Tang Yu seeing these five guards only show up now, walked over, and started beating on them. "You only show up now!? Do you not realize that I was just molested by some sick sc.u.mbag!? If not for my Elder Sister being so awesome we would have suffered humiliation that would have caused us to need to take our own lives!"

Tang Yu"s little fist and feet continued hitting and kicking the five men. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she did. Mei stood at the side slightly amused by this scene but at the same time, she was checking her own prowess. She could feel the surge of the two types of power within her. She could also feel the spiritual qi in the air ten times better than before. She flipped her hand causing a small fireball to form within it. Seeing this Mei"s lips curled up into a smile.

Mei waved her hand, extinguis.h.i.+ng the fireball, and then looked at the five men kneeling on the ground. Her eyes narrowed as she spoke: "In the future, if you are here to protect us make sure you move if Yu"er gets captured like that again. Even if she doesn"t die she is still a young maiden. Having another put their hands on her like what had just happened now is not a good learning experience. Were you going to wait for her to be stripped and defiled before stepping in?" 

These five immortals felt wronged. They could not even enter the area because a barrier was placed around it! Not to mention the oppressive aura their young miss was giving out at the time! But they still lowered their heads and said: "We will do better next time!"

Mei only nodded before looking at the two young men who were s.h.i.+vering in fear. "And who are you two?"

The calmer of the two quickly spoke up. "I-I am Ding Guiying and he"s Meng Guo, we were sent to protect you by Xie Wen. He did not trust his sister to behave so he sent us to watch over you..." 

"I see… But I just killed his sister so I believe your jobs here are done. You may leave." Though she knew this might cause her more trouble later on by letting these two go, she also knew these two had not caused them any harm. She would not kill two innocents just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

That did not mean everyone agreed with her leniency though. As one of the five immortals quickly spoke up. "Young Miss Mei, if you let them go like this it might cause more issues than good. It would be best to just get rid of all witnesses."

Mei"s brow furrowed when she heard this and glared at the immortal who just spoke. "Then should I get rid of the five of you as well? Should I kill Yu"er and myself as well? These two, although connected to someone who might become my enemy, are innocent and do not deserve to die. They were also sent to protect the two of us. Although they were not able to do anything it is still the thought that counts and I am not one to condemn innocents just because of what the future might bring." 

The immortal that spoke quickly lowered his head after being rebuked by Mei. His train of thought was common in this world. There was a saying, "pluck the weeds before they grew", which meant to get rid of any unnecessary problems before they grew to become one. But Mei did not care about such things. She had her own set of morals and she would follow them or else she would cease to be her. 

Seeing how Mei was letting them go, Meng Guo and Ding Quiying both bowed deeply, saying: "We will never forget this grace." Before quickly leaving the area. 

Mei looked at the five immortals and sighed. "You five can go do what you were doing. But next time please act quickly if this happens again."

The five immortals bowed and apologized once again before flying off and going into hiding like before. Mei let out another sigh before looking at Tang Yu. "Yu"er do you want to cancel the mission or do you want to continue?"

"We are already out here and it would be bad to fail our first mission so let"s continue." Tang Yu answered.

Mei nodded and continued walking forward before stopping for a moment. She pulled out a rock looking object and injected some Magicules into it. She felt a slight resonance with the object causing her to smile. Although she wanted to enter her s.p.a.ce right away to see both Frey and Loeri she still held off and put it back into her robes. She would finish the task at hand first and then she would bring Tang Yu to meet her daughter and friend. 

Night had already taken over when they arrived at the area where they could find lightning wolves. The two girls" luck was pretty good because they were able to find a pack of five lightning wolves right away. Mei quickly dispatched them and collected all the materials that were good from their bodies making sure to also collect their cores.

"Well that is that we should head back in the morning," Mei said as she finished up dismantling the last Lightning wolf. 

"Then I will set up camp." Tang Yu said and reached for the pouch at her waist only to have Mei grab her hand. The world around her quickly changed and she found herself in a green meadow that stretched out far into the distance. Not too far away sat a small multi story cottage. But what startled her the most was the sound that was getting closer and closer at a high speed.



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