Phoenix Fight

Chapter 6 Why Do Women Always Have to Compete with Women? (40)

Chapter 6 Why Do Women Always Have to Compete with Women? (40)

Chapter 6 Why Do Women Always Have to Compete with Women?

 “ think we’re fighting for these jobs with you?” Linshan seemed shocked as she retorted angrily. “There’s lots more people competing with us! As soon as the job was posted, tons of talent from allover have come here. I might not even get a chance! As for you, hah--”

Her laughter was obviously an insult.

Languo didn’t like her tone, “please, you think you’re some hot sh--”

As low as Languo’s voice was, Linshan still heard the mutterings. She turned and rolled her eyes at Languo, “how dare you challenge me? Where are you from anyway? Which clan did you come from?”

 “The Happy Life clan!” Languo’s teacher has told them he used to be the legendary White Rock, and his students should be respected wherever they went, which was why Languo’s answer was proudly delivered.

Indeed, now Linshan looked surprised and had even backed away a step, although it wasn’t because of their teacher’s reputation. “That... that ruthless killer Qing Yiheng is your--”

 “He’s our older cla.s.smate!” Junzhi piped up, pride oozing in his voice.

Languo didn’t care he stole her thunder, sometimes you let the weaker ones win. But before they were able to feel smug, Linshan snorted in disgust, “I really feel sad for the once legendary White Rock for just having one decent disciple, and one student who never shows up, supposedly he has autism? As for the other two students, one is as dumb as a rock, and one is too naive. I a.s.sume you’re the other two?”

 “You--” Junzhi was defeated before he could enjoy the moment, he looked angry enough to get physical, but was stopped by Languo. “Hey, don’t let the spinster get to you!”

Linshan was mad, “who you calling a spinster?”

Languo looked up in fake innocence, “I heard there was a spinster in Mt. Hua, who’s of advanced age but still likes to act young, too bad there’s no one interested! I feel awful for her, maybe she has hemorrhoids and no one wants her.”

 “You--” Linshan looked like she has finally met her foe, her finger pointed at Languo for a half a minute with no words coming out. Her face turned from red to white to green, and then black, the rapid change of colors making Languo chuckle.

As the two women were at an, a resigned and old voice sounded, “the martial arts compet.i.tion is starting momentarily, if you ladies are not competing, then please do not block the way, if you do want to compete, then--”

Before the prince’s housekeeper finished his announcement, the two women ran inside.

The housekeeper turned and saw Junzhi was still standing where he was.

 “Young knight, you’re not coming in?”

 “I just have a question before I go inside.”

“Go ahead.”

 “Is the b.u.t.terfly Princess pretty?”

 “...” The housekeeper was stunned at the question, but had to answer honestly, “our princess is an amazing beauty.”

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