Philip Massinger

Chapter 20

(Here the first foot is a trochee. _Cf._ _infra_, Nos. 6, 8, 20, 21, 36, 43, 48.)

3. _The Bondman_, I., 1, 65:

Of strnge and resrved prts; but a grat^sldier.

4. _The Bondman_, II., 1, 143:

Which sllied wth the tuch of impre^hnds.

5. _The Bondman_, III., 3, 89:

Were ths sad spctacl for secre^gratness.

6. _The Bondman_, IV., 3, 192:

Mde for your stisfction, the por^wrtch.

7. _The Bondman_, V., 2, 20:

All ngines t a.s.sult him. Inded^vrtue.

8. _The Renegado_, I., 1, 81:

n a relgious schol, where divne^mxims.

9. _The Renegado_, I., 3, 152:

Have clled your nger n, in a frwn^shw it.

10. _The Renegado_, II., 4, 58:

Displasures aganst^thse, withut whose mrcy.

11. _The Renegado_, III., 2, 36:

I er had reful firceness, a steld^hart.

12. _The Renegado_, IV., 3, 79:

Forske a sevre,^ny, imprious mstress.

13. _The Renegado_, V., 1, 7:

That wll for ver rm me aganst^fars.

14. _The Great Duke of Florence_, I., 1, 127:

And f my grcious ncle, the grat^dke.

15. _The Great Duke of Florence_, I., 2, 29:

To thnk her wrthy of yu, besdes^chldren.

16. _The Great Duke of Florence_, II., 1, 133:

And mke a plin discvery. The dkes^cre.

17. _The Great Duke of Florence_, II., 3, 66:

The swetness f her brath. Such a brve^stture.

18. _The Great Duke of Florence_, III., 1, 66:

On wht desgn, or whther, the dkes^wll.

19. _The Great Duke of Florence_, IV., 1, 102:

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