After a nice long bath, Alicia came out feeling fully refreshed. "Good you"re out, here!" Bia Hong tossed over two jade rocks. Alicia caught them but looked at Bai Hong confused. Bai Hong let out a chuckle and explained: "These are jade slips. Put one to your head and it will activate sending you information directly into your mind. This way you will never forget the information in it no matter what." 

"I see… This is handy..." Alicia felt this was a very good thing to have. She would need to see how these things are made. If she could make jade slips on Phantasia they could have an entire library of reference material in their mind just by using these items.

Alicia did as she was told and placed the jade slip to her head. It was cool to the touch but soon a surge of information was shoved into her head giving her a splitting headache! Of course, there was a downside to something so useful! Bia Hong was making a weird face as he tried to hold his laughter in seeing Alicia"s twisted expressions. 

The first jade slip as the Thousand Piercing Lotus Blossom. Images of the sword technique appeared in her mind. It showed a woman with long black hair wearing white robes dancing amongst the battlefield slaying enemy after enemy. Each thrust of her sword reaped a life. Each step was graceful as if she was not even touching the ground as she moved forward. Alicia felt this technique was really good. It might not look like it but she could tell the women"s stance left no openings she was able to guard and counter no matter which direction they attacked from.

Once she was done with the sword technique she moved on to the fist technique. At the start, it showed the same woman with her sword thrusting out to have two people disarm her. But with a rotation of her body, she swung her fist out and took out the two men. With no time to pick up her sword, the woman continued to use her fist as if they were swords blocking and reaping lives with her fist alone! Alicia was truly amazed! She was never one to be big in actual martial arts since she had always used her sword but this combination allowed her something to lean back on for when she lost her sword. Because no enemy would ever wait for you to pick your sword back up.

"Master Bia I will go outside to train!" With that, she ran off as fast as lightning after handing back the jade slips. Seeing Alicia so excited, Bia Hong felt a bit of joy in his heart. He couldn"t help but think that he had picked up a gem for a disciple. He didn"t tell Alicia but the sword and fist technique she was going to be cultivating was for women only. The lower levels of the technique could be trained by men but once you got to the third part you had to be a woman in order to progress any further.

Alicia was as fast as lightning as she ran through the cave. She was amazed that even her vision had been completely boosted to the point she could see in the dark areas of the cave without the need for a torch or glowing rocks. 

When she made it outside, the sun was s.h.i.+ning down from the sky. It illuminated Alicia"s face making her smile. It had been a long time since she had seen the sky. She had been held up in the cave cultivating this entire time. Alicia decided to start off with her sword technique. By following what was pictured in her head Alicia began the process step by step. After the tenth step, Alicia stopped as she felt something was off. She did not feel the power that the woman in the images gave off. 

"Ah, so you noticed! This is the thing about this technique and why it is a heavenly technique. Techniques of heavenly grade and up will require you to have an understanding of the dao behind it. Without this understanding, you will never be able to show the full power of the technique." Bia Hong explained as he came out of the cave.

"What do you mean by dao?" Alicia asked, she did not understand what it meant. She had heard the word before on earth but she never cared to learn its meaning.

"Dao is the way or path of something. Like if you dive into the dao of the sword you are basically learning the way of the sword or if you are trying to understand the dao of fire you are learning the way of fire. There are many, many daos out there and each one takes time to learn." Hearing Bia Hong"s explanation Alicia decided to sit down under a tree and contemplate the images in her head again. 

She replayed them over and over trying to get a sense of insight from it. She sat with her eyes closed for almost an hour before she smiled and opened her eyes as she quietly muttered to herself. "Each step is light but fierce. Each thrust is on point with no hesitation. Combined there will be an explosion of power."

Alicia drew her sword and took a step forward while at the same time thrusting out. With a whoosh sound, her sword created a jet of wind that pierced the nearby tree. Seeing this Alicia smiled brightly and jumped up and down in joy. "I get it now!"

On the sidelines, Bia Hong was standing there with his eyes open wide in disbelief! It took her only an hour to understand the concept behind the attack! He suddenly felt ashamed of himself when he thought about how it took him almost three weeks to get a slight understanding of it but even then he was not able to do what she just did! She was truly a genius!


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