bird’s descendant? We will still fight! Some of them carried hundred jin Wolf Fang Poles, and some even carried super bows and black iron broadswords that were as tall as themselves. Their appearances were ferocious and murderous.

“Relax, nothing will happen to the kids. If that featherless eagle dares to do anything, I’ll definitely slice it into pieces and feed it to the pigs in the village!” These men consoled their wives, loudly shouting before rus.h.i.+ng out of the villager in a clamor.

The group of robust men were like a group of ferocious beasts with powerful and imposing manners. From afar, they had already begun firing arrows that looked like javelins. They were all iron arrows, producing an astonis.h.i.+ng might.

Dong, dong…

After the giant arrows were fired out, many trees were pierced through and broken; they were extremely mad and tyrannical. They were like a group of tall and savage beings as they loudly berated the vicious bird.

The Green Scaled Eagle had long withdrawn from the cave entrance, and its ice cold pupils were staring at these virtuous fighters. It did not know the meaning of fear, for it was a creature at the top of this region’s food chain. As long as it did not enter the depths of the mountain range, it could do as it pleased.

Extending its wings, the furious wind howled. Many of the heavy arrows and metal spears that were shot toward the eagle were blown away. Amidst the clas.h.i.+ng noises, sparks madly flew everywhere as the eagle raised its head and cried out loudly. The fury in its eyes grew, and after flapping its wings, it shot towards the group of people.

It had a seven to eight meter long body that reached fifteen meters after extending both its wings. When a figure as large as this rushed over, it was truly rather terrifying. Branches and leaves were blasted apart, and before the eagle even drew near, the terrifying winds that were stirred up were already slicing painfully at everyone’s faces.

“Everyone should defend together. Linhu, bring the sacrificial artifacts!” Chief s.h.i.+ Yunfeng said.

With such a terrifying Devil Bird descendant powerfully moving about, it would definitely cause disastrous damage. Only by using the ancient treasured artifact’s intimidation pa.s.sed down from the village ancestors would they have a chance of making it run back in fear.

“Featherless eagle, come here, charge towards me!” s.h.i.+ Linhu shouted. Being at the furthermost point, he raised his head and watched as the fierce bird swooped down. Meanwhile he took out a piece of animal bone that resembled the arm bone of a vicious beast.

The pupils of the green scaled eagle glistened, as if it had some sort of reaction, temporarily halting its attack. The eagle glared at the l.u.s.terless bone with an unwavering gaze and began to take precautions. Its half meter long black beak suddenly released a brilliant light. A symbol appeared, and it began to emit an oppressive power.

“My goodness, this green scaled eagle is surely one of a kind. Its body possesses blood that carries a symbolic mark, representing its formidable strength!” Old chief exclaimed in astonishment.


Meanwhile, s.h.i.+ Linhu roared while understanding the urgency of the situation. He persevered and used all of his strength to move forward. His left arm glowed, and a bone text began to dazzle brilliantly. Suddenly, he took that piece of arm bone and pressed it towards his own arm.


He exhaled powerfully into the air, and it produced a berserk hurricane. It was as if the king of beasts has been resurrected, frightening even the vicious bird in the sky. It rapidly rushed towards the sky to increase the amount of distance between them.

s.h.i.+ Linhu’s left arm radiated, and that piece of the vicious animal arm bone fused with his own arm. It became a part of his body, combining with his flesh mysteriously as if there was no distinction.

Not only did that left arm’s radiance become increasingly magnificent, it also condensed into an ancient symbol, as if there was a vicious beast that wanted to escape from the symbol itself!

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