In the command tent Alicia, stood in front of everyone including her father, King Augustus with a cat eared girl holding on to her clothes. The young girl looked at everyone nervously as she hid behind Alicia. "Royal Father as you can see this young girl seems to be a beastman and she seems to have some information she wants to relay to us."

"Oh?" King Augustus looked at the young girl. He smiled and said: "Young miss do not be scared, no one here will harm you. If you have information then please tell us." 

The young girl nervously looked at Alicia, seeing Alicia nod only then did the young girl step out from Alicia"s back. "I-I am the First Princess of the Beast Kingdom, Sola Margix. I have come to warn the Kingdom of Alastine. My Father, his Beastliness has gone mad! You do not only have the Beast Kingdom to worry about! The ... "

"Your Majesty! Urgent news from the west! The Empire is gathering forces within the dark forest and marching their way here!!"

 A soldier who was out of breath came running into the command tent. Princess Sola"s face turned pale and tears began to well up in her eyes. "It"s too late! I was too late!"

"Princess Sola it"s not your fault. Even if you did tell us ahead of time it would not change anything. But unfortunately, we will need to keep you here…" Alicia said her eyes showing concern but also a bit of determination. She didn"t want to hold Princess Sola captive but she could be used as a means of political strategy. But from what she saw earlier, that strategy was probably not going to be all that useful. 

When she first went to save Princess Sola, the demonic Plagues and the beastmen were trying to cut her down. So they wanted her dead before she reached their defensive line. Luckily, Alicia was quick and was able to pull her out before they could finish the job.

"Do not worry, I expected as much. As the princess of the kingdom that is now your enemy, I do not mind being confined. " Princess Sola"s eyes showed her willingness. She had come here only to hope to stop the tyranny of her father. 

She did not want to become a traitor to her kingdom. But she had no choice. She had watched as her father sent the beastmen army to the smaller countries south of their kingdom. The destruction and death that occurred during that time was not something she wanted to see ever again. 

"Please use me if you need. I will comply with anything. I know I am asking for much but I hope that we can end this war with peaceful means. And lastly, as a show of goodwill, I will tell you how to stop the Demonic Plagues... " Princess Sola pulled out a wooden item and presented it to Alicia. "This is a whistle that will stop the demonic plague in their tracks. Though the area of effect is not wide it can be used in the location where the Demonic Plagues are more condensed allowing for an easier battle. I, unfortunately, was only able to gain this one whistle before I escaped the palace. "

"No… Princess Sola this is more than enough. With this alone, you have saved many soldiers and knights of the Alastine kingdom. As the Third Princess of Alastine, Alicia von Alastine I thank you from the bottom of my heart." Alicia gave a small bow, her voice showing the utmost sincerity. 

"Royal Father, I will a.s.sign Rose, Starla, and Annelia as guards to keep Princess Sola under watch. She will be kept in my s.p.a.ce. Since Loeri will also be there and without me allowing it she will not be able to escape." Alicia decided she would pull her Rose, Starla, and Annelia from the fight. She did not want them to risk their lives in a large scale battle such as this.

"Then so be it. Alicia kneel!" King Augustus commanded. Alicia nodded her head and did as he asked, she knew what was about to happen. 

King Augustus stepped forward and made a few signs with his hands. Small blue swirls of magic started to swirl around Alicia"s head. As King Augustus"s hand sign forming slowed a blue magic circle appeared on Alicia"s forehead right between her brow. The blue swirls of magic all rushed towards the circle causing the magic circle to distort before it shattered into small b.a.l.l.s of blue lights. 

The area around Alicia suddenly became like a small tornado as Magicules rushed into her body. Her golden hair fluttered as a sudden surge of power burst out of her body causing everything in the command tent to shake. Alicia slowly opened her eyes and smiled. The feeling as if a great weight had been released from her body made her entire benign feel lighter. 

"We can now push back..." Alicia muttered to herself.

"Alicia, although I released your power, do not do anything that will harm the lands here. These lands are vital to our kingdom"s survival." King Augustus gave Alicia a strict reminder.

"I know, Royal Father, do not worry. I will never harm the lands of our Kingdom again..." She knew she should never use that spell on Alastine soil again. Just to make the land close to what it was before took a lot of effort. If it wasn"t a frozen wasteland there was no telling what the outcome would have been on the fertility of the land afterward.

"Good I will leave things here for you to handle. I will be heading west. I wish you luck!" King Augustus pulled Alicia into his embrace and gave her a firm hug. He truly hoped nothing would happen to this daughter of his.

"Royal Father, you stay safe as well. If anything were to happen to you..." Alicia felt her eyes well up with tears just thinking about it. War was a scary thing. Anything and everything could happen. And now with their country being attacked on two fronts, they had no choice but to split their military and defend on two sides. 

"Haha! I promise you that I will be just fine. This kingdom has more than just me backing it you know."


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