Petite Mother Of Four Big Shots

Chapter 11: Looking For Erbao (1)

Edited by: Supaaawokaa

Chapter 11: Looking For Erbao (1)

Gu Yuanyuan slept soundly until someone knocked on the door. She turned impatiently and murmured, “Don’t make noise, let this palace sleep.”

 She suddenly realized something, immediately opening her eyes and sitting up. What did ‘this palace’ mean? Did she transmigrate into an empress like last time? 

However, the noise continued. Whoever it was, they knocked on the door constantly without saying anything. Gu Yuanyuan walked to the door and opened it, fully expecting either Cheng Man An or Chen Yun to be standing there feigning concern. She didn’t expect to see Cheng Zhenhua’s expressionless face.

Gu Yuanyuan: “……”

Gu Yuanyuan leveled him with a haughty stare. She hadn’t talked, but Cheng Zhenhua took the initiative to get inside her room. His eyes zeroed into Gu Lingxiang’s photos and they became darker and heavier.  

“Where do you live this time? Who are they?” Cheng Zhenhua stood in the middle of her room. He was tall and expressionless, usually showing a great oppressive aura. 

Unfortunately, Gu Yuanyuan was not even afraid of Lu Wenchen, who had perverted thoughts about her body. She simply stood at the door, considered it carefully and said, “Didn’t Aunt Chen tell you?”

Cheng Zhenhua looked at her. This daughter used to look at him with fear, but now… Not only did she not fear him, but her every movement and expression showed her sarcasm and disdain, even though she tried to hide it.

“I want to hear it from you.” He lowered his voice with displeasure.

She could not tell if this man really cared for his own daughter. Gu Yuanyuan was just about to say something when a picture quickly flashed in her mind. 

The former owner of this body went downstairs together with Cheng Man An. Suddenly, Cheng Man An rolled down the stairs right as Cheng Zhenhua appeared. He helped Cheng Man An up, who, in a few words, wanted to indirectly accuse the original owner of pus.h.i.+ng her down the stairs. She explained that it was her fault and the original owner was innocent, but the words she used implied that it was the original owner’s fault.

The original owner was speechless, and then she did one thing.

She gritted her teeth and threw herself down the stairs. Then the picture vanished.

Gu Yuanyuan was silent. The appearance of that memory caused her to almost ache all over.

She wanted to scold herself for behaving so foolishly but thought she could scold herself later, so she suppressed that feeling and looked at Cheng Zhenhua with cold eyes.

“If I told you, would you believe it?”

Cheng Zhenhua paused, his voice rising unconsciously: “Is this how you talk to your father?”

“Oh.” Gu Yuanyuan shrugged indifferently, “I will treat you as you treat me.”

“You!” Cheng Zhenhua frowned. When did she become so sharp-tongued?

Gu Yuanyuan pointed at his back: “Don’t be too fierce, my mother is watching.”  

This time, Cheng Zhenhua’s anger was finally aroused. He strode over and said, “Don’t think that because your mother had pa.s.sed away, I can’t teach you a lesson. Do you know how many girls die in silence when they learn to run away from home? Do you know how they died?”

Ah, it was my own fault, again.

Gu Yuanyuan thought to herself. ‘When I ran away from home, I didn’t see you worrying about being a father. You didn’t even file a report with the police.’

She didn’t know whether it was an illusion, but she recognized the concern in Cheng Zhenhua’s exasperated tone.

Perhaps she thought too much.

Gu Yuanyuan was too lazy to delve into the matter. She turned the door handle lazily. “Early in the morning, I didn’t want to argue with you. Even if you hate me so much, I won’t live here either. I won’t bother you or delay your family. I’ll go out and live by myself.”

The original owner left home in a hurry, with only some money and nothing else. She was stubborn and was caught by Liu Wenchen. She would rather die than bow to Cheng Zhenhua and ask for help.  

Gu Yuanyuan appreciated this stubborn temper, but she did not recognize it. No matter what the occasion was, it was the most important thing to save one’s life. She was not afraid of burning firewood if she stayed in the green hills.

‘If your life is gone, everything is gone. But if your life is still there, then everything is possible.’

Remembering that phrase, Gu Yuanyuan hardened her heart while she dealt with Cheng Zhenhua. She wanted to take a bit of revenge by taking some money from her father.

“Well, give me some money.” Gu Yuanyuan was a little confused about the current prices and worried that the lion’s big mouth would backfire. She said, “Not much, five million is enough.”  

Cheng Zhenhua didn’t say a word.

Uh… Was it too much?

Gu Yuanyuan bit her fingertips unconsciously: “Two million is fine.”

Cheng Zhenhua pinched his eyebrows. He could hear footsteps in the distance. His face suddenly changed and he shouted at Gu Yuanyuan, “I’m telling you, don’t even think about it!”

Gu Yuanyuan was nearly deafened. The next second, Chen Yun ran over to him and said, “Zhenhua, how can you yell at the child? You scared Xiao Jiu.”

Cheng Man An followed suit and said softly: “Dad, breakfast is ready. Your stomach is not good. If you don’t eat breakfast, your stomach will ache.”

Cheng Zhenhua snorted angrily: “If you were half as considerate as your sister, I wouldn’t bother you all day.” 

Gu Yuanyuan was speechless. Could he see his own face when he said those words?

She couldn’t even comprehend it. She only felt that talking to these people lowered her IQ level.

However, she was hungry and didn’t want to ill-treat herself, so she turned and walked downstairs without looking at the three people. The dining hall had already laid out a delicious breakfast, which finally gave her some relief.

Breakfast was eaten in an eerie atmosphere. Gu Yuanyuan ate until her belly was round. She was the first to finish eating and then headed back to her bedroom.

Cheng Man An noticed Cheng Zhenhua’s mood and said softly: “Dad, don’t be angry. Xiao Jiu has always been like this. She must have been wronged outside. It is normal for her to be headstrong in front of her family after coming back.”

Cheng Zhenhua gave her a look and a faint smile appeared on his face: “Man An, you don’t have to speak up for her all the time. You’ve been wronged.”

To be continue

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