Phoenix Fight

Chapter 43

“It’s nothing important. I just came to tell you I have prepared everything necessary for welcoming the fourth sister. Here’s the list. Please look it over. If you think something else is needed, I will send someone to prepare it,”Chu Yuanshi said, pa.s.sing a pile of papers to him. Chu Qingfeng started to frown without a glance at the papers. He said, “You’re fully in charge of it. I trust you.”

After hearing what he said, Chu Yuanshi felt aggrieved. She said, “I am fully in charge of it? After all, this is the formal wedding between you and the fourth sister. For you not to care, the fourth sister must be sad!”

At first, Bai Languo didn’t know who the fourth sister was. At this moment, she suddenly understood Chu Yuanshi was talking about his fourth wife. . . Then, she couldn’t help exclaiming, “Is it true? Feng, are you crazy? Just now, you told me you must not—”  

In order to prevent her from letting out the big secret, Chu Qingfeng hurried to pull her aside. He interrupted her, saying,“Hush! The polygynous system is very common in ancient times. You should know that! Moreover, this is the idea of the Chu Family’s elders, so I can’t disobey!”

“Oh . . . so you want to seize the chance and enjoy it?”

“I’d love to, but my life is more important than that. . . ” He sighed after finishing the sentence. His eyes moistened. He said sadly, “Didn’t you hear that Chu Sanshao had little in the way of s.e.xual desire after he recovered two years ago, and even that he became gay one year later?”


“I have three beautiful wives, but I can’t have s.e.x with them. Do you know how painful that is for me as a man? I can do nothing but avoid them. I have to kill time with some dudes every day. Gradually, disgusting gossip has emerged.”

“They know you have a problem with your s.e.xual orientation. Why are they still forcing you to follow the polygynous system? I heard just now that you are going to have a wedding with a fourth wife. Is that also the idea of elders of your family?”

Chu Qingfeng glanced angrily at her.“Do you think it is my idea? The real Chu Sanshao had no child for years. I want to have a child, but I don’t dare!”

After hearing his tongue twister, Bai Languo seemed to understand. She asked, “Why not defy them?”

He replied, “Of course, I defied them. I even cried and hanged myself! However, people of this era are unlike us. All family members need to partic.i.p.ate if someone is to get a wife, so sometimes, you even don’t know who’s the one getting a wife. It isn’t decided just by one person!”

“What are you going to do?”

“I have to marry her.”

“If you really do so, you will ruin her life!”

“She is willing to marry me!” Chu Qingfeng said, grinning proudly. He continued, “I am so handsome that many girls want to be my concubine. They are fascinated by me!”

Bai Languo pretended to vomit. Chu Qingfeng “hmph”ed and glanced coldly at her. Chu Yuanshi stood aside this whole time. She dared not to venture close to them until she heard the sound of vomiting. When she saw they were whispering before her, and misunderstood that Bai Languo’s nausea was due to pregnancy, she couldn’t take it anymore. She immediately questioned,“Darling, what are you whispering about with this girl?”  

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