The beautiful woman"s eyes gazed up at Tang Ming, his handsome face reflecting back into her eyes. If anyone were to see the two of them now, they would think the two were just a young nineteen to twenty year old couple cuddling together on the couch. "She is the genius among geniuses! Is what he said." 

"That"s good. Let"s hope things stay that way…." The beautiful woman had a worried look on her face not sure of what she should do.

"An"er, I know how you feel and I also came to a decision. Although we promised we would stay away from the higher planes it does not go against our promise if we visit the lower planes. Although this world is nice it is time for us to move on. " Tang Ming kissed the top of the beautiful woman"s head.

"Yes but we committed a taboo. Our two races are not to breed an offspring. After we were kicked out from our clans because we refused to listen to the elders we ran to this world. That was a thousand years ago" Now my clan is willing to take Akari in, but that is only because they know she is of your bloodline as well as mine. Cultivators and Clesitals are not allowed to give birth to a child, it is a rule pa.s.sed down since ancient times. If those higher up find out about her they will do everything in their power to kill her." The beautiful woman"s voice quivered at this thought. She already had to kill her daughter once. She could not handle it if she was killed and had her soul destroyed by someone else just because she had decided to give birth to her. 

"Yes but I think it is time for Akari to know the truth about us and I believe it is only fair to tell her face to face, not through a projection. I am also sure she has many questions to ask us as well. Like, what are real names are? What, we, her parents really look like? And the fact that we gave her two names… Higuchi Akari to fit in with this world and her true name (Tang Ai). So Tang An, An"er, I think we should risk it. Before things get so far out of hand that we will not even be able to help her any longer." Tang Ming said seriously. 

Tang An frowned but slowly nodded her head before leaning her head back into Tang Ming"s chest and closing her eyes. She wondered if her daughter would hate her for lying to her from the first day she was born. But no matter what even if it meant losing her life she would protect her daughter no matter what. 


A few weeks pa.s.sed and Mei sat in her s.p.a.ce and cultivated Magicules. She had found that by taking in magicules that it would also increase her spiritual qi and vice versa. This allowed her to continue to train while she watched over Frey. She was still in the first stage of qi gathering but she was not complaining. She already jumped six stages already in an instant so needing to consolidate her cultivation was something Bai Hong and told her to do for the next month. 

He had told her it was not a good thing to jump so many stages like that since it could cause adverse effects to her cultivation later on. So this entire time Mei had not been trying to raise her cultivation but consolidate it. But because of her dual systems, it seemed to be a bit tougher than she had thought. The process had been very slow. 

Loeri and Nomi would also come and lounge about in Mei"s room, sometimes even sleeping on the floor. They knew Mei was trying to get stronger so she could search for a way home. But there was no telling how long that would take and the path of cultivation was different from the path celestial"s take. But they still wished to be by her side to keep her company as she worked hard for their sakes.

Mei would only exit the s.p.a.ce every few days to check on Tang Yu and report to Bai Hong. This went on for more than a month and a half when Mei who was sitting cross legged cultivating finally heard a cracking sound coming from the glowing ball that was always perched on her lap. 

Mei opened her eyes in excitement as she looked down at the golden ball that was beginning to crack open. A small slender white hand suddenly poked through the small opening in the ball of light"s sh.e.l.l. It grabbed and ripped the sh.e.l.l of the ball of light and pulled pieces of it inside. Mei could hear the sounds of chewing as the hole became bigger and bigger until a small figure finally appeared. 

Mei looked at the little fairy who did not seem to have changed much except her being slightly taller. Mei"s eyes began to well up with tears as she remembered what had happened during that time. She smiled warmly at the little fairy as she said. "Welcome back Frey, Mother has missed you..."

The little fairy stood up and looked up at Mei with her beady little eyes and smiled brightly but soon her lower lip quivered as she began to cry said: "I"m sorry, Mother! Frey must have scared Mother! Frey knew that eating those magicules might cause harm to Frey, but Frey also knew that if she was able to control the power then she would be able to get stronger and be more helpful to Mother..." 

Mei patted the Frey on the head and gently wiped her tears as she said: "Frey, Mother only cares that you are okay. Because I love you very much. But please next time let Mother know first so I can be prepared..."


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