Phoenix Fight

Chapter 45

My G.o.d!

She was puzzled. Could Prince Puyang sing the song of cla.s.smate Cai?!

Did he also come here through time travel?

While Bai Languo was in a state of surprise, b.u.t.terfly snorted. She said,“Do you think my father sang badly? Why do you have such a facial expression?”

“This . . . this is your father’s repertoire, right?” Bai Languo asked with fear.

However, b.u.t.terfly shook her head. She said,“This is another famous song from Chu Sanshao, after ‘Two Tigers.’ He even stood on the roof, singing this song all night long. Everyone in both palaces were disturbed by the noise. Three day later, we all could sing this song. . . Tiger, mouse, can’t distinguish like a fool. Mud, on your face, captured loser, small gamble, big gamble, don"t be afraid of suffering if you want to love, can’t see clear, sooner or later, you will smash. . . ”

b.u.t.terfly sang and danced!

Bai Languo nodded and said, “I see.” Then, she was going to leave, but she was stopped immediately by b.u.t.terfly.

Princess b.u.t.terfly asked,“Do you want to run away before my father finishes interrogating you?”

“Interrogating me?” Looking back at Prince Puyang Yue, she said, “Prince, I neither killed anyone nor set anyone on fire. I am a good and pure girl, so why do you want to interrogate me?”

“Where is your cla.s.smate, Mei?” Puyang Yue finally asked after singing a song.

“Ah? my cla.s.smate Mei. . . ” Bai Languo was puzzled. She answered, “He, he was in the room, wasn’t he?”

However, Puyang Yue’s face was sulky. He threw a letter to her. He said, “This letter was found by one of b.u.t.terfly’s servant girls this morning. His quilt had already cooled when the letter was found, so I suppose he left soon after I visited him last evening.”

“Left? Where did he go?” Bai Languo asked as she opened the letter. There was only one simple sentence in this letter. There was still no time and place. His letter said: Sister, I am so bored and lonely, so I’m going to rob the rich and a.s.sist the poor!

“d.a.m.n!” Bai Languo was very angry. “He ran away again!”

“Moreover, the house of landlord Yang was robbed last night. The thief had stolen a lot of things, but the thief was still not captured ‘til now,” Puyang Yue added casually.

Bai Languo was stunned. She asked, “What do you mean?”

Puyang Yue looked at her. He said, “I hope not, too.”

He said so, but he was clearly implying that Mei was the thief.

Bai Languo was angry at once. She argued, “Of course, it is impossible that he did that!”

“How can you prove it?” Puyang Yue asked.

“I . . . ” Bai Languo hesitated.

“You believe, only depending on your intuition, that he is not the thief. However . . . ”

“However, you have no evidence to prove it, except for this letter. Maybe, he only said it. Maybe, the house of landlord Yang was robbed by coincidence!” Bai Languo interrupted him.

Puyang Yue didn’t refute her. He threw her a cloth after she stopped arguing and said, “If I remember correctly, this cloth came from the clothes he wore yesterday. It was found on the red coral in landlord Yang’s house.”

Frowning, Bai Languo took the cloth. Even though she didn’t carefully check, she knew it truly belonged to Mei as soon as she touched it. (In fact, Mei was often s.e.xually hara.s.sed by her on a daily basis. Moreover, he had only had a small a.s.sortment of clothes. . .)

Stupid boy, why not change into nightclothes while stealing?! Bai Languo complained to Mei in her heart. Looking at this cloth in her hand, she almost cried.

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