Another round of laughter broke out from the crowd making the young man even more embarra.s.sed. He could no longer take the embarra.s.sment and finally drew his sword. "Little b.i.t.c.h, die!" 

The young man swung his sword down but Mei was no longer there. He felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck and the world around him suddenly began to grow dark. The sword in the young man"s hand fell to the ground as did his body. Mei stood there looking at the young man frowning. "Why did you pull your sword out? Now I had no choice but to knock you out." 

Mei pulled the young man to the side so that he was out of the way and went back and stood in line where she was before, waiting for the old man behind the counter to wake up. The old man was very pleased with Mei"s actions. Pretending as if he had just woke up he stretched and looked at the crowd of people and the young man knocked out laying to the side. "Young lady, can I do something for you?" 

Mei saw the old man wake up and felt a bit relieved seeing that he was okay. She bowed her head and then answered. "Yes, I would like to take this mission please." 

The old man took the mission which was to hunt some lightning wolves for their fur and claws and nodded his head. It was a good mission for someone of her cultivation. Just the right amount of danger. "Hmm… Good, you have three days to complete the mission. Otherwise, it will be reposted and you will not be able to turn in anything after the three days. Of course, if there is a good reason for you being late then we will make an exception." 

"Thank you!" Mei gave a small bow and turned around to leave with Tang Yu. The place she was going was not far from the sect, only a half days trip and they only needed to kill four lightning wolves. 

"Elder Sister, are you sure we can do this mission? I am only body refinement stage three… and those lightning wolves are hard to deal with even for someone in the qi gathering stage." Tang Yu asked her expressions as filled with worry.

"It will be fine. Does the immortal plane really have the same kind of demonic beasts as the mortal plane?" Mei asked. 

"There is not much difference between there and here except the spiritual qi is much denser and it is a lot more dangerous. This was one of the reasons I was brought along to train in the mortal realm. Although my advancement would be slower this place is much safer. Most of the larger clans will send their younger generation to the mortal plane in order to allow them to get life experience until they hit the core formation realm. Then they can enter a sect up in the immortal plane." Tang Yu explained.

"Then I guess the two of us have a long way to go. But Yu"er, you need to make sure you are cultivating at night instead of sleeping. I can hear you snoring from my immortal cave." Mei teased.

"I do not snore!" Tang Yu puffed out her cheeks and lightly punched Mei"s shoulder. 

The two laughed and talked as they made their way to where they could find lightning wolves. The land in front of them is a low lying plain at the foot of the mountain. Their destination lay ahead at the tree line a distance away. The travel time it would take to get there would be a while since they were traveling on foot. Fields of white and purple flowers spread out before their eyes. Making the view quite pleasant as they walked. 

Mei had no idea that she was being tailed by three groups of people. First was the five immortals that Tang Gaunting a.s.signed to Mei and Tang Yu. The second group was the two disciples that Xie Wen had watched over Mei and lastly, there was Xie Zemin and a group of ten disciples taking a different route to get to where Mei was heading first. 

"Senior sister, that Mei girl is very ruthless doing this to your face in a sneak attack." A young man said as he was running. 

"I have no idea what I even did… I only spoke to her once to congratulate her on her t.i.tle and she ruthlessly attacked me. She even used a demonic technique on my brother making him only think of her. I have no doubts that she is a devil cultivator who is using devil techniques to charm and seduce all the men in the sect!" Xie Zemin was spouting whatever nonsense that came to mind. Not caring for how ridiculous it sounded.

"Don"t worry senior sister we will make that little b.i.t.c.h pay for what she has done. Since she likes to seduce men so much, why don"t we make sure she gets all the men she wants." Xie Zemin heard her junior brother Zhu Lim"s words and smiled sinisterly on the inside. "Just you wait little b.i.t.c.h. For making my brother hit me, I will make sure you wish you were dead. Not only will your body be tainted but it will also be left for food for the demonic beasts!"

Xie Zemin"s hatred for Mei had reached its max. Xie Zemin wanted Mei dead no matter what. Xie Zemin and her group quickly made their way around cutting through more dangerous areas to get to the forest before Mei did. 

Mei who was happily smiling and chatting away to Tang Yu had no idea she was running straight into a trap. She was about to learn just how brutal this new world actually was.


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