Han Xiulan wasted no time, as soon as the battle started she stomped the ground and her body disappeared. Mei was given a start and instinctively turned around and held her sword vertical blocking the attack. But she was not able to stay stationary and was blown back by Han Xiulan"s attack. For the first time since she entered this world, she felt a surge of power invade her body wreaking havoc inside. She was not able to keep down the fishy taste in her mouth as she coughed up a mouth full of blood. 

Mei hit the ground and rolled a few times before stabbing her sword into the ground. She looked up at Han Xiulan not with fear in her eyes but antic.i.p.ation. Although it was not the normal way a knight would fight she was still excited by this fight since it will allow her to hone her skills. For the first time in a long time, Mei knew she had to put herself into a trance. "Kill them before they kill me… Kill them before they kill me…. Kill them before they kill me!" 

Mei repeated these words that she had not used in a long time. These words alone were like a hypnotic suggestion to Mei. It allowed her to fight on without fear. She stood up and wiped the blood from her mouth. Her gaze showed nothing but deep concentration. She took a deep breath and calmed her nerves. She slowly closed her eyes, she pictured her fighting technique in her mind. The second layer of Thousand Piercing Lotus Blossom. The images of a woman gliding through battle appeared in Mie"s mind. Her every step was graceful but at the same time still held great power. Able to dodge each attack as if she had already known it was coming. 

Han Xiulan was going to follow up on her attack but stopped when she saw Mei close her eyes. She took her sword and stabbed it into the ground and sat down. She had no intention of disturbing Mei right now. Not when she was in the middle of having a breakthrough. Sect Master Li looked at the two girls but did not say a word. He was curious as to what kind of breakthrough Mei was having. 

But those down below seemed to be dissatisfied. "Hey, why did they stop fighting!?" 

"I don"t know but she just closed her eyes in the middle of the fight while Han Xiulan sat down."

"She"s having a breakthrough!" 

"She"s having a breakthrough in the middle of a fight!? Is she crazy!?"

Mei had already tuned out the entire world around her. She was lost in thought as she continued to watch the images inside her head. She watched as the woman would disappear from sight one second to reappear the next in the same spot just to dodge an incoming attack. "Such gentle movements as if she was a leaf in the wind… wind… She"s using the law of wind! She was not using the wind, she had become the wind itself. That is how she is able to disappear into thin air and reappear as if it was nothing!" Mei felt like she had come to understand more about the nature of wind. As she fell into a state of enlightenment.

The second layer of the Thousand Piercing Lotus Blossom was a heavenly movement technique! Almost an hour later Mei slowly opened her eyes, at the same time so did Han Xiulan. Han Xiulan smiled and said: "Ready?" 

"Mhm… I thank you for allowing me some time." Mei said with a smile.

 "Good! Let"s see what kind of breakthrough you had!" Han Xiulan disappeared from where she stood once again, but this time Mei did not react like before. Han Xiulan appeared behind her and was swinging her sword. Sec Master Li and Bia Hong both were about to jump up and stop the fight when Mei suddenly disappeared right as the sword was about to make contact with her robes. Han Xiulan sword sliced through air. 

"That won"t work anymore." Mei"s whispered voice floated into Han Xiulan"s ear, giving her a sudden chill as she quickly dodged forward, tucking her body in on itself and rolling away.

Han Xiulan turned her head to see Mei standing there with her sword piercing the ground where she once stood. The thought that if she had not moved in time she would have been pierced through the head sent a s.h.i.+ver down Han Xiulan"s spine. But she had no time to think about how Mei did these actions because Mei once again disappeared from her sight. Han Xiulan quickly rolled away once again. She did not care how much of a sorry state she was in. All she knew was that if she did not move she would be pierced through with no way of defending!

Mei"s movements used no spiritual qi so Han Xiulan could not track them. At Mei"s current cultivation she couldn"t use spiritual qi anyways! Han Xiulan had never encountered such a situation before. All she could do was continuously roll around on stage. Offstage, Bai Hong was staring in shock. He knew what this technique was and it should have been impossible for Mei to learn such a technique at her cultivation level! Sect Master Li was even stunned by what was going on in front of him. Only those who understood the dao would be able to detect Mei"s movements right now.

"Becoming the wind. This girl actually became the wind!" Such a high level of understanding was beyond his own comprehension! Sect master Li couldn"t help but shout out happily. Such a genius was part of his sect!

Up in the sky, an old man sat in the air looking down at the little girl on stage. He could see her every movement as if it was clear as day. "To think she had the same mindset him..."

"Elder Guanting?" A young girl looked down on stage, her eyes open wide with shock. 

"That is your cousin, Great Elder Ming"s daughter. She is only at the fourth rank of body refinement and yet is able to harness the law of wind. Her understanding of the dao runs deep in her veins just like her father. Mmm… It"s decided, you will stay here with your older cousin. You might be able to learn from her. Five mid ranked immortals will stay here to protect the two of you. Do not let anything happen to your cousin or we might just see the end of the Tang family." 


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