Empress Tehlarissa"s face turned red with anger, she raised her hand and waved it in the air causing a streak of lighting to strike towards Alicia. Alicia felt the Magicules in the air and suddenly felt something was wrong and quickly grabbed Blake"s hand and dashed backwards while at the same time casting a barrier around the both of them. the area in front of them suddenly exploded causing a wide crater to appear on the floor.

"Oh? It didn"t hit." Empress Tehlarissa said with a smile on her face. "Did you think that I was weak? Hahaha! You see Vulre had done many experiments on me when I was young, I being the lowliest and weakest of the elves. In all of the Elven kingdom, you would not find anyone as weak as I! I was what was called a no star magician. But now look! I have almost two hundred Magi Points! Do you think we need help from Mytheth Lenora? Do you think just because you made a bunch of ants surrender you could do the same here? 

" Do you not find it strange that I, an elf Princess who was stronger than any of the other elves, married a man from another country when I am this powerful? Would they not try to keep me locked away and use me to expand the territory of the elves. I will say that they did! But I would not comply. " Empress Tehlarissa let out a laugh and then began casting a barrage of bolts of lightning at Alicia and Blake.

"You are not the only one to be underestimated!" Alicia yelled out, she waved her hand and hundreds of fireb.a.l.l.s appeared before her before shooting towards Empress Tehlarissa and at her feet, the ground began to shake and rise sending her off balance.

All these actions happened so fast that Empress Tehlarissa had no time to dodge and could only place a s.h.i.+eld on herself. The area around Empress Tehlarissa and Emperor Caspian was completely destroyed after the dust had settled.

Alicia clicked her tongue seeing how strong Empress Tehlarissa"s barrier was. "Blake get out of here quick! I won"t be able to fight her like this, I will need to go all out." Blake nodded and flashed out of the hall. He knew at this time he was not going to be able to help. But he did not go far, he concealed himself and watched from the sidelines. He figured this would be good training for Alicia who did not go up against many magic users and if somewhere were to happen he could easily make it to Alicia to save her.

Although Alicia had very strong magic, she still had little experience when fighting other strong magic users. Empress Tehlarissa was not only strong, but her use of magic was also very good, her control over her magic was ten times better than Alicia"s. She was able to direct most of her barriers strength into a single point as Alicia"s fireb.a.l.l.s collided wit hit, this was also the same for her lightning attacks it was almost as if it was a piercing move ever time it hit Alicia"s barrier making a small crack in it.

Alicia took out her sword intending to try close combat but Empress Tehlarissa"s bombardment only intensified, causing Alicia to jump back out of the way. She waved her hand and sent another barrage of fireb.a.l.l.s at Empress Tehlarissa while running up behind them. Sword in hand she wrapped a barrier around her hand and the hilt of her sword so she could also use her sword to cut down some of Empress Tehlarissa"s lightning bolt attacks without being shocked.

Sparks and flames flew through the air causing Emperor Caspins prized Imperial Palace the symbol of the empire began to crumble under the fierce battle between Empress Tehlarissa and Alicia.

"Haha! Who would have thought that a backwater kingdom would have such a talent? At least give me your name, before I start to get serious!" Empress Tehlarissa laughed and yelled. She had never thought she would meet such an opponent such as this in her lifetime. 

"Alicia Von Alastine, Third Princess of the Alastine Kingdom. The one who will annex the Empire and bring it under Alastine rule!" Alicia answered while waving her sword to strike down another lightning bolt. 

Alicia was finding this fight very fun. Although she could easily lose her life, she was finding new ways to incorporate her magic into her swordplay allowing for easier and more decisive attacks. For her she found this to be good training. When this thought came to mind, Alicia"s face went black. "Why am I thinking like that stupid father of mine!" 

Grumbling to herself, Alicia waved her hand causing thousands of meteors to appear in the sky falling down towards Empress Tehlarissa. Empress Tehlarissa"s brow furrowed. It was the first time since the start of the fight that she felt that the little girl was more of a threat than she had let on. 

Not wanting to be outdone, Empress Tehlarissa waved her hand and also sent a barrage of meteors down from the sky. Loud booming sounds rang out across the empire as the Imperial Palace was completely leveled to the ground. Causing Emperor Caspian to shed tears. He had spent decades working on the Palace adding a little bit here and there every year. Now all of it was gone, destroyed all because of this little girl! 

"Tehlarissa, kill that little b.i.t.c.h! She destroyed my Palace!" Emperor Caspian roared out only to get a smile and a slight nod from Empress Tehlarissa. She was too busy to answer him since she was having a hard time keeping up with Alicia"s attacks now.

Alicia"s decided it was time to end this, her body disappeared from Empress Tehlarissa"s view causing her to stop her actions and look around. It was only when she felt a cold s.h.i.+ver run down her spine that she finally realized that Alicia had teleported behind her. But it was too late, Alicia"s sword stabbed through her back piercing her heart.

Alicia withdrew her sword and said: "It"s funny. The old monster died in the same manner. I guess elves have no defense when people appear behind them." Her sword swung one more time, causing Empress Tehlarissa head to fall... 


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