Perfect World

Chapter 1738 - Heart Set on Speeding Home

Chapter 1738 - Heart Set on Speeding Home

The golden lion really was scared badly. It was just a skull, unknown just what age this existence was born in, it refined a cosmos into a lake, able to transform the past and present into a dream, it truly was horrifying.

It crazily sped forward, moving as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, it crossed hundreds of thousands of li, much faster than its normal speed.

s.h.i.+ Hao was also thinking to himself, caressing the jade piece in his hands. It was extremely old-fas.h.i.+oned, an ancient article. He stored it away.

It was just a head, not a true body, yet it already taught many immortal level experts, all of them heaven warping figures of different generations. He really was extraordinary.

Of course, what s.h.i.+ Hao cared about the most was the dam the lord of the restricted region had previously visited. He went in, moreover returned alive, this was extremely shocking.

Based on what he knew, everyone who went there had already died, not a single person came out alive.

“Only, his injuries were too severe, still dying in the end.” s.h.i.+ Hao released a light sigh. In the scenes he saw not long ago, that white-clothed man’s appearance when he crawled out of the dam was still fresh in his mind. His entire body was covered in blood, body unstable.

For even the lord of a restricted region to fall to this extent, that place really was too shocking. In the end, he died, his remains left in this miserable ancient land.

When a powerful individual’s flesh was destroyed, even if only a drop of blood remained, they could reforge their body. However, this type of powerful restricted region lord instead directly lost his life like this, this type of injury really was terrifying after all.

When they left far enough into the distance, when he turned around again, everything behind him was quiet, layers upon layers of mist filling that place, returning to primal chaos, no longer in view.

“Really is strange!”

The golden lion was in doubt. It tried walking a few steps, but discovered that he actually got lost, feeling dizzy, hard for him to continue. In the end, it couldn’t find the path anymore.

“Which way should we go?” It became nervous. It discovered that the world around it was hazy, extremely dusky, making it confused and disoriented, losing his sense of direction.

s.h.i.+ Hao was shocked. He didn’t lose his sense of direction, able to clearly see the distant radiance, as well as the mist behind him.

Was it because of the jade piece? s.h.i.+ Hao produced it, throwing it onto the ground. Then, he discovered with shock that he also felt confused and disoriented, the world itself turning.

He raised his hand, quickly fetching the jade piece, now understanding what was going on.

“Don’t stop, just continue forward.” s.h.i.+ Hao said.

“That seems to be the way back.” The golden lion said with uncertainty.

When s.h.i.+ Hao heard this, he knew that it was now completely confused.

“Don’t ask too much, just go straight.” 

Sure enough, after continuing for five hundred thousand li, everything finally returned to normal. He saw the sun, the birds and beasts, completely breaking free from that strange region.

When the golden lion stopped again, carefully turning around, it discovered that a great river surged behind it, cutting off its path back. Moreover, there was lava that covered the earth and other things.

It was stupefied. When it rushed in this direction, it definitely didn’t see these landforms, this was extremely strange.

It knew that even if it continued searching, there was no way it could approach that life restricted region anymore. It was located in primal chaos s.p.a.ce.


In the distance, intense sounds rang out. There were some giant mountains that collapsed, rubble rus.h.i.+ng into the sky, smoke and dust everywhere, extremely sudden.

“Father, mother!”

s.h.i.+ Hao was alarmed. It was because he saw a wars.h.i.+p rus.h.i.+ng through the mountain range, causing many mountains to break apart.

What happened?

With a sou sound, the golden lion rushed out, quickly bringing s.h.i.+ Hao towards that area.

s.h.i.+ Hao leapt off, arriving on the wars.h.i.+p, seeing them.

“My child, you’ve returned!” Qin Yining released a sigh, now completely calming down. Before, they were extremely nervous, fearing that something unexpected happened to s.h.i.+ Hao.

Soon afterwards, s.h.i.+ Hao understood what happened. After s.h.i.+ Ziling and Qin Yining left with the children, they rushed into the distance, sending the children to a safe place, they had Yun Xi watch over them, while they themselves came back to look for s.h.i.+ Hao.

Even though they knew that their cultivation levels weren’t as great as s.h.i.+ Hao’s, as his parents, they were still too worried, following the way back out of fear of something bad happening to him.

In the end, they were just like the golden lion, once they went back, they got lost. The battles.h.i.+p began to toss and turn, bas.h.i.+ng left and right.

“Alright, let’s leave this place. Don’t come back here after, there is a mysterious domain surrounding it. This is a life restricted region.” s.h.i.+ Hao explained.

A hundred thousand li out, they met Yun Xi, as well as the children with nervous expressions on their faces. All of them were safe.

When they saw the wars.h.i.+p, as well as the golden lion and s.h.i.+ Hao on it, the group of children cheered, all of them calming down.

“Come on, all of you should get on.”

When the group of children heard this, they were like a group of little monkeys, quickly rus.h.i.+ng onto the wars.h.i.+p.

Some of the children had only started walking, their ages extremely young. They were swept up onto the s.h.i.+p with a wave of s.h.i.+ Hao’s hand.

The wars.h.i.+p continued forward. When they arrived in an inhabited area, they finally knew where they were.

“Heaven Region!”

The lower realms had eight regions, separately heaven, earth, mysterious, void, s.p.a.ce, outer, flood, wasteland.

They were also called the eight great prisons!

“This is Heaven Region, there used to be a life restricted region here! However, no one in the higher realms knew!” s.h.i.+ Hao said with a sigh.

“Could it be that it is precisely the restricted region of Crucifix Yin Yang Earth, forced into the lower realms’ Heaven Region?” Yun Xi asked.

There was a high chance, after all, after leaving Crucifix Yin Yang Earth, that stone stairway led directly to a restricted region in the lower realms, the two ought to be connected somehow.

“Perhaps!” s.h.i.+ Hao nodded, but the significance wasn’t that great.

The wars.h.i.+p moved through the sky. It was absolutely ma.s.sive, as if a dark cloud was moving through the sky dome. Soon afterwards, it penetrated a ‘realm wall’, hurrying towards the other ancient regions.

This level of wars.h.i.+p from Heavenly Deity Inst.i.tution was something an elder personally refined for s.h.i.+ Hao, so it naturally had immeasurable divine might, able to cross over realms.

Mysterious Region, it belonged to one of the eight great prisons. Of course, this was for those of the higher realm. For those of the eight regions, it was an extremely powerful ancient region.

When s.h.i.+ Hao and the others moved through the void, after pa.s.sing through the realm walls, they arrived in this region.

Mysterious Region had Western Sect’s foundation in the lower realms, Immortal Mountain’s descendants, both of them top level inheritances.

However, s.h.i.+ Hao and the others were merely pa.s.sing by, not preparing to ‘pay them a visit’, nor did they want to stop. Their hearts were set on speeding home, wis.h.i.+ng to return to Stone Village as soon as possible.

If they were pa.s.sing the Kun Peng Nest, divine river where paper boats drifted, Western Tomb Realm, and others, he might make a stop, but right now, he was rus.h.i.+ng forward.


The void trembled. Another large s.h.i.+p appeared, the two almost colliding.

This s.h.i.+p was quite tastefully designed, extremely brilliant, divine birds and vicious beast void images swirling about it. These were the embodiments of bone texts used to protect the s.h.i.+p.

It looked rather valiant, as if it was the s.h.i.+p of a king.

However, compared to s.h.i.+ Hao’s s.h.i.+p, there was no need to even think about it, not even of the same order of magnitude. However, in these lower realms, it was already quite special.

At the same time, s.h.i.+ Hao’s wars.h.i.+p was rather ordinary looking, just a bit bigger. When one really sized it up, there wasn’t anything too special about it.

The main thing was that when he arrived in the lower realms, he carefully controlled it, or else, if he operated it at full force, it would definitely release powerful fluctuations at the Self Release Realm.

If that happened, the skies would fissure wherever they went, the nearby mountains and rivers all crushed, unknown just how many creatures would tremble in fear.


On the other side, someone shouted from that richly ornamented great s.h.i.+p.

s.h.i.+ Hao stood at the front of the s.h.i.+p, not speaking. He felt a wave of emotions inside, he finally returned!

This world lacked complete natural laws, its suppression towards him minimal. If he took action here, his power would be magnified many times over.

These mountains and rivers, for him, seemed too brittle.

The origins of those people on the other side were clearly not small, at the very least, could be considered a great power in Mysterious Region. When they saw how absent-minded the other party was, a bit stunned, they immediately felt a bit annoyed.

“Hey, youngster, why are you blocking our path? Don’t tell me you guys want to stand in our way?”

Even though it was an elder, his temper was fiery, loudly shouting out.

Oh, my apologies. We were just pa.s.sing by, unintentionally doing so.” s.h.i.+ Hao snapped out of it, nodding towards the individual on the other side.

The golden lion rolled his eyes, expression unkind. If it was the one responding, it would have just crushed that entire wars.h.i.+p with a single claw, who was blocking who?

However, s.h.i.+ Hao had long warned it that unless necessary, it should not act viciously in the lower realms.

“Uncle Feng, what’s wrong?” A gentle voice sounded. Several maids followed a young miss to the front of the s.h.i.+p.

This young lady was extremely beautiful, a rare beauty. She wore a golden dress, now standing at the front of the s.h.i.+p. The corners of her dress fluttered about, making her look graceful and moving.

There was a rhomboid imprint between her brows, a pair of jade horns in her hair, looking like a dragon girl.

The young lady raised her head to look at the large s.h.i.+p on the other side, even more so seeing the young man at the front of the s.h.i.+p. She was immediately stunned, not daring to believe her eyes.

“You… you are…”

After many years had pa.s.sed, that young man was still delicate and pretty, not changed that much, only growing a bit taller, becoming more and more heroic and refined. His eyes were still just as bright.

“s.h.i.+ Hao!” Finally, she shouted out with great certainty!

“s.h.i.+ Hao, that s.h.i.+ Hao?”

“The legendary Little Stone?”

At the bow of the s.h.i.+p, a few people immediately released cries of alarm, all of them staring at the young man on the great s.h.i.+p.

“Correct, he is… the Little Stone!”

“There is no mistake, I’ve seen him in the Void G.o.d Realm, it is definitely him!”

“Heavens, it really is the Little Stone! Why did he appear? Did he return to the lower realms?”

“I’ve met him before while accompanying the young miss in the past, he is the Little Stone!”

At the bow of the s.h.i.+p, a group of girls chattered on, shocked and excited.

Even the elder called Uncle Feng was stunned, in disbelief as he stared at that youngster.

“Princess Qianqian, it’s been a while.” s.h.i.+ Hao said, revealing a startled expression. He didn’t expect to meet an old friend so quickly.

Mysterious Region, even Western Sect and Immortal Mountain established their sects here in the lower realms. Compared to the other regions, it was superior.

Princess Qianqian was one of Mysterious Region’s ten great beauties. Back then, when a direct descendant of Immortal Mountain’s Qin Clan chased after her, he had previously had conflict with s.h.i.+ Hao.

After so many years pa.s.sed, Princess Qianqian didn’t change that much, still beautiful, her beauty moving and otherworldly. Right now, her small mouth was in an ‘o’ shape, as if she was looking at a ghost.

“Didn’t you head into the higher realms? You could still return?” She felt that this was inconceivable. Even though she was beautiful, right now, she was still a bit stupefied, a bit of a blank expression on her face.

“Who am I? The legendary heaven warping supreme being, where can’t I go to? I missed home, so I came back.” s.h.i.+ Hao said frivolously.

Those people completely believed now. This was precisely the Little Stone, just like the legends, his skin thick, narcissistic, and loved to eat, liking ‘female fatties’.

Only after a long time had pa.s.sed did Princess Qianqian snap out of her daze. This was too shocking! The legendary Little Stone came back after running into the higher realm.

“Little Stone, I wish to invite you to my clan as a guest.” Princess Qianqian’s large eyes flickered brilliantly, flowing with light, inviting him to her clan.

“I just returned today, so I need to return to Stone Village first. Please wait for a bit of time.” s.h.i.+ Hao said that he had to return to his home first.

He laughed and said, “If you are free, you can come to Desolate Region’s Stone Country to look for me.”

“Okay, I will come for you soon!” Princess Qianqian nodded, carrying an expression of happiness.

Soon afterwards, they separated, the two wars.h.i.+ps moving through the void again.

That day, news of the Little Stone’s return spread throughout Mysterious Region, shocking every clan and sect. Everyone didn’t believe it at first.

This was truly explosive news!

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