As the two watched the smaller magic circles within the larger magic circle light up they patiently waited until finally, a bright light flashed and the whole magic circle was completely glowing. "Now!" Alicia yelled as she began pouring her Magic power into the circle. Not even a half a second after Blake did the same. The magic circle began to glow even brighter as many magic circles appeared above it spreading out in the same formation as the magic circles were around the capital. A visible thin glowing line of magicules slowly grew longer from each magic circle, heading towards the adjacent magic circle. 

"Faster we need to speed up the process!" Alicia yelled out again as she started to increase the amount of magic power she was releasing. Her golden hair fluttered in the air and her eyes slowly began to turn black. Her magic power"s strength grew rapidly and the sheer quant.i.ty rose almost one hundred times what she had before. 

"Almost there!" Blake gritted his teeth as he poured more magic power into the magic circle. After almost a grueling twenty minutes both Blake and Alicia were dripping in sweat, but they had a big smile on their faces as the magic circles finally connected. A loud rumbling sound was heard as the ground beneath them began to shake. 

"The hard part is over, now we just need to keep a steady flow of magic going into the magic circle in order to speed up the ascent of the capital." Alicia said as she eased up her magic power flow. Blake did the same. He released his G.o.d form to allow him a bit of a rest. It was his first time using so much magic power while in his G.o.d form making him a bit exhausted. 

As the two were speeding up the rise of the capital, outside the capital the lands around it were suffering from a violent earthquake. Large spider webbed cracks spread out in all directions away from the capital. Woodrow and Amier both looked at each other and quickly called out to halt the advance.

"What the h.e.l.l is going on!?" Woodrow yelled out as he tried to calm his dragonic horse. 

"I am feeling a large surge of magic power…." Amier went into deep thought before something came to mind. "It can"t be!" 

"What!? What can"t be!?" The shaking was getting worse causing the dragonic horses to really begin to freak out. Woodrow was doing all he could to keep his dragonic horse under control.

"If, I am not wrong with all the signs here plus the amount of magic coming towards us. They have implemented a countermeasure that will leave us helpless!" Amier finally understood what was happening. It was something they could not stop nor would they be able to do anything about. 

"Stop keeping it to yourself and tell me!" Woodrow glared at Amier who was next to him not saying a word.

"They are lifting the capital into the sky! It is already known that they had such ability since their castle uses the same magic. But to lift the entire capital itself would be a huge feat! It would take more than a hundred people from the G.o.ds race! And there is no G.o.ds race that would help do such a thing." Now, only if Amier knew that it was actually only two people who made such a feat possible. He would probably die of shock.

"What are we supposed to do then? It"s not like we can fly! And with this d.a.m.n shaking, we will never reach the capital in time before it rises." Woodrow complained.

"Even without the shaking, we would not make it in time. We have really been outsmarted this time. We should not have destroyed the barrier. By doing so we allowed the person who created it to know we were here and if I am not wrong the one who created it had a high status in Alastine for things to move as quickly as they did. They did not even send out anyone to investigate after the barrier was destroyed." Amier could only let out a sigh.

"Then let"s back up a bit so we do not get caught up in the destruction..." Woodrow was interrupted when a cry from his men sounded out. They were all looked out over the horizon only to see a large landma.s.s slowly rising into the sky. The landma.s.s was so large that even though they were a few days away from it by foot they could still clearly see it. 

On the 5th day of the fifth month, in the year 1227834, in the defense of the oncoming invasion, the capital of Alastine rose into the sky, becoming the first ever floating capital in all of Phantasia and marked the beginning of the retaliation against the countries who had invaded. 

The capital rose high into the sky until it was ten kilometers above ground. Any spells or weapons used against it while it was at such a height would have their power drastically reduced. A large multi layered magic barrier covered the entire underside of the capital. Below it was a large dark pit that one could not see the bottom to.

Back inside the castle, Alicia and Blake were sitting on the floor back to back. Both exhausted from using too much magic power. Alicia leaned the back of her head on to Blake"s back with her legs were sprawled out in front of her. "Blake we did it!"

"That we did. The capital is safe for now but how long will this stay floating in the air?" Blake asked.

"Indefinitely, the magic circle was made to draw in the magicules in the air to sustain itself. As long as it is never destroyed this capital will always float in the skies of Alastine." Alicia explained.

"That"s good to know, but now what is our next move?" 

"We now reclaim what belongs to us and save Royal Father!"


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