Phoenix Fight

Chapter 7 Golden Pig? Golden Princess!

Chapter 7 Golden Pig? Golden Princess!

Hearing that someone was selling children, albeit it was an obnoxious but adorable kid, Junzhi’s sense of justice was ignited, “what? Are you sure?”

Before the girl nodded, the leader of the group noticed them. It was too bad Junzhi sat in a prominent spot and the girl was dressed too fancy. She was a person and hard to hide. The leader yelled, “she’s over there!” Making Junzhi react fast. He grabbed the kid and started running, “don’t worry, I’ll protect you!”

The skills he learned from White Rock came in handy. Junzhi’s best skill was light-on-his-feet running. He used to sneak out of the Happy Life clan with Languo to play and always came back before their teacher noticed. He could run for thirty li and not take a break, so running with a kid was nothing to him. Before the leader could run toward them, he jumped out the second story window while holding the girl.

“Princess--” the leader yelled, sounding threatened. Was the Princess being kidnapped? He sent his underlings to chase after them, and a few people actually jumped out the window too, only ending up with broken legs and feet, just like the Prince. A few smarter ones, ignoring their leader’s frantic orders, ran down the stairs.

Junzhi held the girl and ran fast on the bustling streets of Song City, making the street vendors scatter.

“Kid, I heard them calling you something Prin...”

“Right, it’s Golden Pig, they want to fatten me up and sell me for money!”

“That’s horrible! Don’t worry, I’ll help you run away. You can be my younger sister now.” Junzhi’s sense of justice was exploding, as the calls for “Princess” did sound like “Pig.” He sighed, the world outside the Happy Life clan was really evil, the people were simply awful.

After running fast for a while, they have left behind the people chasing them. When they were by a lake outside of town, Junzhi put the girl on the ground, took a breath, and looked around, trying to decide where to go next.

“Where do you want to go?” There were three choices and Junzhi couldn’t decide, so he asked the girl.

The girl tilted her head. She had deep dimples, showing a sense of mischievousness. “You pick.”

Junzhi wasn’t stupid. He crouched down and asked her. “Your nice clothes mean you must be from a rich family. Why would they sell you? You don’t have a handle, so you’re not worth much. Are you a child bride?”

“Handle? Child bride?”

“Um, I can’t tell a kid these things.” Junzhi blushed and changed the subject. “Answer me, whose family are you from?”

“Handle? Child bride?” The kid was obsessed with these words and kept nagging.

Junzhi was stubborn as he shook his head. “If you don’t answer me, I won’t answer you either.”

The girl was smart and lied, playing up to Junzhi’s curiosity. “My dad is a duke, and my mom died when I was young. My dad remarried and got three concubines, and they were all mean to me. When my dad wasn’t home, they wanted to sell me to the deep mountains to be a child sacrifice for the river G.o.d!”

“What the...?! That’s horrific!” Junzhi learned the phrase “what the” from Languo. Then he was confused. “Why would there be a river deep in the mountains? What river G.o.d?”

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