Phoenix Fight

Chapter 9 I’m Just Here for the Show

Chapter 9 I’m Just Here for the Show

Even though she was not from this era and never practiced martial arts, Languo had a good physique thanks to all the antibiotics she’s had.

She didn’t have an extensive background, but, after two years of training from White Rock, where she’d get whipped if she ever lost focus, she learned to react fast. So what if she hasn’t learned any killer moves yet.

When the prince’s aide stuck his leg out, Languo, while still mesmerized by the beautiful man in front of her, could feel impending danger. Before his foot reached her beautiful face, she grabbed his ankle. She wasn’t terribly strong, but she acted fast, and used just the right amount of force, so the other person was totally not prepared to be thrown to the floor.

The roomful of women didn’t dare to laugh, since the man on the floor, Deputy Liao, was a top aide with the prince. Everyone took a deep breath; n.o.body could believe this young woman from the Happy Life clan was not only daring, but actually quite capable.

“What’s your name?” Even more incredible, the Prince spoke. He didn’t seem concerned one of his underlings had made a fool of himself, but he did want to ask Languo a question.

“Didn’t I just tell you?” Languo was amazed that the Prince seemed to have a memory problem.

People standing nearby couldn’t hold back their shock. Was this girl honest or acting? She should just tell the Prince her name, and not act so confused.

But the Prince looked patient. He smiled, “I didn’t pay attention earlier.” His voice was gentle, like the sound of heaven, and quite magnetic.

“Oh...” So he didn’t hear her. Languo wasn’t thrilled but she repeated her name. ”I’m Bai Languo from the Happy Life Clan.”

“What kind of martial arts do you know?” The prince continued to ask, with a subtle smile on his lips.

“Not much, just some random defense moves. It’s mostly because I didn’t pay attention when our teacher taught us, and I always goofed off when he told us to practice!”

Languo was a honest person for sure. The way she answered so directly and seriously, seemly relieved she was able to avoid studying, made everyone watching want to faint. Anyone who interviewed here was bragging about her ability and being number one. No one talked like her, she was obviously not here to protect the prince but to be eliminated.

However, the prince seemed to smile even more with this answer, as if he appreciated this young woman. He continued to ask, “well, do you think you qualify as my bodyguard?”

The question was so straight-forward that Languo needed to think. She bit her lips and waited a while before replying, which made the audience gasp even more. “Hmm, probably not very well. I think... I think you look quite healthy. You don’t like one of those weak-limbed rich boys, so I think you’re probably okay on your own. I’m just here for the show. It’s so hard for me to leave the mountain, you know, and I don’t  want my teacher to hit me again. How about if you just gave me this job? Otherwise I can’t go home and face my teacher.”

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