Philip Massinger

Chapter 37

" 182: gave warrant to her ailes added couns

" 183: hand heard

" 206: nor defence noe

" 295: ? at end ? deleted

" 319: of slaves our

II., 1, 71: famd fannd

" 87: vayle y deleted

" 144: loose both sent and th inserted after beauty loose, and c in sent

" 153: owe awe

II., 2, 16: manners; yet this morning for

" 57: cunning co?inge

" 62: ? added

III., 3, 99: too too large second too deleted

" 135: leave her off stand her of

" 165: during daring

III., 4, 29: Timandra Timag

" 51: cares feares

IV., 1, 21: still you

IV., 2, 128: when where

" 140: Pray you, leave mee added at end to complete the line

IV., 3, 145: tempter second t deleted

V., 3, 9: not be denide to inserted before be

" 38: howsoere the fortune thy

" 103: G.o.ds and fautors his

" 193: ) inserted after devices

" 245: Gra. inserted at beginning of line, (_i.e._, Graccho)

All these corrections are manifestly right, except possibly III., 3, 135 and IV., 1, 21. The addition in IV., 2, 140, though not especially appropriate to the situation, presents us with a type of line much favoured by Ma.s.singer.

_The Roman Actor_

I., 1, 6: stocke socc (_i.e._, sock)

" 25: parenthesis inserted after vice

" 37: gald l

" 44: The Catta and the Dacie Catti ... Daci

" 46: Jove hasten it ? added

" 49: we obey you full stop added

" 51: the sceane Scaene

" 79: is to eb(589) guilty bee

" 115: grieve greive (give is required by the sense)

I., 2: Enter Domitia and Parthenius with a letter added

I., 2, 33: for to be thankfull I woulde

" 44: his plea its

" 86: new workes that dare not Monarches. Pa: added, do (_i.e._, Parthenius)

" 88: Parth. Will you dispute Parth. deleted and ?


I., 3, 44: ( ) added

I., 3, 53-4: ( ) added

" 67: condemne condemnd

" 78: which with

" 78: redde (_i.e._, read) ) added

" 86: Cancillus Camillus

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