Mei looked at Bai Hong like he had three heads. She knew he wanted to start Frey on her path of cultivation but Mei could remember how painful opening her meridians was. "Not happening! So do not even think about it!" 

"Mei"er think about her future! What if she is alone and needs to fight off an enemy? Although Fairies will always be small she can still use her speed and size to take out larger opponents. If she was ever in a life or death situation having strength would be a good thing. Do you plan to protect her for the rest of her life?" Bai Hong tried to reason with Mei. 

"Yes, I will! Frey"s only job is to be cute and be a good girl. Why does she need to fight? I do enough fighting for the both of us! Plus I have seen Frey fight. She fights pretty well!" Mei answered stubbornly. 

"My Disciple, you are missing the point! Let"s ask your little girl first. Frey do you want to grow up strong like your mother and help her out in the future?" Bai Hong quickly used the "help your mother" tactic.

"Yes! Frey wants to grow strong and help mother beat up the bad guys with a... Wham! Bam! Whoos.h.!.+" Frey said while punching her little fist out. 

"See your little girl wants to get strong as well!" Bai Hong said while sticking his tongue out at Mei.

"Master Bai that is not fair!" Mei finally felt defeated, she did not think her master would be so childish and sly! 

Holding her head with her hand, she thought about whether she should allow it or not. not being able to decide, she decided to ask one more question. "Is it possible to make the process of opening her meridians painless?" 

"With her body size, I should be able to do it so that she will feel no pain. If she does then it would be so little that it would be like someone pinching her." Bai Hong said as he nodded his head.

"Alright if it"s like that then..."

"No! No! Pinching hurts!" Frey suddenly yelled out while swiftly flying away from Bai Hong. She took up her normal hiding spot in Mei"s hair. 

Frey"s reaction made Mei laugh but the more Mei thought about it the more it did make sense to let Frey cultivate. There was always that what if. There could always be a time that she was not there to protect Frey. Mei let out a sigh as she patted Frey"s head. "Frey it will be fine. As long as it"s only the sensation of being pinched then it"s better than the pain I had to go through. Plus even though I hate to say it. Cultivating will do you good as well."

Frey"s shoulders slumped, she slowly flew over to Bai Hong before pointing her finger at him saying: "If it hurts I get to punch you in the eye!" 

Bai Hong let out a laugh not caring about what Frey said. He figured a punch from her would be like getting bit by a mosquito. Mei didn"t feel like warning Bai Hong that Frey"s punches could be lethal and a certain little dragon who was inside Mei"s s.p.a.ce lounging out on a bed reading a book suddenly felt a chill run down her spine. 

Mei watched as Bai Hong did as he said he would and went to work opening Frey"s meridians. To her surprise, the whole process was very quick and painless. Frey did not make a sound or knit her brows even once. When the whole process was done Frey began to pout mumbling something about not getting to punch anyone. 

Very quickly Frey learned how to cultivate. Bai Hong said no one was able to enter his mountain peak unless they were allowed in by either him or her. So Frey could freely roam the mountain peak freely by herself. She was told to never cross the cloud bank by herself. Which Frey agreed to readily. To her, the mountain peak was like a whole new world. It was very large and with her current speed, it would take her almost two whole days to fly around the whole thing and that is if she did not stop to check anything out. 

Frey spent her time checking out the mountain peak while getting some, one on one training from Bai Hong. Mei kept finding Bai Hong more and more mysterious as time went on. He had a cultivation method that was perfect for fairies. Although she was curious she did not ask him about anything personal. She figured it was best to not dive into others" past that they might not want to talk about. 

A few days pa.s.sed and Mei decided it was time to take on another mission. She was no longer afraid of anyone attacking her under the Core Condesning Realm. Which none of the core disciples even came close to yet. This time though she decided to go alone just in case. She did not want to get Tang Yu or Frey caught up in any fights because of people seeking revenge for the cultivators she killed. Bia Hong had said that, with her status as the Divine Phoenix, if she killed sect members who attacked her first outside of the battle stage then there were no repercussions. But they must be the first to attack her. Otherwise, she could in trouble.

As she left the mountain peak to head to the mission hall she paused her steps as she entered the inner sect portion of the mountain. Sure enough, the person she had expected to be waiting for her was truly there waiting, Xie Wen. His eyes were ice cold as he stared at Mei. The two people who had been there that day to protect her were also with him. Mei let out a sigh and walked towards him calm and collected. Step by step she walked straight up to Xie Wen and asked: "Senior Brother Wen, can I help you with something?"


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