Philip Massinger

Chapter 26

I., 1, 129.C.: Wanting the outer gloss.

MS.: Wanting the outward gloss.

I., 1, 153.C.:

Bids me become a beggar. But complaints are weak And womanish. I will like a palm-tree grow Under my (own) huge weight.

MS.: Bids me become a beggar. But complaints Are weak and womanish. I will, like a palm-tree, Grow under my huge weight.

I., 1, 155.C.:

Nor shall the fear Of death or torture that dejection bring Make me (or) live or die less than a king!

MS. has: To make me live or die less than a king!_i.e._, that in 156 is the demonstrative, not the relative.

I., 2, 2.C.: Keeps us at such (a) distance.

MS.: Keeps us off at such distance.

I., 2, 20.C.: Sans doubt, hes bent on mischief.

MS.: Sans doubt hes bent to mischief.

I., 2, 24.C.:

He shall find I can Think, and aloud too.

MS.: Chant, and aloud too.

I., 2, 53.C.: T had perfected thy life.

MS.: It had.

I., 2, 66.C.: (to task). Not in MS. Traces of a word in the beginning of a line now lost at the foot of 66.

I., 2, 67.C.:

If arrogantly you presume to take The Roman government, your G.o.ddess cannot Give privilege to it, and youll find and feel Tis little less than treason, Flamen.

MS.: If arrogantly you presume to tax The Roman government, youll find and feel your G.o.ddess cannot Give privilege to it, and youll find and feel Tis little less than treason, Flamen.

Youll find and feel cancelled in line 68_i.e._, the author changed his mind as he wrote.

I., 2, 72.C.: These Asiatic merchants whom you look on.

MS.: These Asiatic merchants whom you look upon.

Merchants added afterwards above the line, and the first syllable of upon deleted.

I., 2, 90.C.: To it again.

MS.: To it again now.

I., 2, 139.C.: Yet you repine and rather choose to pay.

MS.: Yet you repined and rather chose to pay.

I., 2, 151.C.: And this is my last caution.

MS.: Since this is my last caution.

I., 2, 161.C.: (On) which.

MS.: Mutilated at beginning. On makes sense.

I., 2, 186.C.: His nose, his very lip.

MS.: His nose, his German lip. German scratched out, and underneath appears a word beginning with A, Asian or Austrian?(567) Very is written above German.

I., 2, 187.C.:

His very hand, leg and foot!

The moles upon His face and hands.

MS.: His own (?) hand, leg and foot, and the left side Shorter than on the right.

The moles upon His face and hands.

His own down to the right is cancelled in MS.

I., 2, 191.C:

1 M. To confirm us, tell us your chirurgeons name When he served you.

A. You all knew him as I Do you, Demetrius Castor.

2 M. Strange.

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