Philip Massinger

Chapter 40

DOWNES: Roscius Anglica.n.u.s.

EDINBURGH REVIEW, No. 23, 1808. (Review of Giffords edition.)

F. G. FLEAY: Biographical Chronicle of the English Drama.

" Chronicle History of the London Stage, 1559-1642.

F. G. FLEAY: Chronicle History of W. Shakespeare.

" New Shakespeare Society Transactions, 1874, vol. i., No. 2: On Metrical Tests as applied to Dramatic Poetry (Fletcher, Beaumont, Ma.s.singer.)

" Shakespeare Manual.

GARDINER: The Political Element in Ma.s.singer. (Contemporary Review, August, 1876): reprinted in New Shakespeare Society Transactions, 1875, No. xi., pp. 314-332. (_Cf._ also History of England, 1884, vol. vii., pp.

327 and 337)

GARNETT AND GOSSE: English Literature: an Ill.u.s.trated Record. Heinemann.

GAYLEY AND BRANDER MATTHEWS: Representative English Comedies, vol. iii.

New York, 1914.

W. GIFFORD: 1805. Second edition, 1813.

W. W. GREG: Henslowes Diary, vol. ii., pp. 165, 171, 224. 1904-08.

" Henslowe Papers, pp. 66, 70, 74, 85. 1907.

" List of English Plays written before 1643 and printed before 1700.

Bibliographical Society, 1900.

HALLAM: Literature of Europe, part iii., chap. vi.

HAZLITT: Lectures on Elizabethan Literature, pp. 131-136.

E. KOEPPEL: Cambridge History of English Literature, vol. vi., chap, vi.: Ma.s.singer.

" Quellen Studien zu den Dramen George Chapmans, Philip Ma.s.singers, und John Fords.

C. LAMB: Specimens of English Dramatic Poets.(590)

G. C. MACAULAY: Cambridge History of English Literature, vol. vi., chap.

v.: Beaumont and Fletcher.

J. MONCK MASON: Dramatic Works, 1779.

E. H. C. OLIPHANT: Englische Studien, xiv., xv., xvi.

" Modern Language Review, iii., 337-355; iv., 190-199, 342-351.

" Problems of Authorship in the Elizabethan Drama. Chicago, 1911.

J. PHELAN: Dissertation (Halle), 1878. This careful performance contains information about Ma.s.singers family. (_Cf._, however, Furnivalls Protest in Anglia, ii., p. 504.)

J. M. ROBERTSON: The Baconian Heresy, chap. iii.

G. SAINTSBURY: Cambridge History of English Literature, vol. v., chap, viii.: Shakespeare.

SCh.e.l.lING: Elizabethan Drama, 1908.

SHAKESPEARES ENGLAND: Oxford University Press, 1916.

L. STEPHEN: Hours in a Library, vol. ii.

A. C. SWINBURNE: Contemporaries of Shakespeare (Gosse and Wise).

" Fortnightly Review, July, 1889.

" Letters (Gosse and Wise), Nos. lxii. and lxxiii.

A. SYMONS: Mermaid Series, two volumes.

ASHLEY H. THORNDIKE: Tragedy. Constable, 1908.

L. WANN: Shakespeare Studies (University of Wisconsin), vii.: The Collaboration of Beaumont, Fletcher, and Ma.s.singer.

SIR A. W. WARD: Cambridge History of English Literature, vol. v., chap.


" History of English Dramatic Literature, especially vol. iii., pp. 1-47.

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