Perfect World

Chapter 1486 - Return to Darkness

Chapter 1486 - Return to Darkness

What was going on? s.h.i.+ Hao was greatly shaken, incredibly shocked!

It was because just now, that Golden Undead Knight’s words really left him stunned. This was definitely not something that could be ignored, it involved just too much.

In the past, he never understood undead knights, but today, he continuously learned about their secrets. It really was hard for him to calm down, difficult for him to control his powerful desire to look into this.

“What kind of nonsense are you spouting? How could a Burial King be born here?!” Sanzang berated, expression incredibly serious, eyes fierce, clearly upset by this.

“Don’t speak randomly if you don’t know everything! This is the same as the greatest type of disrespect against Burial Kings! If you don’t watch yourself, a single thought and your entire clan will be wiped out!” Shenming also berated.

That undead knight’s face immediately paled, quickly closing his mouth, not daring to say more.

He was a Golden Undead Knight who came from an extremely powerful and ancient family, all of the clan’s members heaven-defying. They were known as an imperishable clan.

However, before an unmatched Burial King, this was nothing.

Burial Kings usually didn’t emerge in this world for many, many years, but once they took action, all life would be wiped out, no one able to stop them!

The other Golden Undead Knights all s.h.i.+vered inwardly, not daring to speak randomly. It was because even though they heard some rumors, they haven’t been proven after all. Meanwhile, Shenming and Sanzang truly were descendants of Burial Kings. Since they spoke out, it was clear that the origins of Burial Kings couldn’t be questioned.

“It’s not a big deal even if I tell you all. It is difficult to say whether the life force here is a blessing or disaster for undead knights. It isn’t necessarily related to the birth of Burial Kings!” Shenming said with a severe tone.

“However, I clearly heard that this place produced life before….” A little girl spoke, muttering quietly. She was a bit over ten, pretty and tender, not that scared of Sanzang and Shenming.

“It has produced unmatched existences before, but whether they are Burial Kings or not isn’t something you all should think about. If you don’t understand, consult your own family ancestors when you return.” Shenming said.

s.h.i.+ Hao didn’t say anything, just carefully listening. These things were extremely frightening. He learned a few shocking secrets.

It seemed like this place really was special, carrying tremendous secrets.


The black Burial Abyss surged, all types of brilliant colors surged. Faint essence energy spread, rising along the vast cave entrance, making this place more and more brilliant.

Right now, s.h.i.+ Hao wasn’t the only one who was shocked, even these undead knights were stupefied, staring at this place in a daze. The radiance was too brilliant, rising like suns one after another.

The darkness was cut through, chaotic energy flushed out.

This ma.s.sive Burial Abyss now looked a bit hazy, no longer absolute darkness inside. There was actually light that could momentarily illuminate it.

“This is immortal light?” s.h.i.+ Hao’s eyes contracted, focusing on the great abyss. This place was too strange. Why did immortal dao aura appear in the underground undead knight territory?

This type of light was extremely gorgeous and divine, exceeding various pure lands, making the originally dull and lonely great black abyss surge with great life force.

“There really is a creature about to rush out!” A Golden Undead Knight’s voice was actually shaking. He simply didn’t dare believe what he was seeing, actually about to witness a miracle.

It was because it was rumored that once a creature appeared here, it would be a major event that had extremely long-lasting and profound effects. There were some creatures that were powerful beyond imagination.

Ka cha!

Suddenly, heaven collapse took place!

The streaks of light that rushed out from burial abyss were too brilliant, even scattering the primal chaos mist. An endless rain of light rushed out, all immortal radiance, filling this place.

The surrounding s.p.a.ce collapsed, blasted through by these streaks of light.

Then, a wave of extremely terrifying aura spread. All of the Golden Undead Knights were stupefied. They were witnessing a miracle.

Under the great black abyss, thriving life force erupted, as if an ancient realm was being established. There were creatures attacking, wis.h.i.+ng to escape.


A world-shaking great explosion erupted. A door appeared in the black abyss, connected to this place. After immortal light surged, that place first returned to darkness, and then it began to brighten and fade continuously.

There was some type of power facing off, interweaving about.

s.h.i.+ Hao was shocked, because he felt a sense of deja vu, a bit of a familiar feeling. He opened his Heavenly Eyes, staring into that direction.

As light flickered about, after the Burial Abyss void cracked open, he saw a black s.p.a.ce, seeing ‘glimmers’, witnessing indistinct cages.


Unfortunately, before he could look carefully, a streak of light rushed over. There really was a creature that struggled free, and then rushed out from within that pa.s.sage.

“There is an unmatched existence about to descend!” A Golden Undead Knight cried out.

En, it’s… a primordial spirit!” Sanzang’s expression became grave.

That was a primordial spirit, only, it was too powerful, like a sun. It was actually burning fiercely, like a raging flame, as if divine consciousness energy was surging.

For the sake of breaking free and struggling out, it burned itself, releasing endless power.

“It’s that place!” s.h.i.+ Hao said to himself. He was greatly shaken up, because he was sure the feeling he felt before wasn’t wrong. He had been to that place before.

Black prison[1]!

When s.h.i.+ Hao cultivated immortal energy back then, he almost died, his body and spirit nearly erased. Meanwhile, there was another time where his primordial spirit even left his body, entering dark s.p.a.ce.

In that place, it was as if he witnessed reincarnation itself, as if he saw black prisons one after another. Meanwhile, he himself was also trapped there.

If not for Ancient Holy Child attacking him, chanting the Nine Heavens Tenth Earth Scripture, unexpectedly summoning his soul back, he would have been in danger that time!

That was a miraculous journey. It was hard for s.h.i.+ Hao to say whether it was real or fake.

Now, he was sure that this primordial spirit came from the black prisons. A creature escaped!

In reality, that wasn’t the first time her saw such a thing. During the power struggle of the three thousand provinces, when he fought against Ning Chuan, Ten Crown King and the others, he had seen a similar thing from Immortal Ancient Ruins.

At that time, when the void split, there was a streak of primordial spirit that escaped, its entire body burning, almost destroyed. In the end, it rushed into the mysterious ancient palace named ‘Guidance’.[2]

s.h.i.+ Hao’s eyes contracted, staring at Burial Abyss, great waves surging within him. However, he didn’t say anything, just watching without moving at all.

Back then, when he was trapped in the darkness, there were many prisons. s.h.i.+ Hao previously saw the ancient river of time, saw black cages drift one after another along it. It was an extremely mysterious sight.

Today, he sensed a familiar aura. s.h.i.+ Hao’s thoughts wandered everywhere!

It was clear that this creature was powerful beyond imagination, but it also paid a tremendous price. For the sake of escaping, it ignited itself, using its greatest power.

It pa.s.sed through the darkness, scattering the rain of light, breaking through the primal chaos, rus.h.i.+ng out from the great abyss.

There were immediately Golden Undead Knights who bowed down, because there were some who always firmly believed those legends, wis.h.i.+ng to welcome this existence.

However, something regretful happened. That exceptionally powerful primordial spirit quickly withered away, resplendent brilliance split up into pieces. Its primordial spirit actually exploded.


In the end, heaven and earth grew dim. That primordial spirit stopped burning. Even though it struggled out, it still headed towards destruction.

s.h.i.+ Hao felt that there were too many secrets, he couldn’t see the truth clearly. At the same time, he also developed countless a.s.sociations.

That land of darkness, what kind of connection did it have with Burial Abyss?

It was because according to the undead knights’ legends, this wasn’t the first time this place produced a creature.

Moreover, there were powerful creatures who, after struggling free from Burial Abyss, headed towards the depths of the Ancient Burial Region. They were suspected to be existences comparable to Burial Kings.

Otherwise, why would there be Golden Undead Knights who believed that this marvel meant the birth of a new undead knight?

A mi gu da mo…

Right at this time, from the endless distance, as if it came from the horizon, also as if from the depths of the underworld, a voice transmitted over, It was extremely aged and indistinct.

When that voice sounded, where that primordial spirit went out, there were bits of golden radiance that appeared. Even though it was extremely scattered and thin, only some leftover energy, it still resonated.

These specks of golden light were like strips of cloth, fluttering into the distance towards the source of the voice.

It wasn’t moving on its own, but rather being led by something!

“What do those words mean?” s.h.i.+ Hao asked the long life tree.

“I don’t know!” The old tree actually shook its head!

In addition, s.h.i.+ Hao noticed that even Shenming, Sanzang, and the other Golden Undead Knights were confused, not knowing what it meant at all.

They were only sure that the voice came from the underground vein, the source terrifyingly far!

The ancient voice continuously sounded, as if it was summoning a soul, guiding the remaining light into the distance.

It was clear that the primordial spirit had been destroyed. Now, the remaining light specks could only display a bit of its memory imprints, there was a powerful existence who wanted to acquire them?

“Don’t tell me it’s the monster that fled from the black prison who is summoning the soul?” s.h.i.+ Hao suddenly thought.

He felt a headache. What was there inside the Ancient Burial Land? It really left one at a loss. It was too strange, at the same time making one feel apprehension and fear.

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